Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 17 Hogwarts in the Morning

Robert walked to the steps and looked down, and then he let out a burst of exclamation.

The silvery white moonlight shines through the window into the small botanical garden downstairs - it turns out that the rain stopped unknowingly, and the colorful plants of high and low cover the steps leading to the dormitory. "This is really amazing." Robert Expressing emotion, "Plants can be so lush underground."

He seemed to see an unusually tall phoenix bamboo, although he knew it wasn't.

"Okay, freshmen, your luggage has been put in your room. Although tomorrow is Saturday, there are no classes, but I think you must really want to go to bed and rest after a tiring day. So, what are you waiting for? "

The little badgers cheered and ran to the steps.

After walking through the botanical garden, Robert successfully found his dormitory. Although Hufflepuff was basically the most popular house in Hogwarts, the room was unusually spacious.

Should I say that the underground of Hogwarts is bigger than the ground?

Robert complained silently.

There are four four-poster beds in the bedroom, covered with patchwork sheets and quilts. The bed curtains are black and yellow. The copper lamps emit warm light on the wall, illuminating the house. Robert finds his bed. He took off his robe that had been soaked by the rain and dried again, and got under the quilt.

He's too tired. Let's talk about roommates and stuff tomorrow.

The bed curtains were lowered and he quickly fell asleep.

If you ask Robert, did you sleep well last night? Robert would definitely say that Hufflepuff's bed is so comfortable!

He fell asleep as soon as it touched the pillow, and that's until now.

Robert picked up the pocket watch on the bedside and opened it to see that it was 5 o'clock in the morning.

Yawning, he got up from the bed, took toiletries, opened the toilet door and walked in.

After washing up, I felt refreshed.

Speaking of toilets, Robert remembered that there was a place on the Hogwarts map called the washroom, which is a public toilet. Robert didn't know what other colleges looked like, but there was a toilet with a shower in Hufflepuff's dormitory. The floors and walls were all cleaned, and Robert could only say that the house elves had worked hard.

The dormitory was quiet, and the other three roommates were still sleeping. Robert heard the guy on the bed at the door crying and calling his mother.

Shaking his head, okay, he didn't know how to evaluate it, it was always like this when he left home for the first time.

Robert took the opportunity to look around the dormitory. In this round room, there were some cabinets along the wall. Robert's luggage was placed in the cabinet with his name on it.

Considering that none of his roommates had woken up yet, Robert got dressed and left.

Passing through the underground botanical garden and going up to the common room, the fire in the fireplace is burning brightly, and the entire lounge is warm. The sun shines in through the round window, and you can see the swaying grass outside the window.

Hufflepuff's common room is half above ground and half underground. While ensuring sufficient sunlight, it can also provide a quiet sleeping environment for the underground badgers.

There was no one in the lounge. Robert climbed out from the entrance of the big wooden barrel. The corridor was very quiet. At this time, the students and professors might be sleeping, but there was a magical creature that definitely wouldn't.

Walking past the wall covered with food portraits, Robert came to a painting. There was a silver bowl with a badger painted on it. The large bowl was filled with many fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas, grapes, etc. Figs, pomegranates, etc., if the bowl were not big enough, these fruits would definitely overflow, and they would have piled themselves into a hill.

He stretched out his index finger and gently scratched the big green pear at the bottom of the painting. The pear started to squirm and let out a chirping laugh. Suddenly, it turned into a green doorknob. Robert stretched out his hand and grabbed it. It pulls the door open.

This is a very large room, maybe a little bigger than the auditorium above. There are four long dining tables in the middle and a row of long tables in front. This is very similar to the layout of the auditorium.

The decoration of the room is mainly made of stone. There are many gleaming copper pots and basins stacked against the stone wall. An oversized fireplace is leaning against the wall, with a roaring fire burning in it, and the aroma of food wafting from the kitchen.

Maybe it was almost time for dinner, but the house elf was running around in the kitchen in a panic.

Seeing someone coming in, these little guys were startled. In the panic, Robert seemed to see an elf and almost knocked over the copper basin in his hand.

"Uh, um, did I disturb you?" Robert was embarrassed. He didn't mean to scare them. "I just, just wanted to get some food. If it disturbs your work, forget it?"

"No trouble, sir, we are happy to serve you!" A house elf with white hair in its ears stood in front of Robert. It was a bit old, and the skin on its body was wrinkled together, a bit like Shar Pei.

The house elves' voices were a bit shrill, like a silly goose being pinched by someone's neck, while the old elves' voices were more like an animal's claws scratching the glass.

Robert felt that they were the enemies of mankind many years before they became servants of wizards, whether they were able to ignore protective magic by apparating, or they could cast spells anytime and anywhere without a wand, or they had the ability to disturb the mind. The sound effects all show that they are a very powerful creature.

"I'm Cole, sir," said the old elf. "What would you like to order first? Milk, hot cocoa, or oatmeal? The pie is still baking. How about sausage and ham?"

Robert blinked. He wanted to say that he wanted to eat braised lion's head noodles, pig's head noodles, wonton noodles, pickled vegetables and shredded pork noodles, Chongqing noodles, duck blood vermicelli soup, duck oil cakes, small steamed soup dumplings, Goubuli donkey rolling, mung bean balls, steamed buns, spicy soup. Soup beef soup...wait, there seems to be one of them that is not breakfast but dessert!

Recalling a lot of delicious food in his mind, Robert stretched out his paw and introduced, "I am Robert Leslie, first year Hufflepuff, Mr. Cole, thank you very much for your help, I think I'm going crazy with hunger. Please give me a sandwich and milk. Do you have time? I have some half-baked ideas about recipes."

He felt that the plan to expand the recipes of the British wizarding world must start from the beginning.

An hour later, Robert left the kitchen satisfied.

Under his careful guidance, the elves learned to make dumplings...

Although the dumpling skins were either too soft at the beginning (they melted as soon as they were cooked) or too hard (they would not be cooked thoroughly), when a pot of edible dumplings came out of the pot, the elves cheered happily.

Robert suggested that they take advantage of the weekend to serve different foods to students and professors, and kindly provided a dipping recipe.

The elves seemed to be very interested in adding more recipes. They said they would ask Principal Dumbledore for instructions after they came up with mature and stable dishes.

It seems that the plan to increase the recipes has a long way to go.

After getting a frying pan, some lard, and cooked and cooled meat dumplings from the elves, Robert decided to go back to the common room to cause trouble.

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