Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 116 Alchemy Professor

Who is this Dika?

A guy who keeps putting his own life on the line!

Will he teach others knowledge unconditionally?

If Mr. Chen hadn't had a life-long friendship with him and even brought out a lot of precious materials, he wouldn't eagerly come to teach a naughty kid.

Just as he was about to refuse the invitation of a certain great magician righteously and turned around to leave, he heard the naughty kid say, "But, teacher, you have no money."

Dika paused and thought about it for a moment, it seemed like, is this right?

"It doesn't matter, money is something external to the body." Dika waved his hand nonchalantly and continued walking towards the magic circle.

"You can't buy alchemy materials if you don't have money." Robert's faint voice came, making the cash-strapped Dika tremble.

He turned around and glared at his stupid apprentice, could he say such a thing casually? If you really encounter a strong opponent, how can you scare them away with your bluff?

Completely forgetting that he revealed this news himself before.

Robert ignored his gaze, but looked up at the sky, as if there was something very attractive on the ceiling, "And the teacher must be hungry now..."

"Gu Gu." A very obvious sound echoed in the dormitory, attracting the attention of the other two people and casting their caring glances.

Dika covered his face, it was so embarrassing.

Principal Dumbledore seemed to snicker for a while, and then said with a serious face, "If possible, would Mr. Dika be willing to have dinner with an old man like me?"

Although Robert wanted to tell Principal Dumbledore that the young guy in front of him was older than you, he looked at Dika who exuded a decadent air.

It’s better not to do any last-hitting.

Otherwise, next time, instead of causing trouble for yourself, you will directly beat someone up!

In the end, Teacher Dika obeyed his thoughts and followed Principal Dumbledore obediently.

I believe that with the principal's eloquence, it is very easy to deal with Teacher Dika.

Especially when he is already a little moved.

After the two left, Robert looked depressed at the dormitory that was covered in dust by the teacher.

"At least do it yourself..." Robert suppressed the irritability that kept coming from his brain, and he had some doubts that the side effects of the magic marks on his body were severe mysophobia.

"Robert! Are you free today? I'm not as good at levitating spells as you are. Can you help me?" Cedric opened the door and rushed in. He coughed violently before he took two steps, "Merlin! What on earth did you do in the room! Such a big dust!"

Ah, it’s great that I’m not a severe mysophobia.

Robert sighed, it was good to have a slight mysophobia, at least it would prevent him from being as sloppy as the teacher.

Dika, who was signing the agreement in the principal's office, sneezed hard.

The help Cedric said was actually very simple.

Previously, a spiritual world was opened in the Ravenclaw Tower, which caused the evil thoughts in a certain prefect's heart to be infinitely amplified. In order to prevent any more students from being harmed, all the eaglets were sent to live in the classroom on the third floor.

But a classroom is a classroom, and there is no way to live in a comfortable dormitory.

Fortunately, with the cooperation of the professors, the spiritual world was explored and destroyed.

Now, they can move back in.

When moving to the classroom, the professors will naturally do it for you, but if you move back...

The professor is not a porter!

At this time, the power of connections came to the fore. Almost every little eagle had three or two friends who came to help with the move.

Although everyone is empty-handed, the opportunity to take a peek at Ravenclaw Tower is right in front of them. Even if they are thrown out by the professor the next moment, that would be great!

In the crowd, Robert saw the twins and Percy.

Percy was biting his ear with Penello. Ever since this guy solved some kind of knot in his heart, Penello has become more enthusiastic, and their relationship is gradually warming up. It feels like it won't be long before we can see this guy in the Burrow. A beautiful and intellectual elder sister.

Of course, this is only one aspect. In fact, after letting go of certain things, Percy's communication skills skyrocketed, and many guys who he didn't deal with before no longer rejected him. This gave Percy a bit of Charlie's tact. .

What's even more obvious is that the twins' relationship with him is much better.

At least after Percy extended the invitation, the twins readily agreed to come and help.

Although Robert thought they might want to take the opportunity to sneak into Ravenclaw Tower for fun.

There was a commotion in the classroom as Professor Flitwick asked them to wait a little longer.

"Our headmaster has found a gentleman who is willing to teach you alchemy. He seems to be ready to let you see the alchemist's methods before teaching you." Professor Flitwick explained with a smile, "This is a very rare opportunity. Opportunities for observation.”

Obviously, the lord that Professor Flitwick was talking about was Decca.

Four circles are distributed in the circular room, and densely packed magic texts that may or may not be familiar are distributed inside and outside the magic circle.

"The rooms in Hogwarts Castle are really interesting." Dika stood in the middle of the magic circle wearing a wide wizard robe, with the dim candlelight lighting up. He still looked a bit like an alchemist.

The young wizards who came to inquire curiously looked at the magic circle on the ground. Some even couldn't help but squat down and rub the silver powder with their hands.

Seeing this, Dika's face almost turned green.

"Who let them in!" Dika covered his face, "My magic circle must not be damaged!"

The little wizards were uneasy.

They seem to have done something wrong?

The few little wizards who couldn't control their hands hurriedly rubbed it on the wizard's robe. However, they were shocked to find that the silver powder seemed to have grown on their bodies and could not disappear no matter how they slapped it.

Only then did they panic.

Dika raised his eyebrows and glanced at the naughty kid, only to find that he was standing outside the magic circle, tilting his head and looking curiously, but refused to come in.

"Tsk." Dika slapped his mouth and said, "You bastard, you are a monkey."

With this in mind, he clapped his hands and attracted the attention of the little wizards, "Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I am Dika, an alchemist. I will teach you some simple alchemy knowledge in the future, including... ..." He pointed to the magic circle at his feet, causing the little wizards to cheer in surprise.

They thought Dika was going to teach how to draw a magic circle.

However, Dika is Dika, how could he teach this kind of knowledge so easily.

He smiled slightly, his white teeth reflecting the candlelight, "Including telling you that you need to be most vigilant in front of a well-prepared alchemist!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire magic circle emitted a dazzling golden light!

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