Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 316 Saving Private Ron

Hermione probably had a special talent when it came to comforting people.

Make the person being comforted even more panicked.

The experimenter, Harry Potter, was completely stunned at this time.

"No, no, no, no..." Harry shouted with a cry, "Ron will be fine, right?"

Hermione's face was full of embarrassment. Hey, was there something wrong with the way I comforted people just now? Why did Harry look even more uneasy?

Robert watched the whole process and said that he was almost laughing to death from these two bastards.

"Okay, let's talk about those nonsense later." He pointed at the pile of gold coins in front of him and said, "Since there is no trace of Weasley on the path, it is obvious that he must be under these gold coins."

After a pause, he became confused, "But how did he fall?"

Harry blamed himself and said, "I was almost attacked by three monkey-like creatures just now. In order to protect myself, I used a disarming spell to fly them away. There must have been some mistake."

The poor savior didn't know yet that it was the first monkey he avoided that smashed his good friend into the sea of ​​gold coins.

"Okay, we need to find Weasley first." Robert took out his stone, "I don't know if the tracing magic will work."

In the expectant gazes of the other two people, the small round stone emitted a faint blue light and moved in one direction.

Principal Dumbledore and Deckard appeared in a darker room.

Dika looked around in confusion, seeing a huge operating table with various strange equipment placed around it.

This is a room that belongs to the alchemist.

It can also be called a workshop, laboratory, training room, etc.

Let’s see what path this alchemist takes.

As for this room...

Dika looked at the syringes, petri dishes, and reagent bottles scattered on the ground around him...

It's probably a cultivation room for alchemical creatures.

"Oh." Principal Dumbledore made a confused voice and picked up a black notebook from the table, "There is an alchemy notebook here."

Opening the notebook, the delicate fonts came into view, which recorded a method of cultivating monsters. The materials used included legendary colorful stones, and...

"Monkey?" Principal Dumbledore was amused. "Is it really a temple of monkeys? But what kind of magical creature does he want to cultivate with these things?"

The principal's face was full of confusion and he continued to look down.

As he looked at it, he put down his notebook with a strange expression, feeling a little want to laugh, but also a little helpless.

It turns out that the formation of this spiritual world is indeed due to three inconspicuous black stones. According to the alchemist, these three stones may have something to do with the great sage of the proud country. If so, The great sage is the essence of the stone, so the three small stones in this spiritual world are the small stones that flew away when the great sage was born.

As for where the other stones went, the alchemist didn't know, but this did not hinder his love for the "Journey to the West". Therefore, after he accidentally entered this spiritual world, he suddenly had a sudden idea and used alchemy to create three black monkeys.

Of course, these three monkeys, like their ancestors, jumped out of the stone.

They have high intelligence and some special abilities, such as manipulating stones to build temples.

Therefore, the temple outside was actually made by themselves, and it is naturally a bit monkey-like in aesthetics.

"...This probably means that we can get out of this hellish place as long as we find those three monkeys?" Dika stretched his head and saw the notebook in Principal Dumbledore's hand, "Well..." He looked at it Look at this breeding room, "Monkeys should have been born here, but they are not here now, so where will they be?"

"He's down here." Robert took back his stone and pointed at his feet, "You should be able to find Weasley if you dig out these gold coins."

Harry looked at the pile of gold coins with a little despair, "How are we going to dig up these gold coins? Magic can't make them move."

"Maybe... we can make use of this pillar?" Robert looked thoughtfully at the nearby stone pillar that was not used for support, "turn it into a miner or something..."

Harry took out his wand and said, "Let me try it!" As he said that, a spell flew towards the stone pillar.

Nothing happened.

Looking at the wand in his hand, Harry asked doubtfully, "This pillar also has the ability to block magic?"

"I think your magic power may not be enough." Robert took out his wand and waved it.

As the sound of "rumbling" sounded, the stone pillars rose from the ground. Although they did not turn into some muscular giants, they still had limbs with the help of the deformation technique...

It's just that the head is a bit difficult to change. Considering that even if this thing has a head, it needs to be controlled by magic power, Robert made it easier to make it headless.

This is the look...

Xingtian! Is it you? Xingtian?

"We should find the children quickly." Principal Dumbledore was a little uneasy. "The owner of the notes asked these creatures to guard his inheritance. If the children accidentally fall into the treasure room, they may be attacked."

Dika waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "You are too worried. They will definitely be fine."

As he spoke, he paused and said, "Compared with this, I am more interested in the method he mentioned of converting life into other items. I am going to copy these notes."

Principal Dumbledore looked at him sharply, "Professor Dika, you cannot take away the lives of others just because of your personal preferences."

Dika was stunned and looked at him doubtfully, "Principal, what the hell are you talking about? Isn't the biggest use of this method to save dying people? Maybe just a few days of delay can find a cure. .”

"..." Principal Dumbledore was a little confused and began to doubt himself. Am I a little too dark?

Not to mention how embarrassed the principal was at this moment, Harry was a little at a loss.

Robert turned the tall stone pillar into a stone giant, and Hermione turned the huge box used to contain treasures into a shovel. Now the three of them were sitting on the pile of gold coins, watching intently as the stone giant dug out the gold coins.

One spade, two spades, three spades.

Just when the shovel went down for the fourth time, Harry finally understood where his uneasiness came from...

"Wait, wait a minute Robert, Hermione..." Harry swallowed and said with some confusion, "Well, if the stone giant shovels down, it happens to hit Ron..."

He asked in horror, "Will Ron be hurt?!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah?" Hermione looked at him dumbfounded, and one could tell from her expression that the top student had just realized this.

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