Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 58 Asking for Genealogy

Robert was shocked when he heard what the girl said.

Damn it, what kind of weird logic are you talking about! Robbery is wrong! Even if you apologize, that's wrong!

Wait a moment!

Robert's face turned solemn. Could these guys be trying to rob him?

If you think about it carefully, what this girl did before was not just robbery, but she didn't expect that she would see through it, so she didn't continue to pester her. It is estimated that in the girl's mind, if she treats such a cute cat, it will definitely be abandoned by the cat's owner. If she abducts it a little, the cat owner may follow her.

But White Tiger is no ordinary cat. Who knows what this cat who only has his own thoughts thinks.

As for the group of teenagers who were teasing Opal, well, I can only say that they were just watching. Probably when they were walking outside, they saw the second uncle of the house next door bring out a menacing purebred Siberian sled dog, and they didn't start to pick up two of them. That's not possible, and there are even hams handed over directly.

With random thoughts in her mind, the girl reluctantly hesitated for a long time. She didn't know if the girl had given an ultimatum. The girl pouted, but she still ran over and apologized.

"I will definitely let Xiao Mo come with me!" the girl said angrily, with fierce eyes, as if looking at a heinous devil, "It's wrong for you to torture Xiao Mo like that!"

In response, Robert could only respond.

You have never seen this cat go crazy. If you did, it would probably frighten it to death. Then it would scream and run as far as it would go. You have no time to accuse others of animal cruelty.

After the girl went back, the other men on the table quickly showed their courtesy. After a while, the table became noisy again, which was in sharp contrast to the silence of Robert's table, where there was only one person.

"It's so boring." Robert sighed, "I'd better review the textbook. If I had known better, I would have written my summer homework later."

With this in mind, he took out "The Encyclopedia of Toadstools" and flipped through it.

Although it is said that you must not have the intention to harm others, you must also have the intention to guard against others. Paying more attention to this magical fungus can avoid a lot of trouble in the wild.

As time goes by, there are more and more people in the canteen.

The table next to it was already full, so naturally no one else would join. On the other hand, many people were added to the table where Robert was sitting, but he didn't recognize any of them.

They all looked like crooked nuts, but as soon as everyone started to say hello, my dear, there were eight people at a table, and none of them were the same from the same country.

Fortunately, there are many countries where people learn English and Chinese, and even though they are stumbling, they can still communicate with each other.

After exchanging communication methods, we could only stare and giggle, and secretly made up our minds to go back and learn more foreign languages.

During the break between exchanges, people continued to enter the canteen, but they looked more and more embarrassed. There were many who lacked clothes and shoes, and they didn't know what they had gone through.

When almost everyone had arrived, a man who had disappeared from the entire ancestor worship ceremony appeared.

Said he was an old man who wanted to take them up the mountain.

As soon as the old man appeared, he attracted everyone's attention. Robert noticed that the juniors in the flower-growing country couldn't help but sit upright, and even quickly put away the snacks placed on the table.

It seems that this person has a very high seniority.

"First of all, congratulations to everyone for finding the meeting place." This was what the old man said, which made Robert feel that everything he had encountered before, whether it was a crowded crowd or a bow under a big tree, was a test.

It’s just that the purpose of the test is unknown.

"This ancestor worship ceremony is divided into worshiping and asking for genealogy. The worshiping ceremony is mainly to give the younger generation a chance. As for what kind of opportunity it is, I believe you all know it. Just know it yourself and don't talk about it everywhere." His eyes were on everyone. He glanced around, showed a satisfied expression, and then nodded, "Now that everyone is here, we can start asking for the genealogy."

After saying that, the old man walked out of the canteen with his hands behind his back.

The cafeteria quickly became lively, and the juniors stood up one after another and walked outside the house in an orderly manner, following the footsteps of the old man.

The last few people who arrived hurriedly ordered some steamed buns and gnawed them as they walked. Robert saw a blond guy, and while munching, he asked the flower-growing countryman next to him why the bread was white and what the texture was. Extremely tight.

Those who knew the inside story of the ancestor worship ceremony gathered together and whispered. Robert went over and eavesdropped for a long time, but he didn't hear any useful news. Even Paul didn't know where he had gone. Maybe he was a disgraced member of the crowd?

Fortunately, I left his contact information before.

The ceremony of asking for genealogy was not as mysterious as before. The old man brought all the children into a golden hall, led everyone to visit the stone tablets with the ancestors of the Chen family, and then went to the back hall, one by one, to collect the names of people who had not been listed in the genealogy. The name is engraved on the blank stone tablet.

Perhaps because his parents died too early, Robert's name does not appear on the stone tablet.

However, as he approached the stone monument, a question came up that he had previously ignored.

The names on this stone tablet are all the names of the flower-growing countries!

The old man holding a carving knife in his hand glanced at Robert, handed over a tattered pencil and a piece of paper, and asked him to write his name on the paper. Robert was stunned for a moment and asked, "My name It’s in English…”

The old man looked up at him strangely and asked doubtfully, "It's just English. We also have Russian, Arabic, Sanskrit, Japanese, and Korean. If you pay attention to the inscriptions in the main hall, they are also written in seal script. We are all a family, they just write their names differently, what does it matter?"

Robert was speechless.

"Of course, you can also give yourself a Chinese name and carve it on it. You'd better go home and ask your elders about this. But since he didn't tell you this before, I guess he won't mind." The carving knife in the old man's hand was spinning. Feiqi asked, "How about it? What name do you want to engrave on it?"

Robert shrugged and quickly wrote his name on the paper. Because it was written in a floral style, the old man took a look and marveled, "The writing is much prettier, like a flower, compared to the previous group of boys. The ghost-drawing talisman is good."

As he spoke, with a few strokes, Robert's name appeared in the middle of a large area of ​​Chinese characters.

The old man's carving skills were superb. In just a few seconds, he was able to carve Robert's name into a shape that was somewhat similar to the cursive calligraphy he had written, but was more easy-going, which amazed Robert.

The genealogy ceremony ended quickly and all the children were sent home.

For a time, Robert had nothing to do, so he wandered on the street.

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