"Oh, my God, I almost forgot. We are doing something very serious. So, do you want to go to Ravenclaw?" said the Sorting Hat. "Extraordinary intelligence is the greatest wealth of mankind. This sentence Those words are so beautiful, what do you think? I can secretly tell you a secret, Ravenclaw has a lot of books, which can satisfy your little hobby." The Sorting Hat twisted and said words that others could not hear.

Robert instinctively shook his head and refused. After all, judging from the layout of the castle, the Ravenclaw common room was on the 8th floor! 8th floor! Do you know how hard it is to climb up there?

If he could choose, he would definitely go to Hufflepuff!

First of all, Hufflepuff is very close to the kitchen, so you can always go there for a walk and fill your stomach. Secondly, it is the territory of Professor Sprout of Herbology. It is said that it is sunny, decorated with many plants, the air is fresh, and the environment is comfortable. The most important thing is that Hufflepuff is the only house with an anti-intrusion device at the door, which is extremely safe.

Sensing his strong will, the Sorting Hat could only say helplessly, "Okay, okay, I'll do whatever you want, Hufflepuff!"

When he put down his hat and walked to the Hufflepuff table with a happy face, he thought stiffly.

Although he no longer has to climb the 8th floor tower once a week, but...

The Room of Requirement is on the 8th floor!

If he went to Hufflepuff, it would mean that he would have to climb from the 8th floor to the basement every day in the future. Thinking about it, it seemed worse?

So, have I tricked myself?

Robert was still confused when he sat down, thinking that in the future he might hide from the Room of Requirement on the 8th floor along the long stairs back to the Hufflepuff common room in order to avoid Mr. Filch's pursuit...

No... I wonder if Leap of Faith has its own version of earth escape?

Robert, who was instantly wilted, didn't even have the mood to turn around and say hello to the Weasley brothers. He greeted his new friends with a melancholy look on his face, and asked the question to his classmates in a different way.

There is a class in the first grade called astronomy, which is said to be taken very late on the top floor of the astronomy tower. After astronomy class, the Ravenclaw turned around and went to sleep, the Gryffindor turned over and fell asleep, and we had to come down from the cold tower, go through 16 flights of stairs, reach the entrance hall, and then go down , walk through the basement to reach our common room…

As Robert said this, he saw that his classmates started to turn blue, then turned white, then rolled their eyes and fainted.

The seniors looked at the little badgers with amused faces, with no desire to explain. As the number of new students in Hufflepuff continued to increase, more and more little badgers were lying on the dining table with despairing faces.

This scene caused students from other colleges to speculate whether the little badgers were collectively sick?

"Lee Jordan!"


"Fred Weasley!"


"George Weasley!"


Gryffindor welcomed three new students one after another. The twins and Lee Jordan's cheerful and humorous personalities made them very popular.

As the last student was admitted to Ravenclaw, the solemn sorting ceremony finally came to an end. Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment in her hand, picked up the sorting hat and the four-legged stool and walked away.

After everyone was seated, Professor McGonagall returned to her seat and knocked on her dinner cup. The auditorium fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes turned to the guest of honor.

Then, their principal, Albus Dumbledore, president of the International Federation of Wizards, first-level wizard of the Order of Merlin, chief wizard of the Wizengamot, and the world's number one white wizard, stood up from his chair. He looked at the students with a smile on his face and extended his arms to them.

He said, "Welcome to Hogwarts! I'm very happy, children, to see many new faces again. In the future, you will learn magic, meet challenges, and gain growth at Hogwarts. In Before the banquet begins, I just want to say two words. That is: Eat!"

Everyone clapped and cheered crazily, especially the first-year students, who had walked such a long way, and you know, they were starving!

Suddenly, a large amount of food suddenly appeared on the plate in front of him.

The first to appear are various meat dishes. Although eating too much meat for dinner is not easy to digest, it is very popular with children!

Roast beef, roast chicken, roast goose, pork chops, lamb chops, steak...

Almost all the meat that Robert can think of is available here, but there seems to be no grilled fish. Of course, considering a certain fish dish that can kill people, we can conclude that the people of Fu country may not be suitable for cooking fish.

In the sea of ​​meat, a plate piled high with something that looked like bread seemed a bit out of place. It was something to eat with barbecue. Robert took some, then a smaller piece of roast beef, and immersed himself in it. eat.

Vegetables quietly appear around the meat, such as corn, pea shoots, carrots, lettuce leaves, potatoes, etc. It is worth mentioning that the potatoes on the table are boiled or roasted, and tomato sauce is placed on a plate and stacked. There is a hollow hill for the little wizards to take as they please, and a large basin of peppermint hard candies is placed at the end of the dining table - probably the house elves also know that the little wizards don't like this kind of candy.

Robert finally wiped out another large plate of vegetables, and then patted his belly with satisfaction.

A bit supportive.

After eating, Robert began to look around. Compared to the magnificent Gringotts, Hogwarts Castle was more restrained. There were rumors that there were secrets behind every mural or tapestry in Hogwarts Castle. This existence The building that has been built for countless years is definitely not as simple as it seems.

At this moment, he seemed to see something white and transparent floating in through the wall, and there was quite a lot of it.

That's the ghost of Hogwarts.

"Oh, my God, we missed the sorting ceremony! It's all Peeves' fault!" The ghost wearing a wheel-shaped ruffled tights was the first to rush in. He seemed a little unhappy, and an angry Nicholas De ·Sir Mimsy-Porpington just popped up from under the Gryffindor table with wide eyes. The little lions were so frightened that they burst into tears. Some of them had already hid under the table. This made Nick He became even more angry, and his shrill voice almost pierced the ceiling.

The chubby little monk shook his head and sighed as he walked towards the little badgers.

"Good evening, children." His gentle voice did not dispel their fear at all, "I am the ghost of Hufflepuff. You can call me Brother Tucker. Of course, you may prefer the title Fat Brother." Then he laughed to himself.

There was silence.

Limited edition of little badger scared emoticon pack.

Robert smacked his lips and took out a camera from the bag.

This thing is a bit stupid. In this era when electronic digital products are not popular, mirrorless cameras are just a cloud. This is already the smallest camera he can find.

"Click!" As the sound of the shutter ended, a photo was slowly spit out from the bottom of the camera.

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