Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1098 Ferryman Charon

The poisonous bees from the cocoon world gathered into a swarm in mid-air.

The number was so large that it could almost cover the sky. The poisonous needles shot out and clashed with the strange insects transformed by the goddess of revenge Erinyes.

In an instant, both sides fell into a melee.

At the same time, the ferryman Charon also waved the iron chain in his hand and rushed towards Enzo. Black flames ignited on the iron chain of the middle-grade artifact level.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling cold breath surged into Enzo's heart.

"This breath?"

Enzo frowned slightly, a look of thought appeared on his face, his eyes flickered slightly, and he was enveloped by black flames, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

It is the fire of death, also known as the fire of the underworld.

According to legend, only those who have blasphemed the gods during their lifetime and fall into the underworld after death will be burned by the fire of the underworld. This kind of flame will not kill a person's soul, but will make him tremble in regret and trembling. Suffer great pain.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

Facing the incoming fire of the underworld, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, the red light in his eyes flashed away, and the billowing heat wave suddenly surged away.

In an instant, the power of the three realms of flames exploded.

The hot and cold flames touched each other, bursting out with strong energy fluctuations. Enzo's body shook, and the shadow wings quickly emerged behind him.


At the same time, the black chain of the ferryman Charon also attacked like a poisonous snake. Enzo quickly dodged, but the chain was like a maggot attached to the bone and was difficult to get rid of.

"It's really troublesome!"

Enzo frowned slightly and looked around. After the confrontation between the four fifth-level life forms just now, the yellow sand world at this moment seemed to be devastated.

If nothing else happens, if we persist for a while at most, this branch world will be completely destroyed.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately took a deep breath and prepared to escape from this world. However, if he lost the protection of the yellow sand world, he would probably be chased by the chaos beast.

That is the most terrifying existence in the entire spiritual world.

As Enzo's thoughts were changing, the death bird in the distance suddenly let out a cry, and he saw the huge statue of the desert God of Death beneath it slowly moving.

"This is?"

Enzo's pupils shrank for a while, looking at the moving statue of the Desert God of Death, with a look of surprise on his face and a slight paleness at the same time.

The legendary desert god of death, Anubis, is a sixth-order life form.

With Enzo's current strength, it is obvious that he cannot compete with him. If Anubis, the desert god of death, comes to the yellow sand world, his only choice is to escape.

But soon, Enzo felt relieved.

Because he saw that what the accused dead bird awakened was just a huge statue, not the real desert god of death, Anubis.

In mid-air, a look of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

"Turn death into life?"

A glimmer of light flashed in Enzo's eyes, and he seemed to have some understanding in his heart. The world's understanding of death is ending and darkness.

But in fact, the end of death may also represent new life.

While Enzo was thinking, the statue of Anubis in the distance raised the huge scepter in his hand and slammed it at Enzo.

The fierce and brazen offensive was like a bolt from the blue.

Enzo remained calm, and with a wave of his hand, a huge tree grew from the ground, blocking the path of the Anubis statue as if it had turned into a tower.

"The tree world is coming!"

"Chito strangles!"

"The sea of ​​ghosts is entangled!"

Enzo whispered the syllable in his mouth, and the power of the ghost wood world and the forest world were activated together, and countless trees suddenly grew on the ground.

In an instant, vines and branches were attacking towards the statue of Anubis in the distance.

Endless branches and vines bound the statue of Anubis, as if they bound it in an instant.


A cold murderous intent flashed in Enzo's eyes. As he whispered the syllables in his mouth, the branches and vines began to close up quickly, as if they were about to destroy the statue of Anubis in an instant.

However, at this moment.

"Ignorant humans!"

The statue of Anubis, which was supposed to be a dead thing, suddenly made a hoarse sound, but a strange light was seen around him.

In an instant, the surrounding trees and branches turned into ashes.

In the distance, a thoughtful expression appeared on Enzo's face.

Anubis, the desert god of death, who was originally a statue, seems to have gained a new life under the power of the death bird. At this moment, he not only has the ability to move, but even his thoughts are gradually awakening, which really makes people feel a little bit... Unbelievable.

However, statues are statues and never real life.

Enzo's eyes flashed with luster, and as he waved his hand, the ground trembled, and countless white bones pierced out, turning into a huge cage to trap Anubis.


The statue of Anubis waved the scepter in his hand like a huge battle ax, crushing all the bones bound around him.

At the same time, the ferryman Charon also sang ancient songs again.

As bursts of roaring sounds came from the earth, huge gates appeared in the distance, as if leading the world to the underworld.

A trace of solemnity appeared on Enzo's face.

He looked around and found that cracks had appeared in the sky of the yellow sand world. Under the ravage of four fifth-level life forms, the entire world seemed in danger, as if it would completely collapse and be destroyed in the next moment.

In the distance, a giant tree stood there.

The Babel Tree in the Yellow Sand World looks a little skinny, but it also has the ability to support the heaven and earth, but it is weaker than the Babel Tree in the Hundred Flowers World.

Enzo took a deep breath.

The next moment, he turned into a shadow and disappeared. Facing three fifth-level life forms at the same time, coupled with the suppression of the Ancient God Alliance behind him, even Enzo felt lingering fear.

After experiencing the confrontation just now, he already had an understanding of the strength of the three ancient gods.

Therefore, for Enzo today, there seems to be no benefit in continuing to fight, and a strategic retreat should be a more suitable option.

Immediately, Enzo went straight to the Babel Tree.

"Want to escape? Wizard!"

At the same time, the goddess of vengeance Erinyes, who transformed into a swarm of strange insects, returned to her human form in mid-air and let out a ferocious smile.

"A human dares to set foot in the divine realm!"

Erinyes, the goddess of revenge, made no secret of her malice towards Enzo and said in a hoarse voice: "You must pay the price for this!"

While speaking, Erinyes, the goddess of revenge, suddenly waved the sickle in her hand.

Enzo's expression changed slightly.


The target of the attack by the goddess of vengeance Erinyes was not Enzo, but the Babel Tree in the distance. As the death scythe slashed away, a ferocious scar appeared on the surface of the Babel Tree. Then, the giant tree began to faintly tilt.

In mid-air, Enzo frowned slightly.

Erinyes, the goddess of revenge, let out a ferocious laugh again, and still waved the sickle in her hand, slashing at the Babel tree.

Suddenly, the Babel tree collapsed.

On the ground, a trace of hesitation appeared on the face of the ferryman Charon. The behavior of the goddess of revenge Erinyes made him a little dissatisfied. The collapse of the Babel Tree accelerated the destruction of this world, which not only posed a threat to Enzo.

Even they will be in trouble.

After all, with the collapse of the Babel Tree, the yellow sand world has been cut off from other worlds. If the crisis really comes, it will be difficult for the ferryman Charon to escape.

"You are too impulsive, Erinyes!"

The ferryman Charon sighed, but didn't say anything more. A look of determination flashed in his eyes. Now that things have developed to this extent, any nonsense is meaningless.

The top priority is to kill the wizard in front of him as soon as possible.

Only by getting rid of the opponent, the ferryman Charon, can we leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the real crisis comes, it will be difficult for anyone to escape.

The ferryman Charon shuddered at the thought of the most terrifying existence in the star realm.

"What are you afraid of? Charon!"

Erinyes, the goddess of revenge, laughed wildly. At this moment, perhaps because of the hatred of blood in her body, she fell into a state similar to madness.

"Kill this wizard!"

While he was speaking, Erinyes, the goddess of vengeance, came over like a ghost, and her terrifying and ferocious smile gradually widened in front of Enzo.

Enzo remained expressionless.

With the collapse of the Babel Tree, the opportunity to leave the yellow sand world has been cut off. Although Enzo still has some trump cards to use, at this moment, he does not want to use them easily.

"Since you guys want to die, then I will make it happen for you!"

A smile appeared on Enzo's face, and the luster in his eyes was a bit strange. Before the goddess of vengeance Erinyes could react, he suddenly threw the soul bone wand in his hand.

"Fire is burning!"

Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the soul bone wand, which had turned into a huge skeleton, burned with blazing flames.


Along with a roaring sound, the huge skull shot away like a meteor. The goddess of revenge Erinyes was caught off guard and was hit in the chest.


Suddenly, Erinyes, the goddess of vengeance, screamed and fell from mid-air. The ferryman Charon frowned slightly, shook his head and waved the chain in his hand.


The chains dragged the falling Nemesis and allowed it to fall smoothly. However, after the blow just now, the Nemesis Erinyes looked a little uncomfortable.

"Damn wizard!"

Enduring the bursts of pain in her chest, Erinyes, the goddess of revenge, felt a strong hatred in her heart, and her eyes seemed to flash with a look that could kill.

However, Enzo turned a blind eye to this.

He took a deep breath and his eyes became firm. Since the Babel Tree has been destroyed, it means that it is not easy for everyone to leave the yellow sand world.

"Thunder and lightning! Roar to your heart's content!"

On the spot, Enzo shouted loudly, and suddenly activated the power of the thundering world, bursts of lightning and thunder, as if the world turned into day.

On the ground, the ferryman Charon's expression changed.

He seemed to see what Enzo was thinking, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, but without saying a word, he threw the chain in his hand towards Enzo.

In an instant, the chains turned into venomous snakes.

Enzo's expression remained unchanged as he swung the Night Curse Spirit Blade in his hand and slashed at the incoming poisonous snakes, cutting them off in an instant.

Then, Enzo had a thought.

"Shadow World!"

As Enzo whispered the syllables, the shadows seemed to spread like a tide. Then, he activated the power of the dark water world, and huge waves suddenly rose.

In an instant, a huge black wave surged away.

Faced with such an offensive, the face of the goddess of vengeance Erinyes changed slightly, but the eyes of the ferryman Charon flashed a calm look.

As a boatman serving the King of Death, Charon the Ferryman owns a ghost ship.

The surrounding dark water has begun to spread, and the whole world seems to have turned into a delusion. The ferryman Charon's mind moved slightly, and then he summoned the ghost ship.

Then, he waved his hand.

A strange light flashed in the ghost ship, and then, countless undead souls were seen surging forward as if they had turned into black clouds.

In an instant, darkness enveloped the world.

"An army of the undead?"

Looking at the undead army driven by the ferryman Charon, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face, but his expression did not change much.

Immediately, Enzo had an idea in his mind.


A whirlpool emerged in the turbulent dark water, and huge bone dragons were seen emerging directly from the depths of the sea.

That was the support from the Bone World.

Tens of thousands of bone dragons roared in this world, and the terrifying momentum seemed to be enough to swallow the world.

"Go, you undead lost on the other side!"

The ferryman Charon stood on the ghost ship, and the countless undead under his command gathered in the direction of Enzo.

Next to her, Erinyes, the goddess of revenge, also waved her sickle.

With the blessing of the power of death, the strength of the undead increased to a higher level, as if they had turned into an invincible army, rushing towards Enzo.

On the sea, Enzo steps on shadows.

The power of more than thirty worlds under his command was all unleashed at this moment. Facing the combination of the Death Bird, the ferryman Charon, and the goddess of revenge Erinyes, even he did not dare to hold anything back.

What's more, this is still in the star realm.

Enzo was not sure whether the war in the yellow sand world was watched by the ancient gods, but he knew very well that the three ancient gods in front of him definitely did not come because of their own will. They were all influenced by a certain powerful ancient god. Order to hunt yourself.

And that powerful ancient god, if not Apollo, the sun god, might be Anubis, the desert god of death who had fallen in ancient times.

And, compared to the sun god Apollo.

Deep down in his heart, Enzo prefers Anubis, the desert god of death, because only such a being can control the three ancient gods who hold the power of death.

Perhaps, the star realm is not just a deity belonging to the lineage of the Earth Mother Goddess.

After that ancient war ended, many of the defeated ancient gods chose to seek refuge in the star realm in order to avoid being hunted by the wizard civilization.

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