Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 723 The brave man emerges

Halloween is coming very quickly this year.

In just a blink of an eye, the little wizards were shocked to find that the registration time had ended and the list of warriors was about to be announced.

The sweet aroma of the pumpkin lantern excites the little wizards.

The Halloween dinner was excruciatingly long. The little wizards finished the food on their plates in a few bites and began to look eagerly at the teacher's desk.

The headmasters and Ministry officials were still chatting, and it seemed that Mr. Crouch had different views on some things, but in the end, he was convinced by Dumbledore.

When Principal Dumbledore stood up and announced that the dinner was over, the Goblet of Fire began to boil violently.

Names continued to spit out from the flames, and the names representing their respective schools emerged from Principal Dumbledore's mouth. Everyone stared at him with anticipation and anxiety, very much looking forward to being the lucky one.

Because the number of people has increased this time, the sense of anticipation is even stronger.

Coincidentally, the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons warriors who have been selected are both a man and a woman.

Their expressions were only slightly excited, then darkened again.

He looked at his classmates with unkind eyes.

This is a competitor!

Fortunately they didn't get into a fight in the auditorium.

Afterwards, the Goblet of Fire selected the champions of Hogwarts——

"Cedric Diggory!"

Robert squirted out a mouthful of pumpkin juice, Moman, why is it still you!

Ced held a head of pumpkin juice and almost flew up with excitement!

"—and, Harry Potter!"

The auditorium fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at Harry in shock, wondering how he did it.

Harry himself was confused, with question marks written all over his face.

who I am? where am I? what happened?

Robert was also stunned. Hey, Mr. Principal, you are trying to kill Harry!

If only one warrior was chosen, the young wizards would most likely complain that Harry stole the honor from Cedric or Hufflepuff, but now!

He was equal to stealing the honor from all the other students in Hogwarts!

Anyone who wanted to participate in the competition would feel unfair and deny in their heart that it was Harry's honor.

Public enemy of the whole school!

This was Harry's current situation, and there was no way to argue with it.

The auditorium quickly became lively.

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were happy, they thought this situation was great!

An adult wizard and a fourth-year wizard, ha!

Their opponents are so weak!

I heard that Harry Potter’s assessment score didn’t even reach 10!

"Why is it this guy!" A Slytherin stood up and pointed angrily at Harry, who was still confused. "This loser's comprehensive evaluation is less than ten!"

Harry was awakened by his words and turned to look at him angrily, saying who is a waste, you bastard!

But his anger did not gain the other party's attention. In fact, since Harry's comprehensive test score was known, everyone was in a strange mood.

"Ah, it turns out that the lucky boy who survived the disaster only has this ability."

"So it's just because he has enviable good luck."

"If the mysterious man went to my house that night, my parents could beat the shit out of that devil!"

"How on earth did this guy become the savior!"

Only Harry's friends were still silently supporting him.

However, this time, Harry desperately found that his friends didn't seem to believe him either.

"Harry, how on earth did you do that!" Fred's eyes widened in disbelief, and then he lowered his voice and said, "It doesn't matter, there are so many people now, I know it's not convenient for you to tell me, but After returning to the room...I mean, I will go find you tonight..."

George shouted excitedly, "This is a perfect way to bypass the age line! It's definitely worth a lot of money!"

Ron grabbed his arm and shouted, "Harry, you succeeded! You succeeded in becoming a warrior!"

Harry was so ashamed and angry that he would rather Ron was asking him how he could become a warrior!

When Dumbledore named the last two warriors, the two witches from the Magic House, the Goblet of Fire went out instantly and no more notes popped out.

In a daze, Harry was dragged into the auditorium compartment.

It's Cedric.

He was frowning now, looking like he didn't quite understand.

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's warriors had already sat down in the room early, and were a little surprised to see the two coming in.

"What's going on with this little boy?!" Fleur asked strangely, "Your... assistant?"

Harry felt offended and glared at her dissatisfied, "I am a Hogwarts warrior!"

"Huh?!" Fleur opened her eyes wide and looked at him in disbelief, "Are you kidding me! Do you want others to know that I won the Four-wizard Championship medal by defeating you, a little brat? Did you get it?!"

"You!" Harry's face changed with anger at her, and he wanted to punch that delicate and proud face.

This woman is too much!

He obviously has outstanding looks and perfect temperament, but he turns out to speak so viciously!

Cedric looked at Fleur, then at Harry, and said, "Well...we'd better listen to the opinions of the headmasters..."

"This is absolutely not possible!" Fleur raised her chin, as arrogant as a peacock, "He is too young! He cannot participate in the competition! Do you want the principals to lower the difficulty of the competition just because of him?!"

"You misunderstood." Cedric looked at her calmly and explained, "The principals should have been aware of this situation...otherwise, why do you think there were two warriors in the Four-wizard Tournament?"

Fleur looked confused, "What? What do you know?"

Cedric ignored her and said to Harry, "It doesn't matter, Dumbledore will solve these troubles."

Harry asked eagerly, "You know what happened, right! Why did that cup suddenly choose me? I didn't throw my name in at all! You have to believe me!"

Fleur sneered, "You didn't throw it in yourself, how could it be someone else? Who would give this kind of fame opportunity to others?!"

Harry looked at her angrily, "I mean no if I say no!"

"Then I say you have it!" Furong glared back without giving in.

Harry was going crazy, he had never seen such a messy woman, no, not a man either!

Two contestants from the witchcraft house sneaked in at some point and watched the quarrel between Harry and Fleur with great interest.

Neither Harry nor Fleur wanted to give in. They stared until their eyes were sore and refused to blink, as if whoever blinked first would lose.

At this moment, the door was pushed open again, and the principals walked in, looking at Harry and Fleur in confusion, not quite understanding what they were doing.

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