After getting into the carriage, Robert let out a long sigh of relief.

My ears are finally at peace.

The whole afternoon, he was almost bored to death by those prefects.

To investigate the reason, we must talk about the notice received by the Student Council President at noon today - Hogwarts will start reforming this school year, and all student council members are asked to make various preparations.

When they first received this message, everyone was confused, but after reading the letter clearly, they understood the cause and effect.

It is not necessarily true that it is a reform of Hogwarts. This is actually an opinion put forward at the last exchange meeting, and Hogwarts responded positively.

In summary, the Ministry of Magic in various countries intends to strengthen exchanges between wizards and has proposed the concept of refining wizard levels.

Originally, this proposal was strongly opposed by the Ministry of Magic of the corrupt country. In fact, Fudge was the only one who opposed it, but in the end, the minority obeyed the majority and passed the proposal.

The first person to propose this concept was the Ministry of Magic of Neon Kingdom.

What you need to know is that Neon Country is a country with many ghosts.

Neon has a long history of ghost talk culture, and some people with strange fantasies continue to create more ghosts. This has led to a lot of supernatural events in the entire country. Every day, the quantum mechanics state of "opening the door may see ghosts" .

There are surprises every day.

The good social atmosphere makes the employment prospects of neon wizards very secure. After graduation, they will form small groups to take over the work of suppressing these ghosts and make money to support their families.

Occasionally, they compete with local Shinto for work.

Of course, they don't need to rob it now. Most of the people in the Magic House have left Neon. Only a few people who stayed for their dreams risked their lives to deliver various messages while dealing with Voldemort.

For some reason that everyone knows, the Ministry of Magic of Neon Country evaluates the abilities of its wizards from six aspects: strength, speed, skill, burst, defense, and experience.

For example, Dumbledore, they often call this great white wizard "the Hexagonal Wizard".

The radar chart is relatively simple and crude, allowing you to intuitively see the wizard's ability.

The full score for each item is 10, and the total score is 60 points. Basically, you need to score more than 6 points in at least one item to get a diploma and become a temporary employee of the firm. If you score more than 8 points in one item, you can become the pillar of the firm. If you score more than 8 points in three items, you can become the mainstay of the firm. If you get enough, you can open your own office.

This is a more objective evaluation. Anyone who wants to open a mysterious firm basically needs to recruit one or two people with high scores to hold things together.

Power refers to the destructive power that can be caused under ordinary circumstances by releasing the offensive magic that one is most familiar with.

Speed ​​refers to the speed at which you can release the magic you are most familiar with, including functional magic.

Skill refers to the proficiency in releasing the magic you are most familiar with, including functional magic.

Explosion refers to the maximum destructive power that can be achieved by releasing the most familiar offensive magic during times of severe emotional fluctuations.

Defense refers to the intensity of magic that can be resisted by the defensive magic that one is most familiar with.

Experience refers to the wizard's actual combat ability. The general method is to provide information about lower-level spirits, let the wizard hunt them, and score them based on their specific performance, which will be risky.

Because everyone has different talents in learning magic and focuses on different things, many people's radar charts will show a deformed pattern, which is very magical.

Hogwarts originally wanted to introduce this advanced evaluation standard and promote it in all walks of life across the country, but Fudge firmly disagreed with equating this standard with the Ministry of Magic's admission standards, and even some pure-blood families spoke out against it. , so currently, its scope of use is limited to schools.

The prefects are also arguing about this. Many prefects say that even if this kind of thing is implemented, it will not be of any benefit, and it will not allow them to enter the Ministry of Magic after getting high scores. Therefore, they do not agree with the implementation of the student union from this year. .

But the biggest problem they faced was that Principal Dumbledore had agreed to the proposal and informed them that they would be tested on the second day of school.

Throughout the afternoon, the prefects who agreed with Dumbledore and the prefects who opposed Dumbledore were almost at war with each other with their wands.

"Sounds very interesting." Hermione said enthusiastically, "How is the test done? No written test?"

Robert nodded, "You can tell from the entire evaluation criteria, it's all about practical operations."

Hermione suddenly became a little worried, "Well, I'm not... particularly good at practical operations..."

She was a little confused.

If it's a written exam, then Hermione is absolutely the best, but if it's a magic release, she's a bit weak...

Especially last year, she was almost killed by Bellatrix, which left a great psychological shadow on her.

"Why can't there be a test paper to test us..." Hermione sighed, "I'm not sure I can get high marks in practical exercises..."

In fact, this is very obvious in the original book. Hermione was originally expected to get all O's, but she failed to get the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, and the focus of the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam is on practical exercises.

Even though Robert had taken her through a lot, she would still be in a hurry when facing the enemy.

This should be the trouble of academic top students. They have solid theoretical knowledge, but they are easily handicapped.

"Didn't you notice? Dumbledore's deep meaning." Summers pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, a wise light flashed in his eyes.

The two of them looked at him with a look that I wanted to know.

Summers analyzed seriously, "Because of the mysterious man."

Hermione was confused as to what this had to do with the mysterious man.

Summers continued, "The mysterious man is currently causing trouble in the Neon Country, but he is from the Rotten Country after all."

"If he was solved by people from other countries, it would be such an embarrassment to the magical world of the Ro Kingdom."

"Maybe, Dumbledore..." Summers hesitated, then lowered his voice and said, "He probably wants to train!"

"Training troops?" Hermione's eyes widened, "Are you trying to say that he wants to train an army?"

But then, she shook her head, not believing this statement, "This is impossible. If Dumbledore creates an army, the Ministry of Magic will definitely not agree."

In fact, Dumbledore actually had an army, and its name was the Order of the Phoenix.

Yes, no matter how much it is beautified and said to be a private group gathered for ideals, the entire group still obeys Dumbledore's orders. In terms of the wizard's strength, dozens of people can indeed be called an army. .

After all, the number of wizards is really small.

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