Purple Moss is an alchemical creature that merges with an alchemical creature that lives for an unknown length of time and a basilisk that lives for an unknown amount of time.

There is a game that has a "melting furnace" function, and all the unwanted equipment and materials are poured in and replaced with a bunch of garbled data that is of little use.

It feels a little subtle.

However, moss is a plant that does have admirable abilities in purification and transformation.

It is very consistent with the concept of "analysis-reconstruction" of alchemy.

As expected, the cunning hornet had secretly opened its eyes when Zimoss whipped the manticore away.

Seeing the opponent's extremely powerful aura, the dishonest dragon's first reaction was to stand up, use all his strength, and bite Zi Moss's tail with his mouth open!

Zi Moss, who was on guard for a long time, swam up the tree calmly and easily dodged the backstab from his friend.

This was the Horntail's last attack. It had been deeply poisoned and could no longer control its body after this attack.

Thanks to the lack of any buffer, the Horntail rolled a few times on the ground, covered in dust, and hit a boulder before stopping its momentum.

Its head tilted, its limbs fell down, and it completely fainted.

The manticore that had been whipped away finally got up unsteadily. It was humanly confused for a moment, and then became furious.

Damn it!

How dare someone hit it!

No, not human.

The manticore shook its head and narrowed its eyes.

It probably knocked its head down, and there were many shadows in front of it. Even the trees in front of it couldn't be clearly seen, but the shimmering snake body could be seen in the dark night.

Twinkle, twinkle, do you think you are a star?

The manticore roared dissatisfiedly into the distance, venting its dissatisfaction.

What the manticore hates most is looking up at the stars, which makes it involuntarily feel insignificant, as if it, the king of the Forbidden Forest, can only show off in a small place like the Forbidden Forest.

This will remind it of being taken away from its homeland when it was still an egg and brought to this place full of trees.

It's really annoying, there's not even room for sand, it's not suitable for a manticore to live.

Letting out another earth-shattering roar, the manticore rushed towards the big tree where Zi Moss was. Although it was a bit troublesome, it wanted to drive away or kill the intruder.

A whole snake of purple moss is hovering on the big tree.

The huge snake eyes stared at the lion in the distance. Although it looked strange, it must be a lion, probably.

As an alchemical creature that looks like a snake but is actually moss, the only way Zi Moss can think of to defeat the opponent is to absorb its life force.

However, it is not impossible to imitate that cunning basilisk.

Like, strangulation?

In terms of speed alone, the manticore was far inferior to Zi Moss. When the opponent stretched out his body and wanted to pounce on Zi Moss, the intruder, Zi Moss had already jumped into the air and entangled him. The manticore with the head of a manticore and the body of a manticore twisted its whole body hard.

The manticore's face was full of confusion. Apparently it didn't realize that its opponent was actually a speed player from the sneak attack just now. When it was tied into a worm, it was still struggling hard. He wanted to use his thick scorpion tail to inject some poison into the smelly snake that tied him up.

Unfortunately, Zi Moss's tail was also quite strong, so it was easy to subdue the big lion.

In particular, as a plant, purple moss can grow quickly by taking root in the soil, and pile up its own weight to a terrible amount, so Robert, who is watching from a distance but can't see anything, has already figured this out. When it came to the big guy, Robert was a little surprised.

Why so fast?

When he rode Buckbeak to the scene of the incident, he saw Zi Moss's body split open, revealing things as small as succulent roots, inserted through the gaps in the manticore's skin. Go in and absorb the nutrients of this huge creature.

It's very Cthulhu...

"Its fur is a great magic material." Robert watched Zi Moss's whole body twinkling with joy, and couldn't help but remind him, "If you are full, remember to leave some for me."

Zi Moss conveyed an understanding signal.

Only then did Robert feel satisfied and ran to see the unconscious fire dragon.

Of course, he would not care as much about this manticore as other conservationists of magical creatures. In fact, even among those conservationists, a large number of people are very disgusted with this creature. After all, they died in its hands. There are countless wizards. Basically, as long as you encounter it in the wild, you will die.

The Horntail was really honest at this time.

After all, it fainted, and it was impossible for it to react to the outside world in any other way. Robert was so worried that he cast the stun spell on it several more times, and then used the floating spell to get it out of the pile of rocks.

After checking the unlucky guy, I found that in addition to the toxins on its body that could not be ignored, the internal organs of the hornet was somewhat dislocated and seemed to be damaged.


He scratched his head. It was better to leave professional things to professionals. After all, the magic resistance of fire dragon skin was quite high. It could save this guy's life from the mouth of a manticore. In fact, to a certain extent , he is also quite powerful.


After trying hard to find an excuse for himself, Robert stopped wasting any more magic power and fought the fire dragon all night. Although he basically relied on long-legged snow rabbits and weather modification spells, the snow rabbit would not help him kick away the fire dragon. Although the Eye Spell can bypass the defense of the fire dragon's skin, when it brings pain to the fire dragon, it also arouses their ferocity.

Even the protein eyes are no exception to this.

Therefore, powerful repelling spells are the first choice, followed by various binding spells. Although Shen Feng Wuying can also leave a few wounds, if possible, Robert really wants to know if there is something similar to the electromagnetic gun. This is a highly efficient spell that kills or cripples the opponent.

Unfortunately, he racked his brains and couldn't come up with a more powerful spell.

After entering the civilized world, there were a lot less fights between wizards, which was a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that there are fewer fights, and the wizards are much less likely to be injured. The bad thing is that many powerful spells have been banned and sealed. When dealing with powerful magical creatures, the wizards are powerless and unable to An effective deterrent to these lawless magical creatures.

Now, if I want to find a curse that is lethal but not classified as black magic, I can only invent this way myself.

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