Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 439 Twenty-eight pure-blood families

The reason why Honeydukes sells pineapple preserves all year round is simple. When the store manager, Mr. Ambrosio Froome, was a student at Hogwarts, his Potions professor was Horace Slughorn, and Slughorn Professor Raghorn's favorite dessert is pineapple preserves.

In order to repay the professor for introducing him to his first job, Mr. Frum would give him a large box of pineapple preserves every year on his birthday.

Therefore, the pineapple preserves sold in Honeydukes are actually the work of Mr. Frum.

"Ambrosio, there are no more jelly slugs!" Mrs. Frum's voice sounded, and a man's voice was heard in the distance, "Got it!"

The little wizards were still standing in front of the cabinet laughing and choosing their favorite candies.

Under a large pile of messy candies, Robert found coconut sorbet, which was a bit cold to his hand. In fact, this thing should be an ice cream, but Mr. Frum tried to make it into a cold candy.

Maybe next year even "bingbingliang" can be omitted.

This is Professor Sprout's favorite.

As for the pile of cockroaches crawling around in the jar, well, that's Professor Dumbledore's favorite. Only wizards can make candies that can bite people.

By the time Robert and Hermione came out of the candy store, both of them were feeling sweet.

"There are still three hours until the carriage back to Hogwarts starts." Robert glanced at his pocket watch, "Should we wait for the carriage or walk back?"

Hermione's eyes were a little wandering, "How about... walking back?"

"Okay." Robert put away his pocket watch, "I'm going to send the candy away first... Come to think of it, there seems to be an Owl International Post Office here..."

Hermione stood outside the post office waiting for Robert to come out.

Robert looked at the little girl walking around boredly outside through the glass door, and felt a sense of peace of mind, "That's great..."

"Morning...Boss..." A listless voice sounded. Robert turned his head and saw a somewhat slovenly young man.

This guy's name is Bud Addison, he's a pureblood, and he has a very common orphanage-style start. His parents are gone, so this guy looks very negative.

Before joining Holly Garden, he was just eating and waiting to die every day, until one day he "blackmailed" Robert.

Now Mr. Addison is still a sloppy guy, but in fact, he has a goal and pursuit, and wants to raise a group of owls in the rotten country that can send letters over long distances.

For such an idealistic person, Robert doesn't mind helping him, especially since the opportunity to deliver food to the world is right in front of him!

How can you give up!

"Abo, Avery... Black, Burst, Burke... Carlo, Crouch... Foley, Flint... Gunter, Greengrass... Lestrange, Longbottom , MacMillan...Malfoy, Nott, Ollivander, Parkinson, Prewett, Rozier...Rohr, Selwyn...Shackle, Shafik, Slughorn, Travers, Weasley, Yaxley..."

Addison hummed a strange tune and began to select birds in his birdcage that seemed to be in good health.

This song was written by Addison himself. It is said that he wrote this song when he was most desperate. Not long after, he met his current boss and lived a good life. Therefore, he felt that this song The song is his lucky song, and he will hum a few lines when he has nothing to do.

As for the lyrics, they refer to the legendary twenty-eight pureblood families.

If you count them carefully, many people from these families are actually around them.

Hannah Abbott is from the Abbott family, the Avery family is a famous Death Eater family, and the Black family is from Sirius.

Millicent Burst, a Slytherin student, is of the same class as Harry. He is a member of the Burst family, the famous antique store "Bogin and Burkes", and the store manager is Caractacus. Bock is from this family.

The Death Eaters Carrow brother and sister are representatives of the Carrow family, and Mr. Barty Crouch is a member of the Crouch family.

The surname Foley is not common. It appears in another book by Rowling - "The Casual Vacancy". In fact, there is a guy named Sullivan in this family who just entered school this year. Of course, if you are familiar with Gellert Grindelwald, the name of the Minister of Magic in the corrupt country during the era when he was active was Hector Foley.

That buck-toothed Marcus Flint, the prefect of Slytherin, and his family are also purebloods.

The famous old Mr. Voldemort is a descendant of the Gaunt family. According to rumors, a crazy woman gave birth to a daughter for him.

Daphne Greengrass is Pansy's good friend. Of course, more people know her sister - Astoria Greengrass, who is married to Draco Malfoy and is a Muggle lover. girl.

The most famous of the Lestrange family is Bellatrix, the madwoman. Her husband Rodolphus Lestrange and Rabastan Lestrange are both Death Eaters. The Azkaban kind, in fact, along with Barty Crouch Jr., they were the group that tortured the Longbottoms.

Longbottom, the family of the famous Auror Longbottom and his wife, and the somewhat timid and cowardly "Sword Master" Neville.

Ernie, the guy who always liked to doubt Harry, was a MacMillan.

The Malfoy family is very popular, Draco, Lucius, etc. are all from here.

As for the Nott family, it is said that the Twenty-Eight Pureblood Families was compiled and published by an elder of their family.

"Ollivanders, has been making fine wands since 382 BC." Everyone who wants to buy a wand will remember this sentence.

Pansy Parkinson had been in love with Malfoy for seven years, but in the end the two did not achieve a positive result. It perfectly explained what "childhood sweethearts are no match for the gods", and Pansy Parkinson was Rowling's disapproval of her. A collection of women she likes, so in the book, she is a very annoying woman, and her relationship with Hermione is very bad.

There are many people in the Prewett family who are members of the Order of the Phoenix. Well, they are Mrs. Weasley's natal family. In fact, there are still many people, but because of Mrs. Weasley's own reasons-she always thinks of her deceased brother. We don't have close contact with each other.

The Rozier family also produced many Death Eaters, the more famous one being Sirius' aunt and Narcissa's mother, Druella Rozier Black.

The Rolle and Selwyn families are both Death Eater families.

Kingsley Shacklebolt, later Minister for Magic.

The Shafik family appeared in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.

The vain Professor Horace Slughorn is a member of the Slughorn family.

Travers and Yaxley are both Death Eater families, while the Weasley family has always firmly sided with the Order of the Phoenix.

Although I don't want to admit it, twenty-eight pure-blood families really exist in various parts of the wizarding world.

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