Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 19 The little wizards starting class

Pomona Sprout, head of Hufflepuff House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, professor of Herbology, is short, has a round figure, has flowing gray hair, and wears a hat on her head. The patched wizard's hat - it was a bit like the Sorting Hat, and he was wearing a brown robe that was stained with dirt.

At this time, this professor who was supposed to be kind and optimistic stared at Robert with a serious face, and the meaning in his eyes probably included "Boy, watch your hands for me, don't touch my grass! They are not you" Seasoning in the pot!”

Anyway, Alexander.

Robert swallowed, with a well-behaved look on his face.

Fortunately, this professor is not a really serious person. Optimism and cheerfulness are her nature. After a short chat, she took Robert and Robert to the door of the third greenhouse.

Professor Sprout took off the key from her waist, opened the door, and said to Nicole, "Miss Kilman, go in by yourself."

The senior showed a helpless smile and waved to Robert, "Robert, can you find your way back to the castle by yourself? If you can't wait, you can leave first. I'm going to take care of my precious plants!"

Robert said he was fine and was left outside.

Professor Sprout closed the door, turned his head, and stared at Robert expressionlessly.

The little badger shivered.

Half an hour later, a certain senior student was surprised to find that her dean was happily instructing the freshman to prune shriveled figs.

"Yes, that's it. If you cut off the dead branches, they will grow new branches and leaves." Professor Sprout said, "Although this work is very simple, few students are willing to carefully distinguish whether these branches are dead or not." , I can only insert those fresh branches and leaves back into the soil, Merlin, some of them are just new shoots."

By the time Professor Sprout signaled that they could go have breakfast, Robert was already a little dirty.

Skillfully using the cleaning tool to clean themselves up, under the strange eyes of the senior sister, the two walked through the vegetable field and returned to the castle.

At this time, the little wizards have all gotten up, and the table is full of food, including oatmeal, sausages, bacon, fried eggs, fried mushrooms, roasted tomatoes, French fries, soybeans with tomato sauce, fresh fruits, and a lot of various kinds. A variety of breads are grown, and drinks include milk and black tea.

Robert sat down and quickly eliminated the food with the fairy-looking little badgers. Finally, he put a few pieces of bread in his pocket and went to find the twins to explore the castle together!

Today is Saturday, so the new students are happy to find out that they don't have to go to class the next day!

This meant they had two days to explore the castle.

The little lion is ready to move.

The little snake sneered.

Xiaoying said that we wanted to enter the dormitory.

The little badger... looked confused.

So when the little lions of Gryffindor reacted, there was an inexplicable little badger in the common room.

"Hey, Lee, Fred, and George, are you all here? That's great!" Robert said happily, "Let's go explore the secrets of this castle!"

Just as Li Jordan was about to ask something, he was interrupted by the twins' exclamations.

"So those rumors are true?" Fred was so happy that he danced. "There are secret passages everywhere in Hogwarts Castle?"

"Yes!" Robert nodded, "I already confirmed it with Hufflepuff's senior sister this morning!"

"Then what are you waiting for! Let's set off right away!" George became excited. "I'll get the scarf. Robert, please wait for us!"

Robert stopped them and said with a wicked smile, "I don't want to find the secret passage with you! Let's compete?"

George looked confused, "Compare?"

"Find more secret passages than anyone else!" Fred shouted, "This is a brilliant idea!"

Robert waved to them, "Okay, in that case, I'll set off first, be careful not to be caught by Mr. Filch!"

With that said, he got out of the Gryffindor lounge.

In the next two days, the news that three little lions and a badger were slapping the walls everywhere in the castle spread throughout Hogwarts. Some seniors showed their secret smiles, feeling that there were more people to follow. He looked like he had toothache. Aren't these little guys tired? Wouldn't it be nice to take a good two days of rest and go to class?

First-year courses include Potions, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Astronomy, Charms, and a course only available to freshmen - flying lessons, but freshmen are not allowed to bring their own flying lessons. broom.

Whether it was luck or unlucky, their first class turned out to be a Potions class.

Hogwarts dungeons, Potions classroom.

"Put away your wands." Professor Snape came in from the door with a serious face, his long robes bulged, and he looked like a giant bat patrolling his territory, "You are here to learn potions. It's a precise science and a rigorous craft, not a troll-like waving of your magic wands, or the need for you to mutter incantations."

He stood on the podium and said in a contemptuous tone, "Many of you will not believe that this is magic... I can teach you how to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death, but there must be one thing, and that is You are not the dumb fools I often encounter.”

The little wizards didn't dare to breathe, and carefully looked at the professor who was said to have a very weird temper.

It may be that a certain savior has not yet entered school. This point-deducting maniac did not show his poisonous tongue until...

"Chi..." Robert was stunned for a moment when he heard the strange sound. He looked at his partner Stebbins, "Did you hear anything?"

The unlucky kid had a bit of a nervous breakdown due to Snape's inspection. When Robert asked, he almost threw the porcupine quill in his hand into the pot. Robert was so frightened that he quickly held him down for fear of an accident.

He didn't want to be called a fool by Snape.

"Idiot!" Snape's roar came from the back of the classroom. Stebbins subconsciously turned his head to look. Fortunately, Robert had already moved the cauldron away. When the guy turned around, the porcupine quills flew from the medicine saucer in his hand. He walked out in the exact direction where the crucible had been.

Robert sighed. This guy is really not a qualified partner. His attention will be drawn to him at the slightest sign of trouble. He doesn't know how he hooked up a Ravenclaw girl to kiss him in the future. It seems to be named Fawcett.

But if you think about it carefully, European and American people are more open-minded, and it is not impossible for this kind of situation to suddenly fall in love with each other.

While thinking about it, Robert changed the place of the crucible in his hand and put it away. This was the result of his entire class. It must not be destroyed by Stebbins!

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