The two finally stopped.

Nico said seriously, "We already have clues. We have detected traces of the spiritual world in Alps, and the unlucky Mr. Weasley happened to hit it when he cast the spell..."

"He is not unlucky!" A passing alchemist came over, seemingly holding something in his hand, his face full of anger, "He is just a troublemaker!"

Principal Dumbledore coughed dryly. This was the prefect when Arthur first entered school. Because he was a fifth grader, he was responsible for the affairs of Arthur and his age.

He was originally the most famous good guy in Hogwarts, but now he is.

As long as he didn't mention words like Weasley, red hair, and Arthur, he could still communicate well.

As mentioned...

Well, although wizards in this world have some contempt for Muggles, in an industry like alchemists that is somewhat related to industry, weapons manufacturing, etc., alchemists still have a very high vision.

Some alchemists who were not doing their job actually made explosives.

For example, the person in front of you is said to have developed a terrifying creation called an alchemical grenade. With just a little magic power, it can clear an area and harvest people's heads.

Very scary!

He also proposed a very terrifying method called mutual detonation grenades, which can detonate 600 billion alchemical grenades at once! Even God will kill you!

Unfortunately, he only has 60 grenades in stock.

Of course, this was not because of the expensive materials and complicated processes. It was just that every time he made a bunch of them, he would accidentally hear someone talking about terms like red hair, Weasley, and pauper. Then, he You can't help but run away.

At worst, dozens of grenades fly in the air, at worst, all the grenades are detonated and the house is destroyed.

It's very scary.

Speaking of which, the cage that is still placed in the center of the wizard's temporary headquarters is his handiwork. Let alone changing the cage and escaping with transformation, even if you want to saw off the cage, it is not an easy task.

The wizards who knew the inside story couldn't help coughing and quickly changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, I'm more curious about what's in the spiritual world." Principal Dumbledore said, "Something that can change the weather on such a large scale must be very precious, right?"

"But very precious things will only disappear in the long river of time." Nico said disapprovingly, "I think the ice cream left by the ancient wizard is more likely."

Mr. Lovegood couldn't help but join in the discussion, "Perhaps the ice cream was bitten by an ancient wizard. After the precipitation of time, it gained a bit of spirituality. Then, it felt that it was a shame to be bitten, so it Take advantage of the opening of the spiritual world to express your own power..."

"Wow, this sounds really good." Nico's eyes were bright, and he looked very interested in this idea, "The magical creature turned into ice cream, well, let me think about it, what kind of name should it give? "

The grumpy alchemist suggested, "Ice Cream Beast?"

Nico yelled dissatisfied, "What if it's a bird?"

"It makes sense." The alchemist nodded seriously and suggested, "Then, let's call it magic ice cream!"

"This sounds good!" Mr. Lovegood shouted, "If it can produce offspring, maybe we can see a magical ice cream tribe!"

Principal Dumbledore watched the exchange between the three people speechlessly. Did you...have you imagined a new type of magical creature?

"Yangtze River, Yangtze River, I am the Yellow River... Bah, what the hell am I talking about? Anyway, have you found a way for me to get in?" Chen Xiaodong's voice came from the walkie-talkie. Robert's head was full of black lines, and he was a little suspicious of this guy. It's intentional.

The whole village hoped that Chen Xiaodong was originally going to start working directly, but when he came to the door of the hospital with confidence, he was shocked.

There are six main roads in front of the hospital, and there are two small roads to go to. Now all eight roads are surrounded by countless people on three floors outside and three floors outside.

And the crowds were very unique. A group of more than ten or twenty people would sit at the intersection of each road, blocking all the intersections without leaving any gaps.

Chen Xiaodong felt like he was going crazy.

This is not even giving yourself a chance to enter!

On the other hand, the twins' work was not going very smoothly.

Although many Muggles are no longer affected by potions, there are always some people who are special cases. They have somewhat violent personalities, and they will be more extreme whether they have the influence of Jiuquan or not.

These people became the patrol officers of this rally. They held thick bats in their hands and glared fiercely when they saw someone trying to leave. This made many rally members tremble.

I feel like I've been cheated.

Many people murmured secretly.

Out of sight, Fred poked his head out.

"Fred, have you seen those Muggles?" Lee asked softly, "Can we walk over?"

Fred observed for a while and then said in a resentful voice, "The person who came up with this method is really awesome. I think it will be difficult for us to walk over unless I have a broom now."

George shook his head, "I left the broom at home."

"Of course you have to keep it at home." Fred turned to look at him, "We are in urgent need of money now, and we must ensure that all valuable things are not damaged, otherwise buying new ones will make my heartache even when I breathe. .”

As for Lee, well, as a professional caster, he doesn't need a broomstick. Although he has been committed to endorsing Firebolt, Firebolt has no worries about selling and refuses to pay him publicity fees.

George nodded in agreement, "By the way, you know what? Ron seems to have lost his wand again."

"What did you say?" Fred subconsciously raised his voice, then lowered it forcefully, "Hey, he seems to have broken the one we gave him last year, and his mother just bought him a new wand. Bar?"

George nodded, "Yes."

"But I saw that he seemed to have a magic wand..." Fred was confused, "How did he do it? Did he randomly cut a branch from a tree and cut it into a magic wand?"

George couldn't help but refute him, "Fred, are you stupid? Can't mom even recognize ordinary wood and a wand? With just a little induction, you can know that there is magic flowing on that wand, okay?" "

"Well, maybe it's a branch of the Whomping Willow!" Fred was still finding support for his words, "After all, the Whomping Willow is the most powerful magical plant in the entire school!"

George shouted angrily, "Do you think that idiot Ron can steal the willow's twigs right under his nose?"

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