"Mr. Leslie, do you think that staying in the campus hospital forever is a promising thing?" Madam Pomfrey scolded Robert with a crazy expression on her face, "Tell me, how many times has this happened? ah?"

Robert coughed dryly and shrank his neck.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense. Madam Pomfrey had never been a good-tempered person, especially when there were too many patients. If the medical staff had a slightly softer temper, the little wizards would dare to blow up the school hospital.

This caused the madam's temper to get worse and worse...

Robert stepped back, wait, wait, it seems that the madam's bad temper started...did it start when he entered school?

Is it too late for me to escape now?

Robert was thinking about this issue very seriously. He was a little afraid of having his legs broken by Madam Pomfrey.

Fortunately, the little lions came to his rescue.

"It's the Weasley boy!"

"He's crazy! He's crazy!"

"Don't come over here!"

"Mom!! I want to go home!!! I don't want to learn magic anymore!!!"

Madam Pomfrey looked at a group of crying lion cubs, and her whole body felt bad.

Robert grabbed Hermione, who was about to check on Harry and Ron, and ran away.

As soon as the two of them walked to the door, they heard a burst of crying in the school hospital. The sound was so loud that it almost shook the ceiling.

They hurriedly muffled their voices and let out a long sigh of relief.

"What are you doing?" came a brisk voice, "Did you encounter something interesting?"

Robert and Hermione were startled as if they had been caught doing something bad, and then they turned around and saw, well, it was Professor Lockhart.

Professor Lockhart obviously recognized his number one fan, "It turns out to be Miss Granger. I heard that you benefited a lot from my Valentine's Day activities." As he said, he winked, "If I see him, I will definitely have a good talk with him, that bastard kid kidnapped my most precious book friend, it is too much!"

Robert's whole body was in bad shape.

Damn it, you shameless guy! You actually threw it away! Charming! Eye!

Robert, who was messy in the wind, felt that it was time to show his dignity as a boyfriend, so he grabbed Lockhart's paw that was reaching towards Hermione, shook his arm 360 degrees up and down, left and right, and said various things in his mouth. Compliment, "It's really great to teach you the Valentine's Day activities. This time all our Hufflepuffs are single..."

Robert paused, "So we all thank you very, very much!"

It’s just that the prefects are more resentful.

Lockhart was squeezed by the huge strength of his hand and gasped, but when he heard Robert's words, he pretended to be calm and grinned, "Really, really?"

He looked quite happy, but his expression was distorted and he felt like he was forcing a smile.

Hermione held her forehead and complained, "Robert, you scratched Professor!"

"Oh, sorry!" Robert quickly let go and looked at Professor Lockhart with a look of admiration, "Professor, our Hufflepuff is having a dinner party tonight, do you want to come to it?"

Hermione looked at Robert in astonishment, with an expression that seemed to say, "How come I don't know about this?"

Professor Lockhart was obviously a little lost at this moment, so he agreed immediately and said that he would give his best full-length photo to Hufflepuff House as their "lucky photo."

So, when the little badgers returned to the lounge, they were surprised to find that the screen at the entrance had been replaced by Professor Lockhart with good teeth.

Summers picked his ears and asked with some confusion, "Why did Professor Lockhart give us such a large photo? The price of making a life-size color photo shouldn't be low, right?"

Most of the photos in the wizarding world are in black and white. This is because the price of color photos is much higher than that of black and white photos. Unless they have a mine at home, wizards often use black and white photos.

Of course, if it is a color picture, they will prefer a portrait.

However, in the past two years, the wizards' craftsmanship has also improved. It won't be long before moving color photos will be everywhere in the streets.

Robert looked at the photo frame in front of him and was extremely speechless. He just said that, and as a result, Professor Lockhart came up with something like this.

"I met the professor before." Robert said listlessly, "I invited him to our party."

Stebbins looked confused, "Are we having a party tonight?"

"Yes." Robert nodded, "Did you forget that the ingredients I purchased earlier arrived today?"

The image of some kind of creature with snarling teeth and claws instantly appeared in the minds of the little wizards...

"Is that thing really edible?" Samos was a little desperate. "They are actually bugs, right? Don't lie to me because I don't have enough education. At least I know a few arthropods that can live in the lake."

Robert was immediately unhappy, "Hey, how can you doubt my talent in finding ingredients? This thing is definitely edible."

Senior Nicole is completely on strike these days.

Without their senior's late-night snack every night, the little badgers feel that their lives have lost their fun. In this case, how to get their senior to take charge again has become a top priority.

The problem is, without special ingredients, I'm afraid it won't be possible to seduce the senior sister out of the dormitory.

As a country of dark gourmet food, the little badgers naturally tried their best to get such things as Icelandic shark meat, Indian glutinous rice balls, canned herring, eel jelly, Casumazu cheese...

Speaking of which, it seems that the eels here in Fuguo were eaten to extinction in the last century?

In short, they finally calmed down after being taught a good lesson by the angry Professor Sprout. The professor said that if the cubs did not wash their socks for another six months, she would have the students wash the socks of the house elves for half a year.

The little badgers were very aggrieved. They didn't wash their socks. It was obviously the food's fault.

"But... are you sure that the house elves will deal with those creatures with small pincers but very ferocious creatures?" Summers was very doubtful. "The cowardice of those guys is shocking. By the way, you really don't need to go to the kitchen to see it. One glance?"

"Of course." Robert said, "I really believe in Sasha and their craftsmanship."

Just as he was talking, two first-year students ran in, panic written on their faces, "Oops! Seniors, there are a lot of crayfish in the aisle outside!"

"The crayfish is out of jail!"

"What are we going to do, senior! That's an important ingredient tonight!"

The little badgers were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Robert.

Summers smiled unkindly, "It seems like they are still unreliable!"

Robert covered his face, God, Sasha, what on earth did you do? Why did you even let the crayfish escape?

Taking out his pocket watch and looking at the time, Robert felt that it was time to capture those damn fugitives back into the cauldron!

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