Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 578 Particularly Strong

"You said that everyone outside ran away? Just when you were going to the toilet together?" The strong man frowned, his face was full of disbelief, "You want to say that there are so many of you together... ...A stomachache?"

"Yes..." The group of socialites were obviously a little afraid of this strong man. They answered cautiously and peeked from time to time. "Maybe there was something wrong with the fast food we ate before noon..."

The strong man's expression seemed to say, "You seem to be kidding me?"

"If, as you said, you have diarrhea caused by eating unclean fast food." The strong man said angrily, "What about those people who participated in the rally? Do they also have diarrhea? Or do you want to tell me, they Just went to the toilet in a group like you?"

The socialites didn't know what to say. They glanced at the strong man cautiously and breathed a sigh of relief until the other man waved his hand to indicate that they could leave.

It's so hard for us!

Seeing the group of people walking away, the strong man punched the wall next to him with a depressed expression, and some snowflakes rustled down and landed at his feet.

It seems like something went wrong.

After a while, the strong man gave up thinking, straightened his clothes, and walked towards the group of people sitting in silence with a serious expression. Anyway, there were only a few hundred people here.

In fact, he was just pushed out by others. Although he was originally unwilling to organize so many people to come to the hospital to cause trouble, when the real mastermind took out a potion, he turned himself into such a muscular man. After Han, he immediately fell at the opponent's feet.

Strong body, strong muscles.

Isn’t this what I want in my life?

Moreover, these guys are indeed stupid. He just guided him with words, and they obeyed and followed him to the rally. As the one who was always ignored in the crowd, the strong man felt what pleasure was. .

Sure enough, the body is the capital of everything.

The strong man sighed.

Out of sight of these people, Robert cautiously approached the ambulance that looked dilapidated.

From the comments of the people around him, it could be heard that they felt that this car was just the product of an accidental car accident.

"Usually if it's a collision like this, it will be sent directly to the scrap center, right?"

"No, but if it's a scrap center, it won't keep it forever. At least the things inside can be dismantled and disposed of as scrap..."

"To be able to find such an ambulance, the organizer really put their best efforts into it."

"Why don't you worry, there are so many people..."

"Speaking of which, the clothes for this event are quite interesting. Are they wizard robes?"

"It must be."

Robert was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the people gathered here were indeed different from the people gathered outside. They were all wearing robes, some were white, some were black, and some other colors.

If someone hadn't mentioned it, Robert hadn't noticed that the style of this robe did look a bit like a wizard's robe.

Why do you have the illusion that someone wants to target the wizards?

Robert, who couldn't understand, stopped thinking about it. He hesitated for a moment, and while everyone else's attention was focused on the door of the hospital, he found something kicked open under the ambulance, probably a car window. exist.

After touching the hole, Robert put his head in and took a look. It was pitch black inside. He cast a spell that enabled him to see at night, and he put his head in again.

There is indeed something inside!

Robert was startled by the densely packed small cardboard boxes inside. Damn it! so much!

Although he wanted to see what was inside with his own eyes, he was timid and still used his analytical ability honestly.

A cardboard box filled with metal rich in violent energy.


Robert laughed dryly, always feeling that alchemy would always surprise him in terms of analysis.

The results of this analysis are very magical!

After looking at these things that were most likely bombs, Robert could not find a device to detonate them.

Speaking of which, many bombs at this time had remote control devices or timing devices. There was also a profession called a bomb disposal expert. Facing all kinds of dangerous bombs was a very dangerous but indispensable profession.

Robert is thinking about the triggering method of these bombs. The best ending is the kind that requires someone to ignite it. At least there is the method of extinguishing the fuse, or there is a complete structural diagram of the bomb. The most terrifying thing is the kind of triggering type. , the kind that explodes if it moves slightly or changes in weight, which is very scary.

After thinking for a long time, I couldn't figure out why.

Suddenly, he looked up and saw the snow on the roof of the house. Then he patted his forehead and thought a little speechlessly that he was a real wizard! How could you be stumped by something like this!

Since there is a possibility of explosion, why not just freeze all these things!

With this in mind, Robert summoned his good friend, a long-legged snowshoe rabbit.

A silver-white summoning array flashed, and a rabbit with thick hair and a strong body appeared in the ambulance.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Robert seemed to see the rabbit sighing faintly, and then turned to look at a car full of bomb boxes, seeming a little confused.

"Well, rabbit, that's what happened." Robert said carefully, "There are a lot of bombs here. If they explode in an instant, at least hundreds of people here will die, so I thought about freezing them all. , then no one can detonate them!"

The long-legged snow rabbit glanced at him, and then at the box full of explosives. Although it didn't speak, and of course it couldn't speak, Robert seemed to be able to sense a feeling from it, "It took a lot of effort to summon me to come out and play. As a result, you let me bear the risk of being fried into braised rabbit pieces" and other emotions.

It's like a shit shoveling officer giving up on his own family.

Well, Robert is the one.

Feeling the disgusting smell emanating from the long-legged snow rabbit, Robert coughed twice and shouted powerfully, "Come on! The long-legged snow rabbit!"

The cold wind blew by, and the snow rabbit stared at him as if he were a fool.

Robert touched his nose in embarrassment. Well, he got excited and walked to the wrong set. He took out his wand and waved it in the air. The magic was released. With the cooperation of the long-legged snow rabbit, the surrounding temperature increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. As it was lowered, the metal shell of the ambulance was covered with a thin layer of ice. As time went by, the thin ice became thicker and thicker, until it formed a three-centimeter ice wall.

At this time, the entire interior of the abandoned ambulance was like a real cold storage. If an ordinary Muggle came in, he would probably turn blue from the cold.

Fortunately, Robert is a wizard, and he can still cast a spell to keep warm.

And it’s pretty cool to play.

There is no way. As a person who has a high probability of encountering ice and snow as long as he enters the spirit world, if he cannot protect himself, he may be frozen into a popsicle like these explosives.

A particularly strong one.

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