Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 733 Deep in the Forbidden Forest

Robert felt he could explain this matter.

Because he was thinking about exploring the Forbidden Forest at night, he didn't eat much for dinner. After gathering information, he planned to go to the kitchen to eat and drink with the house elf.

Then, Seid and I encountered eight fire dragons and started running for their lives in the woods. Then they spent a lot of magic power to defeat these fire dragons and make them obedient and think about their mistakes.

Originally, there wasn't much food in his stomach, but now, even that little food has been digested and absorbed by him.

Now the consequences appear.

He is hungry.

Still the kind of stomach growling.

Rubbing his stomach, Robert had a subtle expression. Should he eat something now, or should he catch the last two most difficult fire dragons first?

Thinking about things, my eyes involuntarily fell on the silver-blue Swedish Brachysaurus. Among the dragons present, if the Fireball Dragon looks like a red carp, then the Swedish Brachysaurus looks a bit like a bluefin tuna... …

Oops, can’t think about it.

The more I think about it, the more it looks like.

Robert couldn't help but take another look, swallowed, and then turned his head reluctantly.

Sure enough, he fainted from hunger, right?

How could a fire dragon look like a fish?

However, he turned his head, and the Swedish Brachysaurus did not dare to move.

It widened its eyes and looked at the wizard who had brought it humiliation in disbelief.

Damn it! What did you mean by that look just now!

You just want to eat me, right?

I must have seen it right, that look that wanted to swallow me whole!

The Swedish Brachysaurus is about to cry but has no tears. I, I am obedient, I am good, can I stop blowing smoke rings at you?

Please do remove me from your recipe, thank you so much!

Robert didn't care about the dragon's period, he was having a headache now.

The dragons present are not very aggressive among the fire dragons. The real stingers are actually the Hungarian Horntail and the Norwegian Ridgeback.

These two kinds of dragons are both brave and fierce types. Once they start fighting, they will never stop unless they are knocked unconscious or killed. Unlike these kinds of dragons, they will give in when they find they can't beat them.

Not easy to deal with.

This was Robert's idea, and he didn't know where the two fire dragons had gone. He searched for a long time but couldn't find the dragon shadow. They probably went to the territory of some magical creature and fought with each other.

Hey, speaking of fighting, it does seem like there is a very powerful magical creature deep in the Forbidden Forest.

A manticore with a manticore and a manticore.

That's right, the father of the Blast-Ended Skrewts.

This is a very dangerous creature, as terrifying as the Chimera, with the head of a man, the body of a lion, and a thick and powerful scorpion tail.

Its fur can repel all magic spells and can be made into very powerful magic armor. Unfortunately, few people can kill them.

Even if they are sent out in groups to hunt, they can only be expelled.

Robert didn't know if the Ridgeback would go to cause trouble for the Manticore, but the Horntails would definitely go. Robert simply couldn't imagine that if he discovered their fight in the Manticore's lair, he should Which side to help?

Thinking of this, Robert had a toothache, these two guys were looking for trouble.

Now that he had determined the direction, Robert naturally wanted to take a look. He treated the few dragon tamers who seemed to be still alive and dragged them into the tent. Robert walked around in the Forbidden Forest and found Buckbeak. , I want to ask it for a little help.

Buckbeak readily agreed, and it carried Robert and soon flew high into the sky.

The Forbidden Forest flew past Buckbeak's feet. The night sky was indeed very cold. Especially in order to control the big brainless guys, Robert used a large-scale weather modification spell. The dark clouds are still floating in the sky and have no intention of dissipating.

Looking at the big trees flying by under his feet, Robert couldn't help but start to wonder, where would the manticore live?

Speaking of which, there is a temple deep in the Forbidden Forest. I don’t know how many years ago it was left. Many seniors who have been to the depths of the Forbidden Forest mentioned it in the notes left by them, but because "there may be something there" "Guarded by very dangerous magical creatures", they all gave up on exploring.

Of course, it's also possible that all the people who went to investigate were dead.

But if this is the case, then the place where the manticore is most likely to appear is here, because according to legend, the places where magical creatures like the manticore like to hang out are deserts and temples.

Buckbeak was a master of the Forbidden Forest. Robert just told it that he wanted to go to the temple deep in the Forbidden Forest. It understood and took him to a hill near the temple.

From here, you can indeed see the temple behind the woods in the distance, but at this time, large clouds of dust rose up from where the temple was, as if some huge creature was thrown to the ground. .

A ferocious beast roared, and from Robert's perspective he could see the high bulge on its back.

It's the Norwegian Ridgeback.

Robert was a little curious. Since he could see the Ridgeback here, where had the Hungarian Horntail gone?

It's not that he looked down on the Ridgeback. With its little fighting ability, it could probably be pinned to the ground and rubbed by a Hungarian Horntail. If it dared to come to the ancient temple to cause trouble for the manticore, it was definitely not the only one.

Except there are no manticores here.

Sure enough, at the next moment, a figure rose into the sky from the ground of smoke, an angry dragon roar shook the world, and there was a sense of panic.

Robert could understand its mood at this time. After all, no flying creature could bear to have a huge pendant on its body while flying high in the sky.

Although the manticore has the head of a human, its teeth are really sharp teeth. At this time, its claws are inserted into the gaps of the hornet dragon scales to ensure that it will not fall due to swinging. , lowered his head and bit hard on the hornet's thin and long neck.

The hornet whined, but its tail struck unceremoniously towards the back, wanting to teach this damn creature in itself a lesson.

When it really is overthinking.

The thick, long and poisonous hooked tail of the Manticore was not just a decoration. With a strong effort, it wrapped the Horntail's tail, and the barbs were driven into the scales of the tail.

Even if he didn't hear it, Robert could see from a distance that the Horntail's tail, which had been continuously trained and strengthened since birth, was severely twisted by the Manticore's tail, possibly even breaking the tailbone.

The heartbreaking pain aroused the hornet's ferocity. It turned its head and opened its mouth as flames hit its face. But then, its expression became sluggish. It even lost the strength to flap its wings, and its huge body fell towards the ground.

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