"Because cold medicine is maroon red," Robert explained. "When maroon water comes out of a hot water bucket, most people think there is something wrong with the water, right? For example, if the water pipes or water bottles are rusty, they won't drink it. However, If it’s a black tea bucket…”

"They will think this is black tea, but the taste is lighter." Chen Xiaodong nodded, "But how do you get everyone to drink black tea? Some people obviously don't like it, right?"

"Well, I used a little trick, what else do you think?" Robert made a slight gesture, "I cast a charm magic on the black tea bucket. Everyone who passes by or sees the black tea bucket will think that this The bucket is so beautiful, I want to take a sip of the water inside..."

Chen Xiaodong was dumbfounded, "Why do you want to drink the water in a bucket when it's so beautiful?! Shouldn't you take it home and appreciate it slowly?"

Robert was stunned, "Well, but the essence of charm magic is to change your senses and make an ordinary thing beautiful or charming in your eyes. It does not mean that it will attract people to drink it. Speaking of which, only thirsty people will pass by the black tea bucket."

"But then again! If you think the black tea bucket looks good, you take it home. What kind of behavior is that! Stealing? Robbery? Hey, that's wrong!" Robert glared at Chen Xiaodong, "Since you want to secretly help Others, it’s better not to let them find out! Otherwise, what will happen if our identity as wizards is discovered!"

Chen Xiaodong's face twitched, "This is really a simple and crude combination of good looks and drinking water!"

"Well... this kind of thing shouldn't be very strange actually." Robert coughed dryly, "Think about it, sometimes when you see a pair of great sneakers, do you have the urge to wear them? Even if you don't Do you have the urge to buy and wear it?”

Chen Xiaodong nodded thoughtfully, "In that case, it's not hard to understand that you want to drink the tea in a tea bucket you like, right?"

Now that the cold patients have been initially dealt with, the next step is to deal with the crazy Muggles.

"Speaking of which, how did Fred and the others do with their potion?" Robert looked at Li, who was struggling with the steak, "Have you gone to see Fred and the others?"

Li rolled his eyes. I wanted to go in, but Angelina locked the door. What could I do?

"Stebbins and I went to find the way, have you forgotten?" Li said angrily, "We bought a complete set of maps in the town, and ran to ask the old hunters. Unfortunately, those who have their own The guides for the special trails were basically sick, so we had to go on our own.”

"Well... relax." Chen Xiaodong patted his chest, "I have found a group of great friends, and they will help us find the way."

"!!!" The little wizards were stunned at first, and then became ecstatic, "You found the snowy yak?!"

"A group of snowy yaks." Chen Xiaodong said proudly, "I made an agreement with them to send us to our destination. The reward is 300 kilograms of gin."

"...Huh?" The little wizards were confused. Although they didn't know that these magical creatures had special habits, why was it wine?

Speaking of gin, in fact, earlier translations liked to translate this unique aromatic wine into gin. However, when a certain death elementary school student who had been studying for twenty years and still had not entered school became popular around the world, now More people would call it gin.

Of course, there are many people who don’t know that these two are actually the same kind of wine.

But this is not the most important thing. What is important is why a cow drinks!

I heard that Madame Maxime of Beauxbatons was particularly fond of her rune horses and fed them only pure malt whiskey every day.

Well, speaking of it, if the driver is drunk and driving is called drunk driving, then what should the cow or horse pulling the cart be called when they are drunk...?

Drunk driving?

Is there really no problem? !

I feel like I can’t understand the brain circuits of magical creatures at all. Are they driving a car drunk?

The yak pulling the cart was found, and the next step was to find a great sled cart.

"I remember there is this thing in a store, we can buy it." Chen Xiaodong suggested enthusiastically, "Or are you going to show me the transformation technique?"

"If it's not something particularly complicated, I think we can try using transformation..." Robert became interested, "But I can't guarantee the existence of time..."

The transformation technique will become ineffective after a long time!

Unless they borrow the power of the magic stone, I have never heard of anyone being able to conjure an item that lasts forever.

"Could it happen that the car crashed and killed people when the car was running halfway?!" Chen Xiaodong looked shocked, "Then I'll be relieved!"

Robert nodded, then a black question mark appeared on his face, "???"

Are you relieved?

What should you worry about?

Make it clear to me!

After running around for a day and spending a lot of magic power, the little wizards were so sleepy that they all stayed in the vampire castle.

Although it sounds a bit scary, Mr. Ross is a gentle vampire and would not do such a thing as a night attack...


Fortunately, the next day, the little wizards all showed up in the living room yawning, and no one was sucked to fuck them.

"It seems that almost everyone in the town has caught a cold, which is not a good thing." Mr. Ross looked a little worried, "You will be hungry..."

As he spoke, he tore open a bag of plasma, poured it into the golden cup on the side, and sipped it like he was drinking red wine.

The little wizards' eyes were a little straight.

Drink, drink blood? !

Although I know you are a vampire, can you please stop drinking blood in front of us?

It's really scary!

Wow! The teeth are turning red! Turned red!

It seems to have gotten longer!

Could it be that he feels that the blood plasma is not fresh enough and bites our necks directly? ! !

Mr. Ross looked at the little wizards who were about to cry with a confused look on their face. He was a little confused and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

As he spoke, a smell of blood hit his face.

The little wizards were trembling, so scary that they didn't dare to move.

Mr. Ross, who finally realized the problem, looked at the golden cup in his hand, then at the trembling little wizards, and coughed, "What, if I say this is actually grape juice, would you believe it?"

The little wizards all shook their heads.

I believe you as a ghost!

Mr. Ross seemed a little helpless, "Then, how about I cast a forgetting spell to help you delete this bad memory?"

The little wizards shook their heads again.

Then, not knowing who started it, the little wizard couldn't help laughing.

Mainly, the bitter-faced Mr. Ross is so funny!

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