Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 65 Magically Modified Electronic Dictionary

In the new semester, Robert is very busy.

Except for the homework that professors required to write, he did not have any pressure on his studies. The main reason was that he needed to learn other knowledge.

At the end of last semester, Robert and the twins discovered a flying disc in the Room of Requirement, with some ancient magic words engraved on it.

Originally, he just wanted to give it a try, so he found his mother's textbook and studied it. Unexpectedly, Chen Xiang saw it.

In terms of ancient characters, Chen Xiang is not an expert, that is, he can write and use them, but he told Robert a secret that he had to pay attention to, that is, these ancient characters have their own magic power. If you want to To improve oneself, learning ancient magic texts is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

To give a simple example, the talisman in Chen Xiang's hand is written in seal script, and there is absolutely no simplified Chinese characters used by modern people. The main reason is not to show off how knowledgeable he is, but the main function of simplified characters is to facilitate learning. Communication itself cannot carry too much spiritual power.

But that doesn’t mean that talismans made with simplified Chinese characters cannot be used.

Assuming that the power of an explosive talisman written in seal script is 1, the power of an explosive talisman written in simplified Chinese characters may only be 1.

This does not mean that there are no places to use this kind of simplified character talisman, but there are not many people who can make simplified characters into talismans and make them work normally.

Same reason.

The English alphabet originated from the Latin alphabet, not to mention the Phoenician script, the source of the Latin alphabet, but the rune alphabet, the sister text of the Latin alphabet, has a lot to say.

Legend has it that when Odin, the father of the gods, hung himself on the World Tree and thought about the secrets of the universe, he realized the secret of runes. This secret is hidden in the runes. It can be said that this is a kind of magic that comes with its own creation from the beginning. Word.

There is a class at Hogwarts called Ancient Runes, which teaches this kind of writing. Of course, it also has another name, runes.

Just like the seal script used for talismans is something called cloud seal script, the runes used by wizards are also very different in spelling from Muggles.

Therefore, you must be very careful when remembering and using it. If you are not careful, you may write "defense" as "cooperation".

That would be great fun.

For example, if you are about to be burned by fire and subconsciously write the rune wrong, then you may not get out of the flames intact, but the whole person will be roasted.

Of course, this is not the main reason.

What he really wants to learn is alchemy!

Just like the mystic master's persistence in alchemy, most wizards are in a state of thirst for alchemy. Alchemy can lead to the truth. It is a cutting-edge technology that wizards are willing to sacrifice everything for. But for some reason, The inheritance of this knowledge is written in ancient magic script.

In the wizarding world, alchemy, astrology, and supernatural powers are known as the three major wisdoms of the universe.

In fact, preparatory courses for alchemy and astrology are already open at Hogwarts, but only alchemy is likely to appear in the elective course schedule because Principal Dumbledore is also an alchemist and he is a collaborator with Nicholas Flamel Friends, it is not too difficult to find an alchemist who can help the little wizard. After all, even an alchemist will sometimes be short of money.

According to historical records, Nicholas Flamel was proficient in Latin and Greek, was particularly good at painting and copying, and was proficient in cryptography.

It can be deduced from this that alchemy at least involves knowledge such as potions, ancient texts, and numerology, and these courses are offered at Hogwarts.

Robert didn't know if alchemy would appear in his class schedule next year, so he could only memorize the ancient magic texts first. My mother had taken the arithmetic and divination class, but it seemed she only got an E, which was a bit conspicuous among a large number of O's. Maybe she didn't have any talent for numbers.

It is worth mentioning that the divination class was the only class she did not choose. I wonder if it was because she thought the class was a bit...stupid?

Although the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest are all good at astrology, they always feel that they are obsessed with astrology, so Robert naturally stays away from divination, even though his astronomy is actually pretty good.

As for magical powers...

This thing is rare. It is advanced knowledge of spells and transformation. Robert has never found any books on this subject, but he thinks it is very powerful.

The process of learning knowledge is boring, especially when you have not touched the threshold.

But then, Robert found that something he brought back from the flower country came in handy.

Electronic dictionary.

As we all know, there is no electricity in Hogwarts because this energy would conflict with the magical magnetic field surrounding the castle.

But the thing Robert bought from the Chen clan is not rechargeable, but spiritual!

After Robert explained that he was a Hogwarts student, the store silently took out a magic collector and told him that this thing could collect the magic power floating in the air, and he could use this thing to charge the electronic dictionary.

Robert was stunned. He thought the store would bring out some fantasy items like spiritual power stones, but in the end...he got...a magic power bank?

Because it is specially made, this thing can also be used in Hogwarts. The only depressing thing is that this thing has a black and white screen, which is completely incomparable with the color screen more than ten years later.

As an electronic dictionary, it naturally stores a lot of learning materials, including ancient magic scripts. Because it is produced in China, the database inside is seal script. But what Robert wants to learn is runes, so he can only learn from the secret passage. I went to Hogsmeade Village, used the Owl Post Office, and sent a letter asking the store if they had rune information.

"Hey, Robert, I haven't seen you lately. Are you spending time in the library?" Early in the morning, Robert was attacked from behind by Fred. The twins seemed to have discovered the little secret of the Hufflepuff table. , so I often come here to eat.

Mr. Honey Badger consciously moved aside, and the other Hufflepuff students also welcomed the arrival of the twins.

Robert was a little confused. When did the two of them become so popular? Sure enough, I have been too obsessed with studying recently!

"We have good news for you!" Fred was so excited that his whole body seemed to be floating. "Our counter is a great success!"

"What?" Robert had been thinking about the transcontinental owl before and had not turned around at all.

"I mean, counter! Counter!" Fred said twice, "Our quick-acting medicine is selling like hotcakes! Mr. Zoko connected us with a specialized supplier of baba tuber pus, which allowed us to reduce costs again. , now we have earned a full 70 galleons!"

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