"I'm so angry!" Hermione clutched the quill in her hand tightly, gritting her teeth and writing and drawing on the parchment. Her strength was so strong that she almost made a big hole in the parchment.

Regarding Hermione's private preparation of polyjuice potion, the professors did not make it difficult for her. After all, considering her age, being able to prepare advanced potions was an act of genius.

For geniuses, everyone will subconsciously forgive a lot.

Even Snape couldn't say any evil words, and coldly asked Hermione to go to his place for confinement in the next time.

Robert originally wanted to say that he commissioned Hermione to make Polyjuice Potion and sell it in the store, but before he could say anything, Hermione took over everything.

In the end, Robert was imprisoned for providing high-level magic supplies to junior students, but he was even more miserable because he had to process medicinal materials for Professor Snape.

The little girl has to recite a lot of potions books every day. For example, she is probably already studying chemistry in the second year of high school.

There are still exams every day.

Even Hermione, who loves learning, will feel tired of studying when she meets an annoying professor.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

She looked up at Robert, who was shedding beetles, and felt a little queasy.

"This thing, why don't you kill them before shedding their shells, and, my god, there are so many claws..." Hermione felt like she was about to be defeated by the rotten smell lingering on the tip of her nose.

"Head-soaking spell, Hermione." Robert took a pair of scissors and skillfully inserted it through the beetle's excretion port. With a "click" of the knife, the beetle's abdomen was cut open, and a lot of things that looked like internal organs rushed out. Coming out, Hermione retched and turned her head away from looking at the movements of Robert's hands.

"Isn't this thing so disgusting?" Hermione screamed, "Damn it! Weasley is the one who talks so much. He should be called over to deal with these things!"

Robert was stunned, looking at the red-shelled beetles in the basin, and said hesitantly, "It's okay, I think this is a bit like spicy crayfish, but the taste is a bit stronger, don't worry." He gave Hermione a smile. , "When it comes to dark delicacies, no one can do it better than Fu Guo."

Hermione had an unknown feeling.

"Well, you have to know that the smell of lamb tripe is actually worse than this." Robert threw the shells in his hand into the rattan basket, where there were piles of carapace as high as a hill. He would wash and dry these things in a while. , which is the beetle shell that will be used in class.

Hermione recalled the taste of lamb tripe and felt...

These beetles don’t smell that bad either!

Looking at the red carapace on Robert's hand, Hermione swallowed, "Spicy crayfish..."

"Huh?" Robert looked at her doubtfully, not knowing what she was going to say.

Hermione's eyes wandered for a moment, then she said, "Does it taste good?"

Robert burst into laughter, "I'll take you to eat authentic spicy crayfish when I have time. I'm sure you won't want to come back."

Hermione couldn't help but swallow, and nodded vigorously.

1992 happened to be the end of the 20th century. At this time, the combination of beer + crayfish should have become popular at roadside stalls in flower-growing countries, right?

Of course, if you want to eat authentic spicy crayfish in school now, you still have to go to Senior Sister Nicole.

With the senior sister's urinary nature, if she were told that this thing was so delicious, there would probably be a large group of them in the black lake of Hogwarts.

Wow, let’s put it this way, charcoal-grilled or salt-baked shrimps are also delicious…

Thinking about these delicacies, Robert moved a little faster.

He is hungry.

After finishing processing the potions in his hands, Professor Snape appeared in front of the two of them, coldly asked them to continue coming for confinement next Saturday, and then left.

The two looked at each other, quickly packed up the room, and made an appointment to meet Senior Nicole in the Hufflepuff common room for a late-night snack.

However, the senior sister may not be interested in cooking food today. There is no cauldron and spoon in the fireplace, which makes the two of them a little sad.

"I promised to cook food every day, senior Nicole, so you have to persevere!" Robert advised his senior with earnest words, and Nicole wanted to throw the recipe in her hands at this junior's face.

Bastard! Don’t I need to pay for my ingredients? Why would a guy like you who just eats and drinks say such things so brazenly?

Then, she saw the expressions of other junior students eager to feed.

Senior Nicole cried out loud, you bastards are bullying people!

Using the newly cultivated plants and promising to help her find fresh and delicious ingredients next time, Robert finally appeased the senior sister before sending Hermione back to her dormitory.

Wiping the non-existent sweat on his forehead, Robert looked panicked, "Oh my god, why did I piss off Senior Nicole?"

Hermione said contemptuously, "You must have done it on purpose."

"How is that possible!" Robert immediately cried out, "Am I the kind of person who bullies my senior sister?"

Hermione tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said without hesitation, "You are it!"

Robert was half choked by her, and touched his nose helplessly, "This... I really didn't mean that..."

Hermione rolled her eyes, not believing his nonsense.

"Besides..." Robert said confidently, "How can I take advantage of my senior sister when she is angry?"

It's because you Hufflepuffs are so angry every day!

Hermione couldn't help complaining in her heart, but she didn't say it out loud. Instead, she smiled in confusion and said, "As long as you are happy."

Robert couldn't help but shudder. Why did he suddenly feel that his sister-in-law's smile was a bit scary? What bastard led her to evil?

While the two were talking, they saw Harry and Ron hurriedly walking up the steps, preparing to return to the tower. Hermione called out to them, "What are you doing?"

Harry didn't expect to be stopped at all. Harry was obviously frightened and dropped what he was holding in his hand.

Robert saw it clearly. It was a black book, and it seemed to be quite old.

Hermione took two steps forward, picked up the book, and opened it in confusion, only to find that there was not a single word in it.

She glanced at Harry doubtfully, and suddenly felt her hands were wet. She frowned and asked, "Why...why did you throw the notebook into the water?"

Just when Harry was about to explain something, Ron yelled, "It has nothing to do with you!" As he said, he took out the black leather notebook held by Hermione and glared at her, "Since you like this so much, Hufflepuff is together, so don’t ask about Gryffindor’s affairs!”

With that said, he took Harry and ran away.

However, before he even ran up the stairs, he found that the steps under his feet turned into a slope. With a cry of surprise, he and Harry rolled to the ground, groaning in pain.

Robert grabbed Ron's back and smiled at him. In Ron's horrified eyes, a huge fist hit his head, "You brat, if you can't learn to speak well, you'll be in the corridor tonight." Let’s spend the night!”

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