You know, in the world of Pokémon, there are many monster-level elves, and they have lived for a long time. At the same time, many of them have their own mission.

Either control the power of nature in the Pokémon world, or silently guard human beings, or control the existence of various strange abilities.

However, Chaomeng is different.

It is a combat weapon manufactured by mankind, and the strongest elf manufactured. The original reason it was made was that it wanted to use it to fight. Therefore, compared with other elves with various missions, it would feel quite confused and would seek its own meaning of existence.

Therefore, after Qin Ming captured it, it only offered a few conditions before it chose to accept Qin Ming's control.

Just as many thoughts flashed in Qin Ming's mind, Chaomeng's voice suddenly sounded: "Human, what exactly do you want to use to induce dreams?"

Qin Ming smiled at it, and then said: "Don't worry, I have my way."

"Next, as the strongest trainer, I want you to send out an invitation letter to invite some powerful trainers in Guandu area to come here to participate in the banquet."

"Why do you want to do this?" Chao Meng frowned.

"This is naturally to elicit dreams." Qin Ming replied.

Seeing Chaomeng's puzzled eyes, he said, "You don't need to doubt, you just have to believe, and I can help you attract dreams."

Chaomeng nodded silently.

Although he and Qin Ming have not known each other for a long time, it can be seen that Qin Ming is a person who wants to be reliable.

Being able to provide it with a potion that could enhance its strength had already fulfilled a condition between them and demonstrated Qin Ming's ability, so Chaomeng chose to believe it.


Next, there were dozens of elven trainers on the boundary around Xindao and all received a banquet invitation from the guy who claimed to be the strongest trainer from Xindao.

The one who sent the letter was a powerful fast dragon. The elves like the fast dragon were quite rare and quite powerful. Therefore, this invitation attracted the attention of many trainers, and they chose to come and head towards the nearest pier near New Island.

However, when they arrived at the dock, some accidents happened.(Read more @

There was a sudden storm in the originally calm sea area, and it was an unprecedented mega storm, and the ships in the port stopped moving. Therefore, in desperation, these invited trainers have used their own methods. They either rushed to the new island on the water elves, or rode the flying elves to the new island. Supernatural powers.

The police officer Miss Junsha wanted to stop them, but she didn't have any effect at all. She could only watch these trainers rush to the new island.


New island.

At the top of the old castle, in a house on the top floor, Qin Ming sat on a chair, watching the scenes manifested through the powerful thought power of super dreams, and could not help but smile slightly.

On the screen, it was the trainers who traveled to Xindao by means of various counties, who were falling into Qin Ming's trap step by step at this time.

This time, it was naturally planned by Qin Ming.

In the name of Chaomeng, through Kuailong, he sent out invitation letters to some strong trainers in Guandu area, inviting them to come to complete his plan.

However, it is worth mentioning that... after careful consideration, Qin Ming did not choose to ask Kuailong to invite Xiaozhi as in the original book.

Xiaozhi, after all, is the protagonist of the Pokémon world, and he actually carries some of the luck of the Pokémon world. Qin Ming felt that if he invited Xiaozhi over, he didn't know what accident would happen.

You know, in the original plot, Chaomeng was able to finally let go of his obsession and become a good elf, but he could not be separated from Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi’s behavior of giving up life but also protecting the elf, at the same time, super The dream was also deeply shocked.

If it weren't for a dream shot to save Xiaozhi, the protagonist of the Pokémon world would be gone.

But from the side, I can also see Xiaozhi's strength. He is already dead and can be rescued by Dream. The protagonist's luck is undoubtedly revealed.

Because of this, after hesitating for a while, Qin Ming still did not invite Xiaozhi like the original book, he was afraid that Xiaozhi's arrival would have some impact on his plan.

After all, Xiaozhi is the protagonist, and he is still a person who likes Pokémon very much. If Xiaozhi sees him fighting a fantasy and wants to capture it, he will definitely come out to stop him. Then he will find what kind of things, even Qin Ming. Not sure.

However, what he can be sure of is that there must be a high probability that some unexpected accidents will occur, even if the lineup in his current hand is a super dream of the beast level plus five powerful elves of the quasi-god level. But in the battle with fantasy, he will definitely encounter many accidents, which will make him fail to capture.

In order to save a little trouble, Qin Ming didn't invite Xiaozhi directly, but only invited some well-known trainers in Guandu area.

At this moment... he was waiting in the old castle, and Chaomeng was beside him, quietly waiting for their arrival, and at the same time... also waiting for the appearance of dreams.


On the sea, the storm has become more and more violent.

Dozens of trainers, riding elves towards the new island, can be selected as the target of the invitation, their own strength is not bad, so it is quite difficult for ordinary people to ride through the storm. Things, but for them, it is not a problem.

It took a while, and finally, a trainer who rode a eagle from the sky went to the new island. The first one came to the new island and came to the old castle.

In the sky, lightning and thunder gave this ancient castle a gloomy atmosphere.

Qin Ming saw the figure of this trainer through the influence of Chaomeng Nianli, smiled lightly, and said, "I'm going to welcome our guests."

With that, he turned his head and prepared to go downstairs.


Chaomeng's voice rang: "Does your plan really work? Can it really lead to dreams?" Chaomeng's tone revealed a trace of doubt.

"Of course." Qin Ming said to himself.

He said in his heart: "You know, this is how the original book evokes dreams. For a fairy like a dream, it can feel the existence of a super dream with the same gene as it. It can show up, the most The main willingness is a super dream!"

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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