Robert came to the community park.

Today, he's here to try and acquire a new skill.

He has wanted this skill for a long time, and he doesn't know if he can get it today.

At this time, a performance stage was set up in the community park, and the staff were busy coming and going. On one side were various prizes and on the other side were two white boards.

This is a new activity launched by the community. The Chinese learning club is mainly to promote Chinese knowledge in the community and let more people know about the flower-growing country.

Robert soon found his target, a child with the title of child prodigy.

The little kid was blowing snot bubbles and holding a lollipop in his mouth with a leisurely expression. His parents were talking to the people around him with reserved expressions. It seemed that for them, it was a good idea to introduce their genius son to others. It's something to be very proud of.

"Would Charles and Anna be proud if they had not passed away?" Robert thought, feeling a little disappointed.

The event started soon. Robert was the only child who came by himself, so he naturally attracted a lot of attention. When they learned that he was an orphan, many people cast sympathetic glances.

Robert didn't pay attention. At this time, the child prodigy had already come on stage, and the host also began to liven up the atmosphere. He gave praises such as "You can assemble an alarm clock by yourself at the age of three" and "You can recite a fairy tale at the age of five" without hesitation. This child.

The little kid seemed to be praised a lot and didn't care at all. He listened patiently to the host and then started his performance.

The host took out some prepared Chinese characters, handed them to him, let him read them for a minute, and then asked him to write them on the whiteboard nearby.

After quickly reading a page, the little kid took a pen and hummed and started writing.

These children all have a basic knowledge of Chinese characters, otherwise they might be confused as soon as they start.

After all, the curlicue English letters are very different from the square Chinese characters.

The little kid quickly finished writing six Chinese characters, while the kid competing with him couldn't write a single word.

"Wow..." the child cried.

Cried very sadly.

The kind that cannot be persuaded no matter how hard you try.

The organizers had no choice but to take out the small gifts they had prepared and give them to the child, hoping that he would calm down.

After this episode, the name of the little prodigy became even more famous, and some parents got cold feet.

Would it be particularly embarrassing if my own child couldn't write a word?

These parents flinched, but Robert didn't. He stepped forward and politely told the host that he wanted to give it a try.

The host had an impression of this child, who was not accompanied by an adult. This was really the first time. When he learned that Robert was an orphan, he became even more sympathetic.

"Little brother, why do you want to participate in this competition?" the host asked, wanting to liven up the atmosphere.

Robert blinked and whispered, "Because Aunt Angela's birthday is coming, and I want to give her a teddy bear."

The teddy bear is not the biggest of these prizes, but it is certainly the most expensive.

Only the one who wins at the end gets it.

Robert's goal is to be able to defeat the little kid next to him, so there is no problem in wanting this teddy bear.

The host smiled and said, "What a motivated young man! Then, let me explain the rules of the competition again!"

"On this piece of paper, there are ten Chinese characters in total. I will give you one minute to compete. Just write down as many Chinese characters as you can remember on the whiteboard over there. The winner will be determined based on the correct number of Chinese characters. Negative." The host blinked, "Do you understand?"

Robert nodded, and the host showed him a piece of paper.

Sure enough, there are ten Chinese characters on it, but they are all simple, such as Ding, Shang, Yun, Zuo, and the like.

After all, he was once a member of the yellow-skinned group. Robert wrote these words easily, causing the surrounding people to exclaim.

People couldn't believe that there was a child who could remember more and more completely than the little prodigy, and the scene was a bit confusing for a while.

They were cheering Robert on, hoping he could memorize more Chinese characters.

Robert was at a loss for a moment. It turned out that in another time and space, were there such a group of people who were interested in Chinese characters?

Soon, he discovered that he was wrong.

These guys just want to see the birth of another child prodigy, that is to say...

Booing blindly.

A somewhat embarrassed Robert finally finished with 32 words, beating the little prodigy's 22 words and became today's winner.

Holding the expensive teddy bear in his arms, Robert declined the interview and sneaked home.

At this time, an extra line of words appeared on the panel.

[You defeated Mike Cain in the duel of knowledge and knowledge, photographic memory +10. 】

[Skill point +1. 】

[Photographic memory level 1 (1/20). 】

"Skill points?!" Robert opened his eyes wide and was extremely happy. So there is such a thing?

Use it quickly and your photographic memory will be upgraded to one level.

[Photographic memory level 2 (1/40). 】

[You can choose one of the following skills as an expansion skill. 】

[Put what you learn into practice. 】

【rote. 】

There was no explanation of the effect, but Robert still chose to apply what he learned based on his literal understanding.

A cold current circulated in his mind, and Robert felt that his mind was spinning faster. The spells that were about to be forgotten seemed to come to mind all of a sudden, and he seemed to have a better understanding of the spell analysis in the book. .

"This skill is good." Robert sighed, "I am more motivated to learn magic."

Robert had no way to use magic at this time.

Because he doesn't have a wand.

Yes, this is very unscientific. It is obviously a magical world, but there is a setting that requires a wand to perform magic.

In fact, wandless spellcasting exists, but the power and the number of spells that can be cast are too small, making it an advanced skill.

So, what kind of science is there in the magical world? This is obviously very magical!

Just as Robert was thinking about it, there seemed to be the sound of something heavy falling in the yard outside the door.

"Boom!" Robert was startled and stayed in the room for a long time before he stretched his head slightly to look downstairs.

A man wearing a gray-white hood was lying under the cherry tree in the yard. The moonlight shone on his back, where Robert could see a dark stain.

Shrinking his neck, Robert didn't know what to do. He suspected that the guy was injured, very seriously.

The kind that can't get up.

But Robert didn't dare go down.

First of all, he is just a child. If a child encounters something like this, he will definitely be frightened and run away.

Secondly, he could not confirm whether the people downstairs were hostile to him. What if he goes down to check and gets attacked?

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