Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1042 Retreat

Meanwhile, on the other side.


The sound of crystal shattering was heard one after another, and Frossel and others who had been swallowed by the giant scorpion and had to use self-protection mechanisms also escaped.

Thankfully, except for Kaloya, everyone else was safe.


Froslai let out a long breath and said faintly, "Fortunately, we survived. Otherwise, if Sir Enzo hadn't come back in time this time, we would all have lost our immortality!"

Next to him, several other wizards nodded.

Enzo didn't say much, but looked at the giant scorpion corpse on the ground, his eyes flickering slightly, as if he was looking for something.

"Chip, scan!"

On the spot, Enzo gave orders in his mind. Through previous battles, he already knew that the God of Paro controlled a different world, so he could continuously summon the Zerg army.

Soon, under the scanning of the chip, Enzo discovered the target.


Enzo walked forward quickly and dug out a black crystal stone like an insect egg from the spine of the giant scorpion, which seemed to be the heart of the world.

"Good luck!"

A smile appeared on Enzo's face. Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain this time. As the god of the lost continent, Paro could actually control a small world.

Then, Enzo turned around.

The Golden City, which was ravaged by the God of Paro, has long been reduced to ruins, but Enzo and other wizards still need to settle here.

Therefore, Enzo ordered Froslai and others to take charge of the reconstruction of the Golden City.

There is no need to restore everything to how it was before, as long as there is a basic framework. After all, the God King is already eyeing this place and may launch another attack at any time. Therefore, Enzo and other wizards may not be able to stay in the Golden City for long.

"Leave it to us, Sir Enzo."

Evelin nodded, and then began to command the people of her Golden City to rebuild the place. Under the leadership of several wizards, everything soon came into basic order.

And Enzo's eyes were always on the giant scorpion's body.

Using the power of death authority, Enzo has killed the God of Paro. However, besides the Heart of the World, there is something else worthy of Enzo's attention.

That is the power given by Drogo, the god of war.

In the large database of the chip, the God of Paro was originally only a fourth-level life form and belonged to the lowest level of fourth-level gods. But now, the other party has been promoted to the fifth level in a short period of time. There is no doubt that he has obtained the God of War. Drogo's help.

Perhaps, like the ancient gods in the wild forest, the God of Paro also received the blood of the God of War.

However, the blood of the God of War he received was purer, thus giving the God of Paro a chance to truly advance to the fifth level.

"Shadow Chain!"

On the same spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the shadows under his feet suddenly turned into chains, wrapping around the giant scorpion corpse not far away.

In an instant, the shadow chains dragged the giant scorpion's body and disappeared.

The next moment, Enzo moved.

The portal appeared out of thin air, and Enzo took the giant scorpion's body to the Aquamarine World. As the ruler of the Aquamarine World, Laina immediately appeared in front of Enzo.

"Lord Enzo, do you have any orders?"

Laina said in a respectful tone. Enzo's sudden arrival surprised him, but he was the real master of the sea blue world and could naturally come in and out at any time.


Enzo waved his hand and didn't explain much. After telling Laina to ignore him, he used the shadow chain to drag the giant scorpion's body to a huge laboratory.

This is the core area of ​​Aquamarine World.

The laboratory, which is large enough to accommodate the corpse of the giant scorpion, also possesses the pinnacle of technological power in the Aquamarine World. Enzo naturally needs some research if he wants to decipher the secrets about the God of Paro.

"let's start!"

With a thought in Enzo's mind, the chip took over all the equipment in the laboratory and began research directly. The giant scorpion's body was also dismembered bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Using the technology of Aquamarine World, the body of the God of Paro has been divided into pieces, and Enzo also extracted what he wanted from the opponent's body.

"Blood of the God of War!"

In the laboratory, Enzo's eyes flickered, looking at the golden blood in his hand, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

As previously speculated, the God of Paro was able to advance to the fifth level because of the power of the God of War.

The purest blood of the God of War flows in the opponent's body, which belongs to the category of essence blood. Therefore, with the help of this power, he can be promoted to a fifth-level life form.

However, by being promoted in this way, the God of Paro is destined to have no chance to break through again.

But this is normal. The body of the God of Paro is just a scorpion. It is extremely rare for him to grow into a god by chance. Now, using the blood of the God of War, we can move towards a higher level. Of course he wouldn't refuse.

"Want to use it directly?"

Looking at the blood of the God of War in his hand, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. Apart from the previous Heart of the World, the greatest contribution of the God of Paro was this blood of the God of War.

As a powerful creature from ancient times, the name of the God of War is well known to everyone.

When the other party was at its peak, he once fought three abyss demon lords of the same level with the power of a single god. Even among many sixth-level life forms, he could be considered an extremely powerful existence.

Now, Enzo is already a fifth-level Holy Soul Wizard.

Drinking the blood of the God of War will not allow Enzo to advance to the sixth level, but it will allow him to understand some of the rules belonging to the God of War and even gain some control over the power of war.

"forget it."

After Enzo pondered for a moment, he finally chose to give up. Although the blood of the God of War was of great help to him, he was not sure whether it was a trap.

There must be great risks in drinking the blood of the God of War rashly.

So, Enzo chose to give up and collect all the blood of the God of War as a trump card that could be used at any time.

On the spot, Enzo waved his hand.

The secret of the God of Paro has been cracked, and Enzo returned to the Lost Continent. After three days of repairs, the Golden City has reached a certain scale. Although the invasion of the God of Paro caused heavy losses to the residents of the Golden City, There are still a certain number of remaining residents.

"Sir Enzo!"

After seeing Enzo return, Evelin felt relieved. In the previous battle, she was the least injured among the All-Soul Wizards.

Now, Evelin has recovered as before.

"Thank you, Ms. Evelyn."

Enzo nodded slightly, looked at the Golden City, a trace of thought appeared on his face, and then shared all the information he had recently obtained with the other party.

"Ferras, the Body of Chaos! Drogo, the God of War!"

When she heard that the two sixth-level ancient gods had revealed their traces in the Lost Continent, Evelin could not hide the surprise on her face.

According to the information released by the Wizarding World, these two ancient gods have already fallen in the ancient war.

But now, they have come back from the dead, which makes Evelin feel a little hesitant in her heart, whether the choice to go to the Lost Continent is a choice to fight for.

After all, it was a sixth-level life form.

Evelin, Froslai and others are just all-spiritual wizards. Together, they may be able to fight against fifth-level gods and persist for a while, but if they face sixth-level gods, they will definitely end up dead.

The class gap makes it impossible to compare the two sides.

If the God of War and the God of Chaos both plan to fight for the legacy of the Earth Mother Goddess, then does Evelin, as a wizard of all spirits, really have a chance.

Perhaps, for Evelin, the inheritance of the Earth Mother Goddess has great temptation.

However, she is not a fool. If there is no chance at all, then this trip to the Lost Continent will be a complete act of suicide.

But fortunately, at this moment, Evelin still has a chance to regret.

Before the real chaos comes, Evelin can choose to leave the Lost Continent. In this way, although she loses the opportunity to fight for the inheritance of the Earth Mother Goddess, she can avoid risks.

In place, Enzo said nothing and stared at Evelin.

The reason why he told the other party all the news about the God of War and the God of Chaos was because he hoped that Evelin could make her own choice. After all, with the appearance of the sixth-level gods, even Enzo could not guarantee that he would be safe and sound. .

At the beginning, the main reason why Froslai and others invited Enzo to join the team was to gain their protection.

But now, Enzo himself can't guarantee absolute safety, so he naturally has to explain everything clearly.

"I want to leave the Lost Continent!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, but it was not from Evelin, but Kaloya, who had lost her body and only had her soul left, floated out.

"Kalaya, you..."

There was a hint of complexity in Evelin's eyes, and a tangled look appeared on her face. Now she was also hesitant about what choice she should make.

"Although the inheritance of the Earth Mother Goddess is good, you must have the strength to compete for it."

Kaloya looked calm and said, "With our strength, even if we stay in the Lost Continent, I'm afraid we won't be able to give Sir Enzo any help."

"So instead of wasting time here, it's better to get out of danger this morning!"

"Is not it?"

Kaloya's attitude has been very clear. After learning about the God of War and the God of Chaos, she no longer intends to stay in the Lost Continent.

However, this is also normal.

After all, after the previous attack by the God of Paro, Kaloya had lost his body. At this moment, only his soul state was placed in the holy object for cultivation. If he experienced a storm, he would probably die completely, even if he used it in the northern continent. The arrangement can avoid death, or at least fall into the realm.

This is something that Kaloya absolutely cannot bear.

Therefore, she chose to retreat and leave the Lost Continent as soon as possible before the worst happened. Perhaps this would lose the opportunity to fight for the legacy of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, but at least Kaloya no longer had to take risks or worry about falling into the realm. things.

You know, for the All Souls Wizard, falling to the realm means losing the immortal body.

"...Okay, I respect your choice."

When Evelin saw this, there was a hint of complexity in her tone, and she said in a deep voice, "But I think we should gather everyone together now and let everyone discuss it together."

After hearing what Evelin said, Enzo had no objection.

It seemed that Evelin was in a tangle and had difficulty making a decision, so she planned to tell Froslai and others about the God of War and the God of Chaos, and first see what other people's choices were like, and then consider what she should do. What decision to make.


Enzo nodded and agreed with Evelin’s idea.

So, Enzo gathered everyone and announced the things about the God of War and the God of Chaos in a temporary hall.

Such breaking news made everyone fall into silence.

Soon, the all-spirit wizards began to discuss. The threat of the sixth-order god made everyone feel a sense of oppression. Therefore, many all-spirit wizards made the same choice as Kaloya, and finally decided to leave the Lost Continent.

"I choose to stay!"

At this time, Froslai suddenly spoke and said in a deep voice: "Since ancient times, if you want to get something, you have to give something. What we are fighting for this time is the inheritance of the Mother Goddess of the Earth. It is simply a fool's dream to want to take no risks at all." Same."

"So what if it's a sixth-level god?"

"Anyway, I still have some arrangements in the Northern Continent. Even if I die in the Lost Continent, it will just be reincarnation and rebuilding!"

Froslai's words caused everyone to fall into silence.

Obviously, the inheritance of the Earth Mother has a fatal new attraction for him. As long as he can reach a part of the Earth Mother's inheritance, it is almost easy for Froslai to advance to the fifth level, so he is willing to take risks.

However, a large part of the reason why Froslai was able to make such a choice was because he had become an immortal being not long ago.

Every one of the wizards present, except for Floslay and Enzo, are monsters who have lived for thousands of years.

Perhaps because they have lived too long, their desire for life has become more and more persistent. No one wants to lose their immortal body easily, because no one is sure that if they fall down, they can return to the fourth level.

You know, in the history of the wizarding world, there are countless wizards who fell into the realm.

But in the end, there are not many beings who can rebuild and return to their peak period. In fact, it can be said to be very few.

In the hall, Enzo looked calm.

No matter what choice the wizards make, he will not be surprised. In fact, Enzo hopes that the wizards in the north will give up the fight for the lost continent.

After all, everyone here is a wizard of all spirits.

Even if they stay in the Lost Continent, they won't be able to bring much help to Enzo. Instead, Enzo will need to spend his experience to protect them.

Soon, all the wizards of all spirits made their own decisions after some discussion.

Except for Froslai, only the Evelin wizard chose to stay in the Lost Continent. The remaining wizards of all spirits plan to leave and will take the giant ship tomorrow to embark on a journey to answer the Northern Continent.

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