Ghouls are monsters in Arabian legends who live by eating corpses, steal human babies, and even seduce passing travelers, killing and devouring them.

And that's not the main thing.

They are shape-shifting creatures, just as gargoyles can turn into sculptures, and ghouls can turn into things.

Like statues or dogs.

However, this kind of thing is not recorded in the textbooks, because ghouls rarely attack wizards, resulting in most wizards not knowing that ghouls have this ability.

This also proves that wizards still have areas to improve in their research on common magical creatures in families.

"Gone?" Harry ran two steps quickly and came to the wall that was knocked open by the ghoul. He was surprised to find that the place was empty.

The creature that was knocked away by him has no trace, and no one knows where it went.

Harry looked around the room, scanning the cabinets and tables, but found nothing.

That guy isn't here.

Harry came to this conclusion, but it made him a little unbelievable.

"How is that possible? Was it the disarming spell I just cast that turned it into dust?" Harry couldn't believe it. He had gone to church with the Dursleys before, and he had heard the priests praise a certain saint. Sometimes, words such as "He crushed the devil and defeated evil" are often used to describe the heroes in the Bible.

But aren't those fake?

Harry was a little confused and didn't quite know what to do in this situation.

He didn't have much experience in dealing with dark creatures, and all he had learned were some skills honed by "fighting" Peeves in school.

However, he did not enter the room rashly. Instead, he stretched his head and looked at the place that looked like a restaurant.

It was said to be a dining room because there was a dining table here. Although it was not big, it also had a sideboard. There seemed to be some dinner plates placed in it. However, Harry felt that when no one was inhabited for such a long time, the contents inside The dinner plate may have become rusty and cannot be used again.

Do you want to go in?

Harry asked himself.

In the end, the momentum that belonged to Gryffindor gave him endless courage, and Harry stepped into the restaurant without any further hesitation.

A soft light emerged from the tip of the wand, illuminating the dark room. If he were a Muggle, he would have used an electric light at this time, but as a wizard, Harry had forgotten this.

What electric light! The wizard only has glowing spells and candles!

Apparently, Harry still didn't know about a certain magical item in the hands of Principal Dumbledore, the Deluminator.

This thing is a very interesting prop. It should have been written by Principal Dumbledore. After all, he is a famous alchemist. It is normal for him to tinker with some small toys by himself.

The conventional use of the Deluminator is to absorb nearby light sources and plunge the surroundings into darkness. Of course, it can also emit those light sources.

And its other use is more special. After all, it is the world of HP. Everything is ideal. As long as the heart has a direction, it will give guidance. When the longing in your heart is strong enough, the Deluminator can let you hear what you miss most. People's voices can also guide you to find them.

Well... to put it simply, this is a GPS locator with its own lighting. Of course, it can also be understood as a mobile phone with its own circle of friends and location sharing. In short, it is a smartphone version 0 with WeChat installed.

If Principal Dumbledore hadn't been a magician, he might have become the master of smartphones in the Muggle world. He could play tricks on a lighter, and it wouldn't be a problem to get a mobile phone or something.

Of course, this kind of thing would have to wait until Mr. Professor woke up. Harry didn't think too much at this time. He just carefully raised his wand and looked at everything around him.

Sideboard, dining table, candlesticks, stemware, tablecloths, and under the table.

He searched everywhere, but unfortunately he still found nothing.

Harry put down his raised wand in frustration, and found with some helplessness that he seemed to have no better way to find the ghoul.

Since his divination science was achieved by making up nonsense, Harry didn't know any of the useful divination tricks. The only one he might be familiar with was the North Pointing Charm, but at the beginning, this The spells related to divination were taught by Professor Flitwick.

Professor Trelawney became very angry when she found out, and then her little universe exploded, and she actually taught the little wizards an advanced version of the North Pointing Spell the next day.

The accuracy rate is much higher than Professor Flitwick's curse. It has been upgraded from about half probability to 90% probability. To put it simply...

After using this spell, if there are no accidents, the direction it points to is north.

Compared to Hermione who believed more in logic than metaphysics, Harry might have a greater sense of accomplishment in this class.

Because Hermione's Divination is even worse.

Divination may be more idealistic than all magic spells. Unfortunately, although Hermione believes that Professor Trelawney is a person with real abilities, she has no knowledge of probabilistic things like divination. Don't believe it.

This caused a very embarrassing thing. Hermione's arithmetic and divination was the first in the whole grade, but her divination was not even as good as Lavender's. Even Pansy often showed her divination class report card to Hermione. Dangling in front of me.

Of course, she only used a pink pen to boldly and enlarge the shape of a heart in the divination class.

This made Hermione depressed for a long time.

At this moment, Harry felt that the secret joy that flashed through his heart when he saw Hermione failing the Divination class was really inappropriate. Even if he had passed the Divination class, it didn't matter. At this time, he didn't care at all. Know which spell to use to deal with the situation at hand.

"I should learn more about divination." Harry muttered quietly, "But I don't seem to have much talent for divination."

He had always felt that divination, like potions, required talent. Otherwise, why would Hermione be the only one among so many people in Hogwarts to obtain the pharmacist qualification certificate before getting the certificate?

Harry was about to give up the search and looked away, but he caught a glimpse of something strange out of the corner of his eye.

He was stunned for a moment, then the wand lit up again, and his eyes fell on the small shadow above the restaurant door.

No offense intended, but why would anyone put a stone sculpture on a restaurant door?

And it looks like a bat. Don’t you think it’s a bit strange?

Harry couldn't help but wonder in his heart, what on earth did the owner of this house have in mind to hang this stone sculpture on the door? Could it be that his ancestors were once wizards, or that there were ancestors in the family who were vampires?

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