Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 67 Worried Mrs. Weasley

Robert secretly glanced at the other professors and saw that they all picked up their wands and used various methods to test the candies.

Snape was still mocking, "Really, let me see the ingredients of the candy... huh?"

There was a strange expression on his face, maybe it was surprise, maybe it was anger, maybe it was... appreciation?

I'm afraid I didn't sleep last night, okay? Professor Snape actually showed an expression of appreciation?

After a long while, all the professors put down their wands. Because of their serious expressions, all the little wizards did not dare to speak but looked directly at the teacher's seat.

"I didn't find any dangerous ingredients in the candy." Snape said calmly, "Although it is far from a magic potion, its main effect is to get rid of acne in a short time."

The witch who teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ms. Mary, also said, "There are no traces of black magic left and it can be eaten."

Professor Sprout also spoke immediately, "There is no change or disappearance of the efficacy of the medicine due to expiration. In fact, its shelf life is quite long."

Other professors also said that they had not detected any problems and set their sights on Principal Dumbledore.

The principal smiled and said, "So, this is just a misunderstanding?"

The little wizards whispered, and many students who had bought candies from the Weasley twins breathed a sigh of relief and immediately became happy. Although Professor Snape's tone was calm, everyone who had taken Potions class knew...

As long as he doesn't destroy your potion, it means your potion is absolutely effective!

What's more, he seems to have affirmed the effectiveness of quick-acting candies in eliminating acne. This is equivalent to the twins' quick-acting candies being endorsed by a potion master!

"I think so." Robert said with certainty. "Percy was just worried that his brothers' immaturity in potions would cause the quick-acting sugar to fail, so he complained to Mrs. Weasley during his routine letter home. I didn’t expect to be misunderstood.”

Just as he was talking, an owl flew towards Principal Dumbledore. The principal looked at the letter and said, "Well, I think I should explain this to the team for reversing accidental magical events."

With that said, he left the teacher's seat.

Professor McGonagall also stood up, with a particularly bad look on her face. She glared at Percy, who had his head hanging down, and said, "Mr. Weasley, please come to the principal's office in the evening to explain the situation."

As she said that, she looked at Robert, "Mr. Leslie had better come too."

Then, she looked up at the other students, "I need two students who have eaten quick-acting candy..."

Robert looked back and saw Mr. Honey Badger raising his arms high. The twins' character in school was still trustworthy. Someone took the lead. For a while, many people in the auditorium raised their hands, even senior students.

Eloise Midgen, the girl cursed by the God of Acne, turned back to glare at Percy and raised her hand.

Professor McGonagall named two people casually and left the auditorium.

The little lions of Gryffindor took them to the door of the Great Hall, followed by the little badger. When they passed the Slytherin table, the little snake patted the twins on the shoulder to express comfort.

However, this did not make the twins feel better at all. They kept explaining to Robert with tears in their faces.

"We really didn't expect it to develop like this..."

"If we knew it would affect dad, we wouldn't sell candies..."

Robert sighed and comforted the two of them, "Don't be too anxious. Your candies do not contain any prohibited ingredients, and there is no problem with selling magic products. As long as you explain it clearly, you should believe that the Ministry of Magic will handle this matter impartially." Yes!"

This made the twins look better.

This day was really difficult. Although the twins wrote to tell the Weasleys that there was nothing wrong with the candies they made, for some reason, the Weasleys never sent a reply, which made the twins go crazy.

After finally finishing dinner, and not long after sitting in the Gryffindor common room, Professor McGonagall came to see someone, which made the twins look a little better.

When he arrived at the principal's office, Robert saw the anxious-looking Weasleys. They seemed to want to say something, but were stopped by a woman.

"Okay, Molly, Arthur, you are too nervous. They are just two children. How harmful can they make magical medicines? According to our investigation, those who bought their products include a potion wizard who gave candy to They received very high praise." said the witch, she smiled at the twins, "Are these the two wizards who invented the quick-acting acne-removing sugar?"

The twins seemed a little frightened and nodded numbly.

"In fact, if you tell your parents in advance, you can get the copyright of this candy, but now, because it has been tested, the ingredients of this candy have actually been made public. In short, it is very Thank you both. Professor McGonagall, I don’t think there is any need to ask other quick-acting acne-removing sugar users. We have investigated everything clearly. This was just an accident." After saying that, the witch bowed, and she looked She was so happy that Robert didn't have to guess how much benefit she could get from it.

"Please wait, ma'am." Robert called to the witch.

The witch looked back at Robert, smiled, and wanted to leave from the fireplace without saying anything.

"As the inventors of instant acne-removing candy, I believe that the Weasley twins own the copyright to this candy, even if its ingredients have been disclosed." Robert said quickly, but the witch left without looking back.

Mr. Weasley stopped Robert and said, "Okay, Robert, Fred George is fine. He just lost the copyright on the candy. That's nothing."

"Nothing?" Robert looked at Mr. Weasley in surprise, "Um, are you sure?"

"Of course." Mr. Weasley smiled happily, "The Ministry of Magic said they will take care of everything, so don't worry."

Robert shrugged, "Well, Mr. Weasley, I admire your willingness to give up at least 200 gold galleons a month. For Fred and George, you do..."

"You said..." Mr. Weasley raised his voice, "How much?"

Mrs. Weasley, who was comforting the twins, was startled by him and looked over in confusion. The principal and Professor McGonagall were also attracted by Robert's words.

Robert looked at Mr. Weasley in confusion and asked strangely, "Didn't the Ministry of Magic already investigate the whole matter? Didn't they tell you? In less than a month, Fred and George I earned 70 gold galleons by selling quick-acting acne-removing sugar. Considering that there was no market for the product in the early days, and that Hogwarts and Hogsmeade did not belong to large wizarding areas, if I monopolized the formula and had it in Diagon Alley From sales, they can earn at least more than 200 gold galleons a month. Of course, if they open up overseas markets, this amount can be increased dozens of times."

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley gasped.

"Since candies are one-time consumables, that is to say, you need to eat one as long as you have acne, so this product can actually be continued as a family business, just like quick and smooth hair spray." Robert Wai He lowered his head, looked at the ugly couple, and asked cautiously, "Don't you know this?"

I wish all the bosses a happy new year and good health. Thank you to everyone who is still fighting on the front line on the 30th!

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