Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 441 The Fugitive of Azkaban

The process of Dementors sucking away happy emotions can actually be seen as a way to increase debuffs, so...

As long as my resistance is high enough, you can't suck away my happiness!

While muttering these words that were obviously self-comfort, Robert sprinkled a handful of silver powder and constructed a small exorcism array on the ground.

The dementors had a long memory and no longer struggled with Robert's patron saint. They separated into four to entangle the patron saint, and the other four bypassed it and pounced on Robert himself.

They smiled strangely, opened their mouths, and made sucking movements.

"Evil spirits retreat!" The curse that was once used to deal with the remnant soul of Voldemort came in handy again. The curse hit the nearest spirit monster. It screamed and half of its body was knocked off. , the remaining black smoke cannot regain its original shape anyway.

Seeing that its companion was seriously injured, one Dementor seemed to be frightened and froze on the spot, while the other two were aroused with ferocity and rushed over at a faster speed.

"Tsk." Robert was a little helpless. Although the Patronus Charm was very useful in dealing with things like Dementors, when the Patronus was lured away, the wizard would indeed be in danger.

The spell hit a dementor again, causing it to pair up with its companion. The last dementor took the opportunity to throw Robert down, sucking in big breaths, trying to suck away Robert's happiness.

The cat-shaped Patronus had already dealt with its enemies, and quickly ran towards Robert, easily killing the Dementor who was trying to escape.

Robert looked at the Dementor who kept opening and closing its mouth in front of him, and raised his eyebrows. It seemed that... high mental power does have miraculous effects?

Pointing the wand at this unbelieving guy, turning it into a black mist, and watching them being purified one by one by the patron saint, Robert felt that he should find some way to increase his magic power reserves?

Hmm, what's that thing called, magic potion?

"Robert!" Hermione's voice came from far away, interrupting Robert's thoughts, "I have already sent the letter."

"I thought I saw two dementors chasing you just now." Robert jumped up from the ground, "Are you okay?"

Hermione shook her head, "It's nothing, just two Dementors." As she said that, she looked at the little wizards who fell to the ground, "What happened to them?"

"Their happiness was sucked away by dementors... Really, what do those adult wizards think? Do they expect such dangerous creatures to protect their children?" Robert sighed, "I'm sorry to bother you, Hermione. Go talk to Mrs. Rosmerta and get some hot water.”

When Principal Dumbledore arrived at Hogsmeade, what he saw was a group of young wizards sitting on the ground, holding a cup of hot chocolate in their hands, sipping on it.

He frowned, looked at Rosmerta standing aside, and asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

Madam Rosmerta had a displeased look on her face, "Those dementors are really messing around! Albus, you should have a good talk with Fudge. He asked the dementors to maintain order. I have nothing to say, but he can These lawless creatures cannot be restrained! They actually attacked the little wizard in full view of the public! Does he think that as long as the Daily Prophet does not report it, no one will know about it? "

Principal Dumbledore's face suddenly darkened. There was a reason why he agreed to allow the dementors to move freely outside Hogwarts Castle.

Fudge, that idiot, knew that the Animagus might escape from Azkaban, but still did not send more manpower, causing Peter Pettigrew to escape from prison again!

God, he was still prepared to hide this matter. If an Auror hadn't happened to interrogate a criminal and happened to pass by Peter Pettigrew's cell and found that the other party was no longer there, Fudge was even prepared to treat this matter as if it hadn't happened!

Dumbledore simply couldn't imagine how he felt that this guy had the appearance of a minister, but he himself had no idea about the minister of magic, so he was now in a dilemma.

If Fudge were to step down, the most likely candidate to replace him would be Barty Crouch, but since he was involved in the scandal of releasing death row prisoners, there would not be many people to choose from, and among these people , Rufus Scrimgeour is considered the most outstanding and has a high reputation.

After all, he is the head of the largest violent agency in the Ministry of Magic, and many Aurors support him.

It's just that this guy is tougher than Fudge. If he comes to power, it may make the situation worse. Of course, there are also good things. For example, he is more convinced than Fudge that Voldemort has returned, and he will send more people to find Voldemort. whereabouts rather than having them around to protect you.

But the problem now is not to cause trouble for Fudge. He just received a letter from two of his students, and they discovered suspected traces of Peter Pettigrew.

"The Screaming Shack?" Principal Dumbledore frowned, then relaxed, "If it is there, it is indeed possible..."

"I'm not sure how long he was there, Professor." Robert explained, "We just saw some shallow footprints, and there were no traces of dust on those footprints, which means he probably screamed before we headed there. The sheds were there before.”

Principal Dumbledore was deep in thought, and then he smiled and said, "You did a good job, Robert and Hermione. When you find something wrong, you immediately quit and found help."

Hermione finally couldn't help it and interrupted their conversation, "Wait a minute, who are you talking about?"

Robert hesitated, and said with a somewhat uncertain tone, "You may not believe it, Hermione, but I think the footprints I saw in the Shrieking Shack are those of Peter Pettigrew."

"Peter Pettigrew? How is this possible?" Hermione exclaimed. Fortunately, they were in the Three Broomsticks' compartment, otherwise everyone might have heard her voice. "Didn't we find him in Norway before? ? Hasn’t he been sent to Azkaban by Mr. Weasley? Isn’t Azkaban the most tightly guarded prison? Why can he still escape?”

Hearing Hermione's barrage of questions, Robert couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, "Minister Fudge would probably be furious if he heard these questions."

Hermione's expression was serious, not joking at all, "This problem is very serious! If Peter Pettigrew can escape again and again, there is no guarantee that other prisoners will not be able to escape. Prisoners who can be imprisoned in Azkaban , all of them are people who have committed serious crimes. If they mix with Muggles... I simply can't imagine that situation."

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