Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1108 Dark Matter

"what happened?"

Enzo looked around, with a trace of doubt on his face. Previously, Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse, almost killed him and the ferryman Charon.

The other party has been exiled in the wasteland world for three full epochs.

For some reason, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, has gradually merged with the wasteland world and become part of the world's rules.

In the wasteland world, even Enzo would have a hard time dealing with him.


Just as Enzo was thinking, a black shadow suddenly slowly appeared in the sky. His face changed slightly, and when he raised his head, he saw the figure of the chaotic beast appearing in the sky above the wasteland world.

"Could it be..."

A trace of surprise appeared on Enzo's face, thoughts flashed in his mind, and he had some inferences about the appearance of the chaotic beast in the sky.

Perhaps, the Eclipse God Terra Hogle noticed something.

Therefore, the other party hid his aura because he did not want to attract the attention of the Chaos Behemoth. Although Enzo saw the Chaos Behemoth in the sky at this moment, the other party should still be far away from the wasteland world.

The entire star realm is roughly divided into two levels.

The inner layer is the Source World, a branch world and other places, while the outer layer is endless void, like the infinite land of the multiverse.

The Chaos Behemoth does not belong to any one world.

Although the Mother Goddess of Earth sealed the Chaos Behemoth in the star world, in fact, no world can accommodate it. As a seventh-level life form, the Chaos Behemoth has the power to devour the world. Enzo even saw it with his own eyes. The scene where the other party devours the world.

Only the endless void can accommodate such a terrifying behemoth of chaos.

The chaotic beast wandering in the endless void is like a catastrophic beast to the entire star world. Any world that is under his gaze will not escape the fate of being devoured.

In place, Enzo suppressed his aura.

The appearance of the Chaos Behemoth at this moment is not a bad thing for him. After all, if there is no threat from the Chaos Behemoth, I am afraid that the moment Enzo returns to the wasteland world, the Eclipse God Terra Hogle is hiding in the dark. He had already taken action.

"It's a good opportunity to make good use of it!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and before the Chaos Beast left, he had already begun to plan to leave the wasteland world as soon as the Chaos Beast disappeared.

Under the threat of the Chaos Behemoth, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, may not dare to act too forcefully.

And this was Enzo's opportunity.

While he was thinking, a black mist suddenly surged from the ground. Enzo was shocked, but he found that the black mist did not show any malice.

Gray-black mist condensed on the ground, forming a staircase that kept moving forward.

"Dear Mr. Wizard."

Not far away, a dwarf who looked like a goblin suddenly walked out and said in a respectful tone, "My master invites you to come over!"

Enzo's eyes flashed.

"Chip, scan!"

The little dwarf in front of him seemed ordinary, but Enzo did not dare to look down on him. He used the chip scanning function to scan and immediately noticed something abnormal.

The seemingly ordinary dwarf opposite him turned out to be an immortal-level creature.

"Who are you?"

Enzo's face was expressionless, and there was a hint of evil in his eyes. The sudden appearance of the dwarf in front of him did not make him relax his vigilance.

Instead, thoughts flickered in his mind.

Judging from the aura of this little dwarf, it comes from the same source as the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle. If nothing else, the master the other party talks about is the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle.

"Please allow me to introduce myself."

The little man didn't care about Enzo's indifferent attitude. Instead, a smile appeared on his face and he said calmly, "My name is Gilabi, and I am a devil from the abyss world!"

"Of course, the identity of the devil is already a thing of the past."

"I am now Lord Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse, the most loyal servant. Following the order of Lord God of Eclipse, I am here specifically to invite Sir Enzo!"

As Devil Gillabi spoke, a pure black light flashed in his eyes.

That glimmer of light showed his identity as a devil, and a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face, recalling the secrets of the ancient times.

According to legend, in ancient times, the god of eclipse, Terra Hogle, originally stood on the side of the gods.

In the early days of the war between gods and demons in the ancient times, the God of Eclipse Terra Hogle even defeated several abyss lords one after another and made many contributions to protecting the world of gods. It was not until later that he was lost due to the devil's bewitchment. Got the original intention.

It is said that the devil bewitched the God of Eclipse and promised to enter the realm of seventh-level life forms.

And ever since the God of Light, who was opposed to him, successfully advanced to the seventh level, the improvement of life level has already become the obsession of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle.

Therefore, facing the devil's temptation, he hardly hesitated.

After choosing to accept the devil's conditions, the Eclipse God Tyra Hogle stabbed the gods in the back unceremoniously, but in the end he did not get the reward he deserved.

The devil deceived the god of eclipse and put him in trouble.

The demon lords of the abyss are unwilling to accept the God of Eclipse, and the gods also hate the backstabbing God of Eclipse.

Under such a premise, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, became a being that everyone shouted at.

In the end, through the means of the Earth Mother Goddess, the Eclipse God Terra Hogle was banished to the star realm and has never been seen again.

According to this kind of history, the Eclipse God Terrahoger should be deeply disgusted by the devil who deceived him.

But now, the little devil in front of him is a slave who calls himself the God of Erosion.

A thoughtful look appeared on Enzo's face, and the devil Gillabi opposite him seemed to have guessed something, and the light in his dark pupils flickered.

"It seems that Lord Wizard also knows about things in ancient times, right?"

Gillabi chuckled and said faintly, "Do you think the devils deceived Lord Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse?"

"Isn't it?" Enzo asked.

"The truth of history cannot be clearly stated even by witnesses."

Gillabi opened his palms and said calmly: "Lord Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse, did choose to make a deal with the devil."

"But who can deny that he didn't get what he wanted?"

Enzo frowned slightly after hearing Devil Gillabi's words.

This group of devils has always been a cunning group of beings, and they like to say vague things. As a wizard, Enzo instinctively felt a little vigilant when facing them.

"what you up to?"

After a while, Enzo asked coldly. Judging from the attitude of this devil Gilabi, he seemed to be a servant of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel.

What the other party brought should be the attitude of Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse.

"I already said it just now."

Devil Gilabi looked calm and said softly: "Lord Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse, if you want to see me, please come with me."

As he spoke, Devil Gilabi whistled lightly.

But he saw a group of black hawks circling in the distant sky. Devil Gilabi jumped up and landed on the back of a black hawk.

Enzo pondered for a moment and followed closely.

In the land of exile, the Eclipse God Terra Hogle is the most powerful ruler. Although Enzo is his enemy, he may not necessarily be at a disadvantage, but if possible, Enzo is not willing to fight with him. The god of eclipse, Terra Hoggle, is an enemy.

After all, there is actually no hatred between the two.

Moreover, they also have a common enemy, which is the ancient gods of the star world. If Enzo and others get help from the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, their actions in the star world will be smoother.

Under the guidance of Black Hawk, Enzo and others quickly arrived at the center of the wasteland world.

In the distance is an endless land of nothingness. Looking down from the sky, it looks like a strange eyeball, and a solemn look appears on Enzo's face.

The dark void gave off a strange aura.

Enzo didn't dare to get close easily, feeling that if he fell down, he might be affected or even sink into this place.

"Welcome to the Dark Realm!"

Devil Gilabi seemed not to be surprised by the scene in front of him, and said quietly, "Don't worry, Sir Wizard, Lord Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse, has no ill intentions towards you."

"On the contrary, Lord God of Eclipse wants to make a deal with you!"


Enzo's heart moved, as if he had guessed something, a look of thought suddenly appeared on his face, and his eyes were as bright as if he was thinking.

Then, Devil Gilabi rode down on the black hawk.

Enzo pondered for a moment and followed closely. Judging from the current situation, the God of Eclipse Terra Hogle did not show too much malice.

Therefore, maybe the other party is really what I guessed.

Having been trapped in the star realm for too long, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, has been exiled here like a lonely traveler.

If there was a chance to escape, there might be no reason for him to give up.

Going all the way with the devil, the two came to the real realm of darkness.

Suddenly, the surrounding space fluctuated. Enzo looked around and saw a black mist-like void material emerging from the distance.

"Lord Terra Hogle!"

The devil Gillabi said respectfully.

Enzo's heart moved. It seemed that this mass of dark matter might be the ideology of Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse.

"Hello, human!"

Dark Matter sent out an idea and passed it directly to Enzo's mind, along with a large amount of information.

"Hello, God of Eclipse!"

Enzo's face was calm and showed no fear at all. He had already guessed the thoughts of Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse, so the other party should not express any malice.

At least, not until the goal is achieved.

Enzo nodded slightly and said calmly: "The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, is looking for me, probably to break the star barrier and get rid of control, right?"

After hearing Enzo's words, the God of Eclipse fell silent.

After a moment, he sent his will again and said, "You are very smart, human. I have been trapped in the Land of Exile for too long. If you can help me, you will gain my friendship."

Enzo's expression remained unchanged, but there was a flash of thought in his eyes.

"What do you need me to do?"

Enzo said, "The one who banished you here originally was the seventh-level life form, the Mother Goddess of the Earth, and I am just a little Holy Soul Wizard."

"Even if I am willing to help you, is there any way for you to escape from the place of exile?"

The dark matter represented by the God of Eclipse flickered and said, "In order to deal with me, the Mother Goddess of Earth had integrated me with the Dark Realm."

"Therefore, there is no theory of escape."

"Except for me, almost all the demon lords who were sealed by the Earth Mother were like this!"

"The only way to truly end all of this is to break the barrier of the star realm and completely shatter this world!"

Hearing the words of the God of Eclipse, Enzo's heart moved.

"What do I do?"

After a while, Enzo pondered and asked. The God of Eclipse was one of the first living beings to be exiled to the star realm by the Mother Goddess of the Earth. Therefore, he must have more knowledge about the star realm.

Having been trapped in the star realm for countless years, the God of Eclipse is thinking about escaping from here all the time.

However, he never got the chance.

Meeting Enzo now seems to have finally given the Eclipse God hope, and this is also a rare opportunity for Enzo.

As the saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Today, Enzo has long been on the opposite side of the gods of the star world, so he has the same goal as the God of Eclipse.

"The foundation of the existence of the star realm is the power of the Mother Earth!"

The God of Eclipse said, "If you want to break the star realm, you must destroy the Mother Goddess Crystal. As long as it is destroyed, the entire star realm will cease to exist!"

"At that time, all the creatures sealed here will be reborn!"

"Mother Goddess Crystal?" Enzo's pupils shrank.

This was the first time he heard this term, and the thought in his mind flickered slightly, and he asked, "What is that? Is it an artifact left behind by the Mother Goddess of the Earth?"

"In a sense, yes!"

The God of Eclipse explained, "The so-called Mother Goddess Crystal is made from the heart of the Mother Goddess of the Earth. It contains all the power of the Mother Goddess of the Earth!"

"It is precisely because of the existence of the Mother Goddess Crystal that the star world can be maintained!"

"As long as the Mother Goddess Crystal is broken, the entire star realm will be shattered, all seals will no longer exist, and I can return to the world of the gods!"

The words of the God of Eclipse made Enzo thoughtful.

It seems that the God of Eclipse has been exiled in the star world for too long, and seems to be somewhat blocked from information about the outside world. In his understanding, the gods are still the rulers of the world, but he does not know that not long after the fall of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, The universe has ushered in a turmoil.

In that turmoil, the wizarding civilization emerged.

The era belonging to the gods has ended, and the final dusk has ushered in. Of the four once extremely glorious god-kings, only the King of Light is left and has fled the world.

"Can breaking the Mother Goddess Crystal cause the star world to collapse?"

On the same spot, Enzo's eyes flickered, and his thoughts changed. The collapse of the star realm would definitely mean that many things would happen.

Although Enzo stands on the opposite side of the gods of the star world, he does not necessarily want to destroy the star world.

If the Mother Goddess Crystal is the foundation of the star world, then perhaps taking things has the same purpose as the Heart of the World.

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