Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1,288 Dark Supreme

However, this kind of protection comes at a price.

Although with the full efforts of the three endless wizards, thousands of creatures in the Moro Continent were saved from having their souls taken away by the blood demon general Faroshi.

However, this continent is also subject to a special curse.

All living beings have been contaminated by the power of the abyss, resulting in special distortions and becoming twisted creatures with a thousand souls in one body.

The wizard Loren in front of him is also a twister.

Even without using the chip's scanning function, Enzo could still feel the twisted and entangled souls in the opponent's body.

The three original endless wizards have now merged into one body.

Moreover, in addition to this, there are countless wizard souls inside the body of Wizard Loren, which makes Enzo very suspicious of what the other party is.

"Is he still human now?"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart. The Moro continent, which had experienced the pollution of the abyss, had undergone unimaginable changes.

Thinking of this, Enzo sighed in his heart.

"I know that Mr. Enzo still has doubts about my identity."

At this time, Wizard Luolun spoke again and said quietly, "Although my body and soul have indeed been contaminated by the power of the abyss."

"However, there is one thing I am sure of now."

"That is, I still belong to the wizarding world, because the rules of the world still protect me, right?"

Hearing Wizard Loren's words, a strange look appeared on Enzo's face.

What the other party said seems to be correct. Wizard Loren, who is protected by the rules of the wizarding world, does seem to have the identity of a wizard.

However, the other party's state was a bit strange.

"I have a headache!"

Enzo felt helpless. The current situation seemed a bit too complicated for him.

The Moro Continent has been contaminated by the breath of the abyss, and has undergone unimaginable changes, and this change seems to be a difficult choice for Enzo.

After all, this place is different from Fengze Continent.

The creatures there that were contaminated by the breath of the abyss but still survived were all a group of aberrant monsters. Enzo only needed to use strong means to kill them all.

However, Moro Continent is different.

For example, the wizard Loren in front of him is protected by the rules of the wizarding world just like himself, so he may still be a member of the wizarding civilization.

If Enzo killed him rashly, it might not be the right thing to do.

What's more, Wizard Loren was reduced to such a horrible state just to protect the Moro Continent. Enzo really couldn't bear to attack him.

"Perhaps I should seek the opinion of the Supreme Council."

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and his thoughts began to change. Facing the Moro Continent with no choice, he thought of asking the Supreme Council for help.

The other party is the ruler of the entire wizard civilization.

Maybe the Supreme Council can have a plan on how to deal with matters in the Moro Continent, and there is no point in continuing to be so entangled.

"Your Excellency Enzo, are you planning to report the matter on the Moro Continent to the Supreme Council?"

On the opposite side, Wizard Loren seemed to have seen through Enzo's thoughts and said calmly, "I hope you can report everything about Moro Continent to the Supreme Council."

"And, I also hope that Lord Enzo will convey something to the Supreme Council."

Enzo raised his eyebrows, a trace of doubt appearing on his face.

"As far as I know, the current Supreme Council issued an order for world conscription not long ago, right?"

Wizard Luolun took a deep breath, and a firm luster flashed in his eyes, and he said solemnly, "On behalf of all the wizards in Moro Continent, Luolun is willing to respond to the world recruitment plan!"

Enzo was slightly surprised when he heard Wizard Loren's words.

The other party seemed to have learned about the world's conscription plan through certain channels, so he planned to lead the wizards from the entire Moro Continent to the battlefield in the Abyss World.

"This..." A trace of hesitation flashed in Enzo's eyes.

"Please help us."

Wizard Luolun sighed and said quietly, "The Moro continent, which has experienced the pollution of the abyss, is no longer the past era."

"Although the wizards on this continent are still protected by the rules."

"But in fact, even we ourselves don't know whether we are still wizards or not. If we can contribute to the Supreme Council through the World Recruitment Plan, it is something that all wizards in the Moro Continent long for."

After listening to Wizard Loren's words, Enzo couldn't help but fall into silence.

The attitude of the other party is obvious. After experiencing the pollution of the abyss, an abnormal event occurred in the Moro Continent. All the wizards were transformed into twisters, so their state was extremely unstable.

Continuing to stay in the wizarding world is like a time bomb.

If one day, all the twisters in the Moro Continent lose control, they may not cause too serious damage to the wizarding world, but they will definitely be ruthlessly suppressed by the Supreme Council.

At that time, the wizards of Moro Continent will lose their last chance.

For today's wizard Loren, he is eager to prove his identity and must show his belief in dedicating everything to wizard civilization in order to be recognized by the Supreme Council.

Only by performing certain feats can the twisters of the Moro Continent regain their status as 'wizards'.

"Okay, I understand."

Enzo nodded, looking at Wizard Loren, a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes, and said, "I will report Wizard Lauren's thoughts to the Supreme Council."

"As for the reaction from above, I don't know."

"I hope we can coexist peacefully next time we meet!"

There was some complexity in Enzo's tone. If the Supreme Council did not recognize the identity of Wizard Loren, it would mean that the entire Moro Continent would suffer disaster.

After all, if Laurent is not a wizard, then the Supreme Council will naturally not allow the twisters to exist.

"Thank you for your help, Sir Enzo."

After receiving Enzo's promise, Wizard Lauren showed a trace of gratitude on his face. Since being cursed by the abyss secret technique of the Blood Demon General Faroshi, the entire Moro Continent has been in a tense state.

Wizard Loren knew this very well.

If his identity is not recognized, then the entire Moro Continent will be attacked by the Supreme Council. Perhaps he is not afraid of death, but he does not want such an ending.

The three wizards who once guarded the Moro Continent were all strong men who survived the ancient times.

They have a strong sense of belonging to the wizarding world, and they are also proud of their identity. If they lose their identity as a wizard, they will definitely feel bad inside.

Although Wizard Lauren is the symbiosis of the three wizards, he also inherited the memories and souls of the three wizards.

Therefore, one of the most urgent things for the current wizard Loren is to have the Supreme Council recognize his identity as a wizard as soon as possible.

Only in that way can we gain the legitimacy to survive in the wizarding world.

After Enzo left the Moro Continent, he immediately set off for the Stigmata Continent in the Central Region, intending to personally report the matters on the Moro Continent to the top of the Supreme Council.

Moreover, this matter must be decided by people of sufficient weight.

The first candidate that Enzo thought of was Flame Supreme Brand, but unfortunately, Flame Supreme Brand is now commanding the expedition in the abyss world.

Therefore, Enzo could only choose someone else.

After arriving at the Stigmata Continent in the Central Territory, Enzo found the Supreme Council and wanted to report the matters on the Moro Continent, but he learned that the Supreme Wizards all had their own affairs.

There is only one Supreme Being who can meet Enzo in the near future.

However, this Supreme Wizard was someone Enzo didn't want to meet because he was known for being harsh.

If this wizard is allowed to know about the Moro Continent, there is a high probability that he will take strong measures to kill all the twisted people.

Dark Supreme, Butar!

"Please come with me, Sir Enzo."

A tall alien with a strange appearance and blue skin led Enzo to a hall and told him that the Dark Lord Butar would be coming soon.

Enzo nodded slightly, but a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes.

He had long heard about the legendary Dark Lord Butar, who was one of the five supreme beings in ancient times and was once the most loyal follower of the ancestor of wizards.

The reason why he is called the Dark Supreme is mainly because Butar has a very cold character.

In the early stages of wizard civilization, Dark Supreme Butar proposed many tough policies to strengthen the Supreme Council's rule over the entire civilization.

One of them is the ideological stamp!

To put it simply, Dark Lord Butar's idea is that since wizard civilization wants to develop, all wizards must uphold the same belief.

No one is allowed to go against the development will of wizard civilization.

With the blessing of the ideological steel seal, fallen wizards will no longer exist. The reason is very simple. With the blessing of the ideological steel seal, any wizard who has the slightest idea of ​​endangering the development of wizard civilization will be noticed by the Supreme Council, thereby nipping the danger in the cradle. middle.

However, the plan of the Thought Seal was jointly rejected by the other four supreme wizards before it even started.

The reason is naturally very simple. If the Thought Seal Plan is implemented, it means that the wizards of the entire wizard civilization will be completely controlled by the Supreme Council.

At the same time, it also means that the development of the wizarding world is completely controlled by the five supreme wizards.

This may allow the wizarding civilization to form an unbreakable whole, but at the same time, it will inevitably restrict the development of the entire civilization.

Picture this.

If in the wizarding world, the thoughts of all wizards are monitored by the Supreme Council, then the development of wizards will inevitably be restricted.

Therefore, the Thought Seal Project was abandoned.

This did ensure the development space of civilization, but at the same time, uncertainty also increased. The most significant event was the fallen wizard king Bushura.

The proud man of heaven, after relying on the wizard civilization to strengthen himself, did not hesitate to abandon the wizard civilization.

But if the Thought Seal Plan continues, even if Bushula is a genius, he will never be able to betray civilization under the eyes of the Supreme Council.

All in all, there are pros and cons to the Thought Seal Program.

But judging from the long-term development, this plan will do more harm than good. In addition, Dark Supreme Butar has also proposed many plans, all of which were rejected by the other four supremes.

Compared to Flame Supreme Brand, Dark Supreme Butar is like a cold machine.

The long years seemed to have erased all his human emotions, and now his only thought was the development of the entire wizarding civilization.

At the same time, Dark Supreme Butar is also the most cruel among the five supremes.

He showed no mercy to the degenerates who appeared in the wizarding civilization, and upheld a belief that he would rather kill by mistake than let go.

In the past three eras, countless fallen wizards have died at the hands of Dark Lord Butar.

There were even rumors that a certain genius in the wizarding world who was no less than the fallen Supreme Lord Bushura was killed by the Dark Lord Butar.

The reason is because the other party wants to imitate Bushula and attack the seventh level.

It is precisely because of such a cold personality and cruel methods that the wizards in the wizarding world are filled with fear when they mention the Dark Lord Butar.

However, one thing is undeniable.

As one of the five supreme beings in the wizarding world, Dark Supreme Butar's strength and abilities are second to none.

Without his leadership, wizard civilization would not have developed so smoothly.

Time passes bit by bit.

Enzo stood there, quietly waiting for the arrival of Dark Supreme Butar. He didn't have much fear towards this cruel Supreme.

After all, Enzo was no fallen wizard.

It is even said that during the thousands of years he embarked on the wizard's journey, Enzo has been fighting in all directions for the development of wizard civilization, capturing one different world after another.

Although Dark Lord Butar is cold, he is definitely not a madman.

While Enzo was thinking, the door in front suddenly opened.

A figure shrouded in black robes and with a black mask on his face slowly appeared. Judging from the aura emanating from him, it seemed to be the Dark Lord Butar.

"I have met Master Butar." Enzo saluted without being humble or condescending.

"You are Enzo."

There was a trace of indifference that was not human-like in the voice of Dark Lord Butar, ": The endless wizard who defeated Anubis, the god of death in the desert, in the star realm?"

"Exactly down there."

Enzo nodded, and at the same time his heart moved. It seemed that the Supreme Council already knew everything that happened in the star realm.

"Brand told me about you."

Dark Supreme Butar said: "You are an excellent wizard. The development of civilization requires the efforts of young people like you."

"It's just that great power is a double-edged sword."

"You should know where your strength comes from. I hope that in the future you will not lose yourself in the pursuit of strength!"

Hearing the words of Dark Lord Butar, Enzo's eyes flashed with luster.

The other party obviously meant a warning, but this was nothing to Enzo. He just nodded slightly.

Afterwards, Enzo got straight to the point and reported to the other party what happened in Moro Continent. (End of chapter)

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