Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 641 King Arthur’s Followers

The history of the Malfoy family can be traced back to the eleventh century. It is said that they traveled to England with William the Conqueror, and their status was similar to that of the White Gloves.

After William I became the king of England, he gave a piece of land in Wiltshire to the Malfoy family, and the ancestor established Malfoy Manor on this fief.

They continued to accumulate wealth by annexing surrounding Muggle lands and became the richest wizarding family in the country.

Of course Robert knew that they were not followers of King Arthur, but he did not believe that the Malfoy family dared to admit that they were followers of William I.

Because William I should actually be French.

And, he's a Muggle.

King Arthur is different. His teacher and sister are both wizards, which makes many wizards take it for granted that he is also a wizard.

Although this is not necessarily the case.

In order to show that his family has lived on this land for generations and has pure blood, Lucius often boasted at pure-blood dances that his family's ancestors had followed in the footsteps of King Arthur.

The directors of Hogwarts knew about it.

At this time, Robert proposed, naturally he wanted to divert the family's attention, otherwise it would not be a good thing for them to keep staring at Hermione. The Malfoy family who don't want to be shameless might really be able to make Hermione, a Muggle wizard, leave the box. action.

After hearing Robert's provocative words, the Malfoy family's faces turned into pony faces, and Minister Fudge's voice sounded inappropriately, "Really? Lucius! You didn't tell me this." ! Your ancestors are actually followers of King Arthur!"

Originally, when this was mentioned, the Malfoy family should have been happy and proud, but at this time, their mood was extremely bad.

Damn it!

Why this damn Weasley, his name is Arthur!

Now that it's okay, should he admit it or not? !

I always felt that if he admitted it, the kid in front of him would say even more embarrassing things. If he didn't admit it, wouldn't all the preparations he had made at the pure-blood dinner be ruined?

For a moment, the shrewd head of the Malfoy family felt a little autistic.

I have absolutely no idea what I should do.

At the same time, Mr. Weasley grinned at his old rival with a malicious smile.

He had never felt for a moment that his name was so suitable!

At this moment, Ludo Bagman, the man who saved the Malfoy family from danger, rushed into the box.

"Is everyone ready?" His whole face was shining with excitement, and he didn't notice the awkward atmosphere in the box at all. "Minister! Can the game start? The audience can't wait!"

He looked at the father of the funder with a cold expression, and then at Mr. Weasley, and suddenly felt that he had a lifetime of melons to eat, but there was really not enough time to eat a whole melon, so he said with some pity, "Well, start as you say, Ludo."

"I obey your wish!" Ludo made a rather exaggerated bow, then took out his wand, pointed at his throat and said: "Resonant voice!"

His voice echoed throughout the stadium, reaching every corner of the stands.

Lucius breathed a sigh of relief, glared at Robert fiercely, and walked back to his seat with his wife and children.

Draco also turned around and gave Robert a throat-slitting emoticon, but Robert ignored it. He pulled the little witch back to his seat and sat down.

"Ladies and gentlemen...welcome! I, Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports of the Kingdom of China, on behalf of Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic of the Kingdom of China, welcome you to watch Episode 422 Quidditch World Cup!"

The audience was very proud and burst into cheers and applause. One hundred thousand small flags were waved at the same time, accompanied by the chaotic national anthem. The scene was so lively that it was staggering.

The billboard opposite them stopped pulsing and returned to black, then gradually brightened to white, showing the flags of both countries, with red and green representing their scores.

The game hasn't started yet, so the above shows - Bulgaria: 0, Ireland: 0.

"Okay, without further ado, please allow me to introduce to you... the mascot of the Bulgarian national team!"

On the right side of the stands was a sea of ​​red, that was the Bulgarian fans, who burst into deafening cheers.

"Let me see what they brought?" Mr. Weasley stood up from his seat, leaned out half of his body, and looked towards the player tunnel, but then his expression changed and he quickly took off his glasses, "Merlin Ah! It's a Veela!"

When Mrs. Weasley heard this, she felt bad, "What? How could they bring out such a dangerous thing..."

"What is Mei-" Ron asked subconsciously, and then he lost his voice.

I saw a group of beautiful women gliding towards the arena. Their skin was like snow, their mouths were like cherries, and their long hair was flying in the air. Some were golden and some were platinum. When they looked around with a pair of beautiful eyes, it seemed that Convey the lingering friendship.

"So beautiful..." Ron said drowsily, and Harry couldn't help but nod.

The two beauties were completely immersed in the Veela's beauty.

Ginny looked a little dangerous.

Just then the Veela started dancing.

That is a dance step that can arouse human desire, as if all worries have disappeared, and you just want to do something, something...

Crazy, awesome, attention-grabbing, wonderful…

As long as it can make the Veela happy, as long as it can make them dance happily...

"What is this?!" Hermione looked at the Veela below in shock, and then at the adult wizards in the box. They looked away, chatting and laughing.

"Veela, a powerful humanoid magical creature." Robert introduced, "Although the Gauls like to summon Veela to fight for them, the ones they summon are usually fairies, and few lucky ones can succeed. Summon a Veela."

"So that's it." Hermione finally recovered from the shock, "I remembered that the earliest record of Veela's appearance was near Bulgaria."

It is also said to be in Croatia.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Ginny shouted in surprise, "What's wrong with you?! Wake up!"

Harry's eyes were blank, and Ginny shouted several more times before he seemed to come back to his senses and blinked, and then he felt that something was wrong with him.

Because at this time, one of his legs was straddling the window of the box. If Ginny hadn't been holding her tightly, he might have jumped from here.

The startled Harry hurriedly retracted his legs, and when he turned around, he saw a meaningful smile from Mr. Weasley.

Then he was slapped on the arm by Mrs. Weasley.


The voice was not loud, but the force was not light. He showed good power sending and receiving skills, and Mr. Weasley immediately became honest.

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