Fantasy can be said to be one of the legendary elves in the Pokémon world.

And this time, the reason why Qin Ming spent so much time was to successfully capture this dream and complete his first step to control the world of Pokémon.

At this moment, the dream is floating in the sky, and the small body is moving quickly in the sky, like a fish in the water. Its gaze is looking at the body and the replica elves that are fighting underneath, and there is a look in the eyes. An anxious look.

Its gaze turned to Chaomeng, and a different voice came out, seeming to be communicating with Chaomeng.

"Do you want them to stop fighting?" Chaomeng's eyes barraged, and he shook his head slightly: "That's impossible."

"Even..." Chaomeng's eyes looked directly at Dreamy: "There will be a big battle between us!"

After all, Chaomeng is the main force in the battle against fantasy, so before they came to the new island, Qin Ming had already informed Chaomeng of his purpose, letting it know clearly that Qin Ming helped it attract dreams for the purpose Conquer.

After uttering this sentence, the super dream, who was originally standing on the ground, wearing a cloak and a mask, scattered all the clothes on his body, turning to ashes, and its body was exposed.

A faint light flashed on Chaomeng's body, and its entire body flew directly under the control of the invisible power of thought, and came to the same height as the dream.

Seeing this scene appeared, the trainers who were still awake were a little dumbfounded.

You know, after the dream came out, they were already quite shocked, and now they found that...the opponent they were fighting against, the guy who claimed to be the strongest trainer, turned out to be an elf.

All of a sudden, their worldview collapsed a bit!

What shocked them is still to come.

Seeing the super dream slowly rising to the sky and equal to the dream height, Qin Ming's mouth curled up with a smile, and his voice rang in the entire ancient castle hall.

"Fantasy, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Dreaming looked at Qin Ming, with a trace of doubt in her eyes.

You know, Qin Ming worked hard to restore everything according to the original work in order to bring out the dream. Now it seems that the result is not bad. He successfully attracted the dream to appear, and then... naturally it is to fight.

With a thought, Qin Ming had already thrown many Elf Balls in his hands.

"Try the preparations I made to catch you." Qin Ming's low voice sounded, and then the poke ball in his hand was suddenly thrown out.

Quick dragon!


Bite the land shark!

Giant golden monster!

Storm salamander.

Five huge elves appeared in front of Qin Ming in an instant.

Each of them exudes an astonishing aura, and they are exactly the five quasi-god-level elves that Qin Ming has mastered.(Read more @

On the side, the trainers watched this scene dumbfounded, completely unable to believe it.

"Quick Dragon, Benjra... how is it possible? These are five quasi-god elves!"

"How can someone catch so many quasi-god-level elves?"

"Moreover, each of them has been nurtured quite well, and their strength is amazing."

"Could it be... he is the strongest trainer in the world?"

Exclamations continued to be heard from the trainers, facing the five quasi-god elves released by Qin Ming in one fell swoop, every trainer was deeply shocked.

You know, the quasi-god-level elves are quite rare, and there are only so many quasi-god-level elves in the entire world.

But now, Qin Ming has released five of them alone, and they are all different. From their point of view, this is something they dare not imagine.

Not to mention, among the five quasi-god-level elves, there are elves that are not available in Guandu area.

Of course, these trainers would not understand the power of the system. They were directly exchanged for the elves in the initial period. After frantically exchanged, their strengths improved to their current levels.

As soon as the five quasi-god-level elves were released, their eyes fixed on the dream in mid-air. With their wisdom, it was naturally easy to find that their opponent was the dream.

If it is an ordinary little elves, I am afraid that they will hesitate a little. They are already dreamy, but they are known as the patron saint of the world, but these elves that Qin Ming exchanged from the system don't have this kind of pressure in their hearts.

After confirming the opponent, the giant golden monster increased in height, reaching the same height as Chaomeng Dream.

At the same time, the fast dragon and the storm salamander flapped their wings, brought a gust of wind and dust, and flew into the sky.

On the ground, Bangila and Liebite Land Shark staring at each other, their eyes fixed on Dreamy's body.

The war... is about to start!

In the sky, Mengmeng is still trying to communicate with Chaomeng, but Chaomeng's eyes are quite indifferent, and she ignores her voice.

Qin Ming's gaze was fixed on Dreamy's body, and his Wisdom Eye skill was activated.



Attribute: Super

Skills: Slap, Transformation, Mirror System, Megaton Boxing, Finger Swing, Mind Power, Illusion, Obstacle, Primal Power, Instant Amnesia, First to Win, Take Over, Wave Missile, Super Shield.

Qin Ming's eyes narrowed. There is no doubt that Dream is a super powerful elf.

But... that's all there is to it.

After observing the basic attributes of Chaomeng, Qin Ming did not hesitate and launched an attack brazenly.

"Super Dream, you are free to move!"

"Bite the land shark, Bangira, use Destructive Death Light!"

"Giant golden monster, using thought power to cause a weak influence on dreams."

"Quick Dragon, use Dragon's Fury!"

"Storm salamander, use jet flames!"

With the sound of Qin Ming's commanding voice, the five quasi-god elves immediately began to attack!

The dragon's mouth opened, and the dragon roar suddenly, and the dragon's fury was brewing quickly, and it struck toward the dream.

The powerful impact pierced through the space and caused a harsh sound!

At the same time, the flames of the violent salamander in the sky spit out, struck towards the dream.

On the ground, the ability to destroy the dead light is powerful, but it requires a certain amount of storage space, but whether it is the biting land shark or the Bangira, they are quite powerful quasi-god-level elves, and their skill release speed is unimaginable. , Just a step slower than the fast dragon, two destructive death lights exuding powerful energy have already struck towards the dream.

The dreamy figure is quite agile, facing a few incoming attacks, it is quite sensitive to dodge.

However, at this moment, the giant golden monster moved.

A light of thought power flashed across its body, and it suddenly acted on Dreamy's body, trying to temporarily delay its actions.

The reason why they are called Quasi-God-level elves, in addition to their race value reached 600, which is the same as that of the sacred beast, but also because they already have the ability to fight the sacred beast!

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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