Professor Flitwick stood on the commentary table and danced with excitement, "Oh, look, those are the Weasley twins! Perfect coordination! One of them used a snowball to attract Warrington's attention, and the other took the opportunity to release a blow. Repulse the curse! Warrington fell down! Great! Whose transformation was that? It was Roger, haha, well done! If you can catch up with other people's snowballs, then the Golden Snitch must be no problem! Come on, boy!”

"Hey, isn't that Cedric? What is he going to do?" Professor Flitwick was stunned as he watched Cedric and another Hufflepuff team up to build a huge snowball, which was as tall as a person. , looks like a snowman. "Levitation spell? What are you going to do? Wait, this snowball seems a bit big? Um, okay, we saw the last Slytherin player buried in the snowdrift."

The Slytherins who were beaten were all persuaded to retreat almost instantly. Seeing this, Professor Snape quit. He co-organized three of your houses and caught one of our houses bullying?

Hurry and replace the two people who fainted. As for the one buried in the snowdrift, let’s just consider him eliminated!

However, before Slytherin came on the stage, Robert and the others started fighting.

I don’t know who made the move first.

A small snowball trembled, flew swaying, and hit the forehead with a "pop" sound.

Fred looked confused. Can such a slow snowball hit someone? !

"Very good! We see that the Gryffindor player has been hit, and his scoring vest has extinguished a crystal." Professor Flitwick's voice came, and Robert saw a bright light on the back of Fred's vest. The three diamond-shaped crystals exploded and turned into snowflakes that blended into the environment.

It turns out that thing is also made of snow.

"Then game on, oh my gosh, gentlemen, there are no ladies on the field, but please control yourselves a little."

At this time, there was a bit of chaos in the field. The twins began to throw snowballs indiscriminately. Countless small snowballs flew around in the open space. Although they were small, they flew far and would be hit if they were not careful. As the two Driven by the move, Ravenclaw's eaglets began to fire softening spells around the two of them, and the originally solid snow immediately became soft. This not only put the little lions in a dilemma, but also affected the little badgers—— They can't get close enough to throw snowballs at them.

"Hey, Cedric, your levitation spell is pretty good. Stebbins and I will help you make snowballs. We want to make something more powerful!" With that, he called out to his good partner in Potions class. .

Student Honey Badger was very excited today. When Robert asked him to help, he immediately lay down on the ground and began to shovel snow in front of him.

Robert also stepped forward to help, and the two of them rolled out more than a dozen snowballs. Robert also knocked back a few flying snowballs.

This melee made him realize the upper limit of his magic power. He had already wasted half of his magic power, so he tried to use snowballs to attack the opponent.

"Sure enough, Transfiguration consumes a lot of mana. I don't know how Principal Dumbledore can achieve high-intensity magic." Robert muttered while thinking about how to deal with the two groups on the opposite side.

"Stebbins, we leave our cannonballs to you. You don't know about cannonballs? It doesn't matter. You just need to keep making snowballs." Robert said, "Then, next, Cedric, can you do it? Will the snowball get faster? Come on then!"

With enough cannonballs, Robert and Cedric controlled the snowball to bypass Gryffindor and head towards Ravenclaw. The unsuspecting eaglet was smashed. The twins just wanted to cheer, but Cedric was A slow ball hit his face. Just as he wiped the snow off his face, Robert's speed ball also arrived. The snow disturbed by the softening spell became the biggest obstacle for the Gryffindors. Fred was eliminated miserably. At this moment, Slytherin's substitute came on.

"Oh, look at these brothers, they were pinned to the ground and ravaged like stupid roosters." A certain little snake came up and taunted, and then he froze in place.

"Look, what did we find?" George asked.

Lee Jordan smiled like an old father.

A minute later, under the siege of three houses, Slytherin retreated.

However, just when the audience thought that the game was over and everyone could cheer, Robert showed a mean smile, and the experienced little snakes in the front row trembled. The next moment, countless snowballs attacked, along with others. There are Robert's mean words, "Come on! From the Snake Academy! The losing academy will come down together and be punished!"

"That's right! Come down and have a snowball fight together! Hahahaha!" Fred and his brother also started throwing snowballs.

Although the little snakes were stunned, they quickly reacted, "They have no magic power, and we don't need magic! Everyone depends on their own abilities!"

A little snake shouted this, jumped down from the stands with a head of steel, picked up the snowball, and ran towards Fred while screaming.

When the other Slytherin freshmen saw this, they were stunned for a moment, and then jumped down with expressions of constipation on their faces, bastards! Why don't you use magic? If you use magic, you can get rid of them in just a few strokes! There’s more! Why do you want to rush with us?

Seeing Slytherin going down, the Gryffindor little lions couldn't sit still, "For the honor of Gryffindor!" they shouted, and a large group of them jumped down. Seeing this, they pulled The little eagles of Vinclaw can't sit still anymore, our Eagle Academy also needs honor!

In the end, the confused little badgers looked at me and I looked at you. Everyone had gone, so it seemed wrong for us to still sit here.

When Professor McGonagall came over after hearing the news, she could only see the satisfied little wizards lying in the snow and giggling. Several people from different houses were leaning together and discussing in low voices their experiences in throwing snowballs. The senior students The students are a little embarrassed. In this situation, should we go down or not?

Although the scene was harmonious and joyful, Professor McGonagall still deducted 50 points from each house with a serious expression on the grounds of fighting.

In the new week's Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall was surprised to find that the transfiguration skills of the young wizards who participated in the weekend magic snowball competition had improved a lot, and her expression softened.

The game was then reserved and specifically marked as a first-year-only event, with Robert Leslie prohibiting anyone from being near the field during the game.

"Meow meow meow???" Robert looked confused.

Wait, wait a moment, Professor McGonagall! I just want to change my technique to brush up my skills!

I was already prepared for you to tell me with a serious face one day that you would not allow such a dangerous game to be raised again, but you told me that this game has been inherited? ? ! !

Robert's face was expressionless. In fact, you are a fake Professor McGonagall! Say, who are you to pretend to be someone who drank Polyjuice Potion?

As for being prohibited from approaching the competition venue?

When it starts snowing next year, I will be in my second grade. Who will go to watch that kind of game!

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