After the assassin who was rushing to deliver money died, Robert's life returned to peace until the summer of 1989.

The tawny owl flew high in the sky and landed smoothly in the small nest built by Robert specifically for birds to rest - it was very close to his bedroom window.

Knocking on the glass with his beak, the little guy tilted his head and looked at the boy holding a cream-yellow fur ball in the window, and stretched out his paws gracefully.

Robert was stunned for a moment when he saw this short-eared owl, and then he was delighted.

He finally got the admission notice from a certain school!

The envelope is made of parchment paper, which makes it appear heavy, thick, and visually rough, but it feels smooth. In the middle of the envelope, there is written in emerald green ink:

Mr. Robert Leslie received

There is a wax seal on the back of the envelope with a shield coat of arms printed on it. In the middle of the coat of arms is a capital letter "H", surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake. This is Hogg Watts' school emblem.

Robert showed a big smile. Although he had long suspected that he might receive this letter, when he actually got it, Robert felt as happy as if he had won 5 million pounds!

After calming down, I opened the envelope carefully. There were two pieces of paper inside. The first one said:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore.

(President of the International Federation of Wizards, First-Class Grand Wizard of the Order of Merlin, Chief Magician of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Leslie:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Attached is a list of required books and equipment. The semester is scheduled to begin on September 1st. We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July 31st.

Vice Principal (Female)

Minerva McGonagall

Yours sincerely

The second piece of paper is a list, which lists the books and props needed for the first grade.

Robert has read almost all of those books, and he is not planning to buy them again. He has two complete sets of magic tutorials at home, and except for the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, he has almost never bought new books.

Robert happily jumped up and down in the room, venting his excitement. Then, he remembered a big problem.

The Leaky Cauldron seems to be in...London?

Robert, who was instantly petrified, read the admission notice again with trembling eyes.

Well, the question is, how does he get to the Leaky Cauldron when he lives in Yorkshire?

The Leaky Cauldron is located on Charing Cross Road, between a large Muggle bookstore (perhaps Marks and Cohen) and a record store. Robert originally planned to come alone, but since he had a headache after handing the letter to Aunt Elsa, this trip has become a threesome.

He only learned half a year ago that Aunt Aisha had a boyfriend named Cliff White, who was said to be an international student from the United States. At first, Robert did not comment on this relationship. As an international student, do you still expect Can he stay for you?

Cliff tells you, yes.

This guy obtained British citizenship, transferred his assets, and married Elsa at the speed of light. This is not the main issue. The most important issue is that Robert's custody rights may or may not be handed over within three months. In the hands of these two people?

If it weren't for this admissions incident, it would probably have taken these two guys a year and a half before they cautiously came over to ask Robert for his opinion, but now?

As long as he goes through the process, Robert will be adopted by the two of them.

Now, Cliff is asking Robert for his opinion, and he seems to want to buy a house in London.

"Although Yorkshire is the best, Robert, you have to consider that it takes four hours by train from there to London. When school starts, you still need to take the train from London. What if you are late." Kerry The husband spread his hands, "Besides, I have the most business in London now."

As he said this, he winked and said, "If I buy a house here, I can be lazy."

"Then what will Aunt Elsa do?" Robert frowned, "She can't give up the children in the orphanage, right?"

"Well." Cliff and Elsa looked at each other and smiled, and he explained, "In fact, the orphanage now belongs to Elsa."

Robert was stunned.

So swollen and fat?

What happened without me knowing?

"York County needs development in the past two years, and the location of the orphanage is a little... um." Cliff raised his eyebrows, "In short, after a series of negotiations, the children in the orphanage have been properly placed. Aisha Orphanage will A site will be selected for reconstruction in one year.”

"We can choose the address in London, what do you think, dear?" Elsa said with a smile.

Cliff hugged and kissed her gently, "Perfect idea."

Robert complained silently, I'm afraid you are not dreaming.

Not to mention how you are going to explain to those people that you want to open the orphanage in the north to the south. It is still unknown whether there is any place to open an orphanage in London.

While they were talking, the three of them had arrived at the entrance of the Leaky Cauldron.

It was a dingy little bar that people rushing past wouldn't even take a look at if it wasn't pointed out, and of course, it's more likely that they wouldn't even see it.

Cliff looked at the bar, shrugged, and said hesitantly, "Well, well, if this store hadn't suddenly appeared, I might have thought it was a black shop. Now, I think it can be seen after opening the door. I saw the mercenary with the giant hammer, and the vampire staring at the back of my neck with greedy eyes."

The door was pushed open, and as expected, the dark environment made the bar even more eerie. There were leftover wine glasses on the greasy dining table, and the old witch in a pointed hat whispered to the empty wine glasses. Say something, the pale-faced wizard sat talking in the shadows.

The entry of a family of three did not break the hustle and bustle of the bar. Cliff looked at the candlestick floating in the air with interest, while Elsa whispered to Robert that children were not allowed to drink.

The three people quickly found the bar owner, Mr. Tom, who had the same name as a certain big man whose name must not be mentioned, perhaps with the title of sweeper in the wizarding world.

Mr. Tom had a shiny bald head and a stooped back. He chatted enthusiastically with the guests. Robert walked over, and Tom stopped communicating and turned to look at him, "Oh, this is a new face. Tom likes newcomers the most. But, young wizard, you are not allowed to drink alcohol at your age, so would you like a glass of wheatgrass juice?"

Robert saluted politely and took out a parchment envelope with green cursive writing, "Hello, Mr. Tom, I am a new student at Hogwarts. This is my admission letter. Professor McGonagall suggested that I come to you. Ask for help."

Tom glanced and looked very calm, "So, is it another new year? Come on, Mr. Leslie, I think I can take you to Diagon Alley, where you can buy everything you need!" "

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