Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 36 Joko’s Joke Shop

The large mirror trembled, and a crack appeared in the middle of the mirror. The lower half of the mirror slowly moved downwards, while the upper half of the mirror stopped in place.

"You actually got into it!" Robert was astonished. "Did the person who originally designed this secret passage think of the entrance because he was afraid of being knocked to the ground?"

Fred got in first, then George, and Robert got in last, and...

"Wow!" After entering the secret passage, there was a downward slide. He didn't know how long he had been sliding until Robert felt like he had bumped into someone.

"Ouch!" Well, the voice sounded like it was George.

He hurriedly got up from the ground and took out his wand, "Sorry George, fluorescent flash!"

The surroundings suddenly became brighter.

Robert looked back, and there was indeed a long and gentle slope behind him. It seemed that his previous guess might be true. This road was indeed used for emergency escape after falling.

The twins had climbed up from the ground and dusted themselves off. Robert said, "This secret passage has definitely not been used for many years. We may be the first wizards to clean it in hundreds of years."

With that said, he released three more to clean them up, and then he felt comfortable.

What followed was a long road, which lasted about half an hour. The three of them were tired and thirsty, so they simply sat on the ground and ate some food before continuing on the road.

After walking for more than half an hour, the road began to climb upwards, and Robert knew that he was almost there.

"Okay, let's see what the exit is." Fred shouted, rushing out first.

George also followed him with a smile on his face, and Robert looked strange. He seemed to have heard the hoot of an owl.



With two exclamations, the twins disappeared from the exit.

The corner of Robert's mouth twitched. What, could it be that the exit of the secret passage is at the Owl Post Office?

"What a bad luck!" Fred cried sadly, "Why are there so many owls at home today? Aren't they busy delivering letters every day?"

George was also very depressed, "The experience of being attacked by an owl as soon as I came out was really scary!"

After rescuing the twin duo from the angry owl's beak, Robert followed them, helplessly comforting them, "Well, well, Fred, George, forgive those poor Scottish round-faced bastards! Look, , haven’t I already used Clean Up?”

Fred sighed, "Well, since we are in Hogsmeade, forgive them. Haha, this is a place that you can only apply for after third grade! It's great!"

"But there is still a strong smell of feces on me!" George went a little crazy. "If this smell can't be eliminated after we go back, Lee Jordan will definitely think that we didn't take him with us when we went out to throw dung bombs!"

"By the way, where did you get your dung bombs? I haven't seen them in Diagon Alley?" Robert asked in confusion. He still wanted this magical strategic weapon that was comparable to canned herrings. Try to play with, study it.

"The Jumping Magic Joke Shop on the south side of Diagon Alley, between the Obscurus Book Company and the Extraordinary Clothing Store." Fred explained, "You can go check it out, it's a great place!"

"Really?" Robert looked at a red room on the left with "Zoko's Joke Shop" written on it. "So, how does it compare with this shop?"

The twins both looked sideways.

Turning around, the three of them smiled maliciously.

"Ding-ding-ding-dang, bad boy, bad boy..." The skeleton soldier at the door made a strange cry, a bit like a ghost's voice.

In Zuko's Joke Shop, all kinds of weird products were almost piled up to the roof. Some bloody props were scattered around. A man in dirty clothes with pieces of internal organs on it was facing the three of them. .

"Oh, oh." The man exclaimed in surprise, "What, what's going on, why would a little wizard come to Zuko's Joke Shop at this time?"

The man turned his head, and with the dim light in the store, Robert could clearly see that he was an elderly man. His gray hair was unkempt and piled on his head, as if he was wearing a cotton cover. No beard, wrinkled skin, and a wicked smile on his lips.

Wow, this looks like a very naughty old man!

"Hey, hello, Mr. Zuko." Fred greeted with a smile, "What are you doing."

George also leaned over and took a look, "Wow! This is a good idea! Tell the customers that the things they buy are cut from fresh corpses. Mr. Zuko, your transformation skills are really lifelike."

After hearing this, Mr. Joko angrily threw away the knife in his hand and sat down on the rocking chair, "Humph, what an ungrateful brat! In order to implement this plan, Mr. Joko, I have been squatting on the ground and cutting for a long time!" "

"Hmph, when it comes to pranks, we are the professionals!" Fred puffed up his chest proudly.

The twins said together, "We are the kings of pranks who want to bring joy to the wizards!"

Mr. Joko laughed loudly, clapped his hands and said, "Not bad, not bad. It has the demeanor of Mr. Joko when I was young. Just pick whatever you like, and I can give you a 20% discount!"

"I'm going to bring some rotten eggs back!" Fred and George quickly rummaged through the store.

Robert also followed up, curiously looking at some things that didn't look like prank props.

"What is this?" He curiously held a tube that looked like a muscle and pulled it gently. The tube automatically became longer. Robert's eyes lit up. This seemed very interesting!

"Oh, those are the tendons of a deformed lizard." Mr. Zuko explained, "I provide a lot of items and materials that can be used for pranks." He raised his eyebrows, "Would you like to try making some pranksters yourself? ?That would be interesting for sure.”

"Deformed lizard? Is it the material of the money bag?" Robert was a little surprised, "Isn't this a rare material?"

"Oh, in fact, it's not that rare anymore." Mr. Zoko's words were a little leaky, and he explained with a sneer, "Irish deformed lizards are a bit overpopulated, so these things are actually very cheap now. 1 Sickle 3, you either ?”

Robert put the tendon in his hand back into place, "Um, thanks, but I probably don't need this."

If the price of deformed lizards drops, maybe you can buy a few money bags as gifts and take them to the flower country, huh? You can't tell the customs? Well, given the urine quality of the Ministry of Magic of the Corrupt Kingdom, would they really check it? On the other hand, the flower-growing country doesn't know what's going on, so we still need to ask to avoid being stopped at the airport and unable to get out.

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