Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 266 Animal Conversation Technique

It is not easy to move forward in thick liquid, and it does not make people feel the slightest bit happy.

Wanting to end this adventure quickly, Robert deliberately relaxed his spirit and allowed himself to sink to the bottom of the lake faster.

Although it is strange, there are many unique animals in this viscous lake - let's call them animals.

Like the previous butterflies, the bodies of these animals were covered with moss and swayed like swimming fish. Some even looked like teddy bears. Their simple and honest appearance made Robert look sideways.

Surprisingly cute?

They passed Robert leisurely, seemingly not bothered by the thick liquid at all.

When Robert looked at them, he couldn't help but think to himself, "Does it mean that if you want to swim in the lake without restriction like them, you have to have grass all over your body?"

In fact, it doesn't matter if there is grass. The problem is that if Robert's head is also green, it will be a bit painful.

I always feel that I can’t watch too much. If I watch too much, I might end up with a human shape-shifting fish form...

The fat-headed fish with a small light yellow flower on its head happened to be passing by, and Robert felt bad all over.

This look definitely didn't fit his personality. He shook his head, not daring to look at it anymore, and swam towards the bottom of the lake in a panic.

There was a feeling of running away.

As expected, there is a large area of ​​moss at the bottom of the lake, but the moss here is different from the green ones above. The moss at the bottom of the lake is purple. According to the rhythm of breathing, streams of light green mucus spurt out from the moss.

The rhythm of breathing...

All Robert was thinking, judging from the analyzed information, was that the endless moss in front of him turned out to be a huge creature?

These mucus should be just derivatives of large organisms, um, probably... similar to the carbon dioxide breathed out by humans?

Scratching his head, what on earth is such a big thing?

Robert curiously walked along the bottom of the lake to find the answer.

Not long after, the huge creature under his feet shook, and Robert felt something bad.

However, there was no place for him to hide at the bottom of the lake. He panicked for a moment, and then looked at his feet.

"...The Earth Splitting Curse is really the first choice for a must-have spell when traveling at home." Robert complained as he hid himself under the moss cracked by the spell. "Do I have special adventure skills? Every time I encounter a giant creature Can’t escape the beginning of the Earth Splitting Curse?”

But then again, even in the game, pedicure is a basic operation, so... there seems to be nothing wrong with giving the Earth Splitting Curse at the beginning?

But the problem is that now he can't even find the feet of the creature under his feet. The Earthshattering Curse was really used...

Robert shook his head, no, no, you can't think like that. There is no fixed way to use magic spells. Appropriate use is the essence of magic spells. Even if it is transformation, you can use your rich and powerful imagination to play tricks. Come.

Sure enough, just thinking about Kowloon Opera and Pearls makes my blood boil!

I don’t know whether it was due to good luck or quick reaction. As soon as Robert hid himself, the world began to spin. The sound of bubbles was a bit like stirring in a washing machine. A very ethereal and a bit uncomfortable long roar sounded. .


The surrounding space was shaking in an indistinguishable direction, and the bubble spell on his head was almost blown away by the huge inertia. Because there was no point of strength, Robert even worried that he would be thrown away.

Fortunately, the abnormality around him did not last long. Robert felt his stomach churning and retched for a long time before he suppressed the strong acid, shook his head, and looked around.

There was still mucus all around.

"It's a bit numb." Robert scratched his head and said distressedly, "Why do the protagonists always stumble upon clues inadvertently?"

Sure enough, am I not skinny enough? !

After deeply reflecting on himself, Robert decided that he still needed to learn pathfinding magic, such as - the Patronus Charm?

Although this spell is world-famous for expelling evil creatures, in fact it has many wonderful uses, such as conveying messages, detecting intelligence, well, as long as it is not too big...

But the size of the patron saint should be related to the amount of magic power... It should be...

After thinking about it for a long time, Robert gave up the idea of ​​summoning Opal. After all, you can't expect a bird to swim.

In other words, he finally realized what kind of mixed-race his idiot was.

It's a phoenix!

No wonder the expressions of the old man and Principal Dumbledore were so weird, as if they had been holding their regrets for most of their lives, but they didn't know how to start vomiting them up.

My pudding is really a warrior. I blamed you wrongly. You actually set your idea on the principal and then succeeded?


In terms of courage value, I lost.

Sure enough, there is no reproductive isolation in magical animals. Even fire crabs can give birth to shelled prawns. It is actually not a big deal to have a fat ball phoenix...

That’s weird!

If the Ministry of Magic discovers it, it will cause a lot of trouble. The "Animal Breeding Experiments Prohibition Act" is not a vegetarian!

Moreover, that is a phoenix! Phoenix! There are few powerful magical creatures in the entire magical world that only a few people can possess. Robert's only thought now is that if some brain-dead pure-blood family comes to him one day and wants a stupid bird, can he use his outstanding eloquence and strong charisma? , make the other party convinced.

But considering that Opal is the descendant of Phoenix and Puff... The Ministry of Magic has a department called the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, which is responsible for destroying such creatures cultivated by brain-dead wizards.

Of course, they occasionally receive unexpected products of magical creatures that are ready to move under the moon, but...

Sure enough, wizards have a bigger brain, and they can occasionally forget what kind of magical creatures they have locked together.

Therefore, some magical creatures really grow randomly. They were born in a small dark room anyway and do not need to live in the sun. Their good looks are of no use, right?

After reviewing various spells in his mind, Robert had an idea. It seemed that he had a summoning spell!

Of course, the object was not the rabbit summoned when fighting the fire dragon, but the group of plant-covered fish he saw in the mucus.

Just do it if you think of it.

Robert recited the spell silently, but he received no response.

It's not that the spells failed, it's that they had no idea what they were talking about.

Some smaller fish swam over and waved their tails as if to say hello.


Wait a minute, don't worry, I remember that the Druids also have a secret that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Robert's face was serious, his brain was spinning rapidly, and he finally remembered such a thing from the depths of his memory - the art of talking with animals!

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