Beauxbatons Academy of Magic is located on the top of the Pyrenees Mountains in southern France. There is a beautiful French palace called Beauxbatons Castle. The current principal is Ms. Olim Maxime.

She is a half-giant descendant like Hagrid.

Speaking of which, there are two celebrities in Beauxbatons, alchemy masters Nicolas Flamel and Perenal Flamel. Because of their long-term use of the elixir of life, their life spans are over 650 years old. Beauxbatons Castle There is a fountain with healing and beautifying powers in their garden. It is said that this is the masterpiece of the two.

So the question is, why are the Beauxbatons guys parked next to the Hogwarts train, shouting to come and visit?

Is this a direct and friendly way of greeting wizards?

Robert took out the pumpkin pie and handed it to the friends in the box, who began to watch fiercely.

Then, something very embarrassing happened.

The door of Hogwarts was called, but no one came forward to respond...

At this time, the president of the student union would usually come out to talk, but because their president has graduated, and the new president probably won't be announced until before the start of school, this is a perfect extra gap.

Of course, if Professor Flitwick was awake at this time, he would assign a student to go out to negotiate, so that both parties would not be embarrassed. Unfortunately, the professor is missing!

The Beauxbatons guy who was probably the president of the student union was starting to turn blue, probably from the cold.

Robert was looking at the melon field happily when he felt a chill on his back. When he turned around, the friends in the box looked at him with strange eyes.

As if to say, brother, why are you still sitting here?

Robert, “…”

Look what I do!

Half a minute later, Robert rubbed his nose and opened the front hatch of the car.

Standing on the same platform, Robert coughed dryly and shouted equally loudly, "Welcome to the Hogwarts Express. Everyone from Beauxbatons, do you want to go on the road together?"

When someone answered the call, the boy hanging outside the carriage looked much better. The carriage was heading towards the front of the carriage. The boy saw Robert standing by the door and knocked on the platform under his feet. The two school vehicles instantly are connected together.

"I am the student union president of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Balk Durand." The other party stretched out his hand and shook Robert's hand.

Robert's expression was a little weird, as he had the impression that you were showing off your identity, but he still introduced himself, "Robert Leslie, Prefect of Hogwarts."

He felt that the other party's expression was stiff for a moment, and then he said nonchalantly, "Originally, we were planning to fly directly to Switzerland, but the girls seem to be planning to have a social gathering."

With that said, Balk pointed to the carriage behind him and said helplessly, "They are really noisy, so... I'm here to ask, do any of you want to come up and play? Let me tell you secretly, we girls from Gaul But they are all great beauties!”

Robert's eyes twitched. Labor and management are people with female votes. If I dare to tell others what you said, I won't be able to find a good piece of meat today.

How do you think Cedric got his body so hard?

It’s not Youqiu’s urging! (fog)

"Is this what Ms. Maxim meant?" Robert looked at him doubtfully, "Has she told Principal Dumbledore?"

Balk scratched his head, "Definitely not. This time our leading professor is not the principal, but Professor Harvey. It's his opinion."

"Okay, I need to talk to our leading professor." Robert shrugged, "But does it really not matter if we join forces now?"

Balk looked at him doubtfully, "What does it matter?"

Robert stared at him for a long time before looking away. Well, although the summer camp is just a game for children, it is organized by several schools after all. There must be competitions, right?

If people from other schools think that the two schools are joining forces, will they be targeted?

He didn't dare to take the blame for this, so it would be better to ask the professor for his opinion.


He locked people out.

It was also locked.

Balk looked confused.

Robert was also helpless. If possible, he would also like to invite people in, but if he "inadvertently" revealed the fact that he got on the bus to people from other schools, there was no guarantee that they would not have any special thoughts.

And Principal Dumbledore will definitely not say "We want to form an alliance with so and so, so we have a good relationship with them." He will only say that everyone must unite all forces to defeat the evil Voldemort.

Well, in order to unite all forces, we'd better not get so close. If someone sees it, it's the kind of alliance that can't be washed away even if we jump into the Yellow River.

As for why it needs to be locked.

The train conductor is a relatively simple person and cannot let the bad boy outside the door lead him into a ditch.

And Balk, who was complained by Robert as a bad boy, felt like he was about to freeze!

What a bully!

He actually left the guests outside the car!

Balk was about to cry. Why did he listen to Professor Harvey and come out to test the attitude of Hogwarts! He was actually left hanging outside the wet and cold carriage by an underage wizard. If he didn't return to the carriage, he would definitely be frozen into an ice sculpture!

Robert, who returned to the car, quickly took out his stone and started looking for Professor Flitwick.

Mr. Professor will definitely not drink alcohol in front of students, and he cannot leave people out until the destination, so it is better to find someone quickly and ask for details.

Hermione saw him coming back and asked in confusion, "Who is that person?"

"The student union president of Beauxbatons." Robert said, "He may have bad intentions. I need to ask the professor for his opinion."

Hearing his words, Hermione suddenly became nervous, "With bad intentions? Does he want to attack us?"

"Well, it's not that exaggerated." Robert said with a dark look on his face, "It's probably similar to... forming an alliance before the war... but I don't know what Principal Dumbledore means, so I still have to leave this kind of thing to the professor."

He had some doubts about Principal Dumbledore's intention of not electing the student union president in advance, because the student union president could represent the school, and now in this situation where there is no student union president...

Of course, it’s up to the professors who understand Principal Dumbledore’s intentions to make the decision!

But he didn't expect Professor Flitwick to be so unreliable and actually got drunk on the way.

Hey, talking about being drunk.

Robert's face turned dark instantly. He suddenly remembered that a certain purple sweet potato brother who had finally been discharged from the hospital was in the car at this moment!

You must have gotten the professor drunk! Lawrence, you drunkard!

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