Suddenly, Charlie felt a golden light flash in front of his eyes, and he saw the Golden Snitch!

Although he didn't know why it stopped in front of the Hufflepuff stand, Charlie couldn't care less. He lay on the broom and accelerated, accelerated!

Robert quietly took back his wand when no one was looking at him. Well, although he had no achievements in flying, his good dynamic vision allowed him to immediately notice something flying past his eyes. He sat in the front row. He subconsciously cast a magic spell and flew out. When he found out that it was the Golden Snitch, he could only innocently say that it was all its fault, and I really didn't want to immobilize it! It was flying so fast. I was just a new student. How could I possibly hit it? This is all God’s will! God’s will! And I only used the obstacle spell, it stopped on its own!

Charlie moved quickly. The Slytherin Seeker was still watching his companion spin the Gryffindor Chaser around when he heard cheers erupting behind him.

Charlie really didn't slow down this time, so after reaching out to grab the Golden Snitch, he slammed into the Hufflepuff stands, breaking the banner they were holding!

The banner said "Gryffindor Must Win!" It even used red and gold.

The little badgers cheered and rescued Charlie from a pile of banners made of sheets and threw him into the sky to congratulate Gryffindor for defeating Slytherin - although the championship went to Hufflepuff in the end!

Charlie, who landed on the ground dizzy, was surrounded by little badgers, followed by Gryffindor little lions. Fortunately, the Hufflepuff banner took away most of the force from Charlie. He didn't seem to be injured, just a little dizzy.

The expressions of the Slytherins at this time were as if someone had forced a large amount of indescribable stuff into them. If they won the championship this time, then the Academy Cup would definitely be theirs. You must know that they were almost five in a row. Crowned!

Charlie completely became the hero of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. People carried him to the school hospital. This was requested by Madam Pomfrey. She let Charlie lie in bed for one night before leaving because she was worried about him. He hurt his head and kicked all the little wizards who came to visit out of the ward.

The night belongs to Gryffindor!

During dinner, the little lions chattered about today's game. They were extremely excited to win against the Slytherins.

They even had a celebration back in the common room.

Of course, compared with the joy of the little lions, Hufflepuff was obviously more lively. They got so many desserts from the elves that they almost filled the common room. Professor Sprout exempted them from the week. Observation diary, and sent a pot of plants that looked very suitable for celebrations, but that thing actually exploded into brilliant fireworks in the air.

Robert remembered the soda that he had asked Cliff to send before. He shared those things with his classmates. Although the wizards were very curious about this sweet thing, they were not as familiar with it as hiccups. Potion-like side effects express gratitude and insensitivity.

It seems that the prospects for the promotion of carbonated drinks in the wizarding world are not optimistic.

The little badgers stayed up late, and considering that there was Potions class the next day, they swarmed back to sleep.

Robert sneaked out while his roommates were asleep.

The twins were standing on the eighth floor waiting for him. When they saw Robert appearing, they came over enthusiastically.

"Hey, Robert, you said you found a good place and wanted to introduce it to us?" Fred's eyes widened, "Is that place interesting?"

"Don't worry, it's quite interesting there. I've been there for almost a semester!" Robert assured, patting his chest. "It's on the eighth floor, opposite the tapestry where the troll beat Barnabas the fool."

"Eh? You mean that room?" Fred looked in disbelief. "Isn't that a storage room? I seem to have found a broomstick in it."

George also looked in disbelief, "Although we never went in again, I didn't find that room very interesting."

"You actually went in?" Robert was stunned for a moment, and then said as if he remembered something, "That's right, you are on the eighth floor, and you are often chased by Mr. Filch. It is not unusual to find that room."

With that said, Robert walked forward, explaining as he walked, "That is a magical house. You can only find it if you really want to see it. When it appears, it will always be decorated just right for you." needs.”

He brought the twins to the tapestry. Silly Barnabas was trying to teach the troll to dance ballet. I have to say, this was a really weird idea. The wizard walked up to the troll and tried to dance a ballet. Elegant dance. As we all know, the troll has low intelligence and a strong tendency to violence. It is not surprising why those giant sticks fell on him before he even started to lift his legs.

The poor Mr. Wizard was beaten to a bloody head and lay on the ground wailing. When he saw someone approaching, the troll turned his head, looked at them curiously, and sniffed them with his nose.

"Three walks back and forth," said Robert, walking back and forth between the window and the vase three times.

A wooden door appeared in front of the three of them. Fred opened his mouth wide. He said with some uncertainty, "It seems that we did see it here before, but is this door a little bigger?"

"I told you that this room will change." Robert opened the door and kicked Fred in. "Hey, George, welcome to the biggest treasure hiding place in Hogwarts."

With that said, he stepped through the door.

The huge room is filled with countless broken furniture, magic books, potions, cloaks, hats, slingshots, broken decorations...

So you can see all the imaginable and unimaginable items here, but most of them are damaged.

"Hey, Robert, look what I found." Fred's voice came from behind a broken cabinet. He had a smirk on his face and seemed to be holding something in his hand.

Robert stretched out his hand curiously, and Fred put the thing in his hand.

The sound of flapping wings and intense flapping came from his hand, and Robert realized that it was a golden snitch.

"Oh my god!" Robert was a little surprised, "The Golden Snitch! Isn't it in Mrs. Hooch's crate?"

"Although the Golden Snitch is very precious, there can't be only one since the founding of Hogwarts." Fred shrugged, "This must be a golden snitch that was damaged before. Maybe "The Magical Quidditch" It will be recorded in "Qi"."

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