The fire dragon who grabbed the food hid the food and went out to define his own area.

This is the habit of wild animals. By demarcating your own area, you can solve a lot of troubles. For example, when other creatures smell the smell of a fire dragon, they will naturally avoid it.

Because fire dragons eat spicy food all year round... Well, they get angry easily... It doesn't seem right. In short, their feces are very shocking. Travelers and magical biologists who walk in the wild like to mix their feces with other magical plants. , made into repellent powder, which can effectively prevent insects and small beasts from approaching the tent.

As for the large ferocious beasts...

Well, traveling is also full of unknowns and dangers, isn’t it?

The territory of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary is not small, but the area opened for wild dragons is not large, and the territory divided equally among each dragon is even less.

How could these wild dragons adapt?

Probably like a billionaire, he went bankrupt overnight, his mansion was forced to be mortgaged, and he huddled in a rental house of less than ten square meters.

This is very sad.

As expected, these wild dragons started fighting, fighting desperately, and the blood of the fire dragons was dyed red... The earth turned green, and many rare magical plants grew.

All in all, the dragon trainers were quite happy and got another hefty bonus.

But they were happy too early. What the wild dragons who won the battle did not expect was that the domestic dragons in the reserve took the opportunity to leisurely cross the regional dividing line and ran into this chaotic land.

Because it was hungry, it searched for a while and ate up the food that the fire dragons that beat their brains out took away.

It thought it was placed there intentionally by the dragon trainer.

After eating, I solved some physical problems, patted my butt and flew away.

When the victorious wild dragon returned to his cave, the whole dragon was angry!

You are! Steal my food!

Just grab my food! You won’t even spare the nest!

Looking at the unexplained excrement on the ground, Yelong naturally felt that this was clearly telling him, "Your family is pretty good, so I'll accept it."

The fire dragon, whose hair and scales were completely fried, didn't even think about it, and chased the smell left in the air.

Then came the big fight.

The wild dragon and the domestic dragon fought until the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the dragon was so miserable that it almost dragged its body back to its lair.

And this also aroused Jialong's anger.

Hey, what do you bunch of wild stupid dragons want to do?

Does the new guy know the rules?

That's pretty much the idea.

After that, there was a huge melee that everyone loved to see, and basically every dragon in the reserve participated.

From then on, there were many sparkling crystals in the Fire Dragon Reserve, which was just a desert. The yellow ground was stained with thick black, with ravines and traces of corrosion everywhere.

A scene of doomsday scorched earth.

The most frightening thing is that these mindless fire dragons hit them on the head and started to expand the battlefield without caring.

At first, the wizards didn't pay attention. After all, they were enjoying harvesting wealth. Some even expected these big guys to continue fighting so that they could collect enough wives.

Until these idiots attacked a Muggle village.

A small village with only a few dozen people is considered magical in modern society. Romania is not a small place, and such small villages usually have external communications.

As a result, the incident of the fire dragon attacking the village was known to the Muggles. Of course, most people thought it was a joke and just a forest fire, but some people still insisted on claiming to have seen the dragon.

The wizards then raised their heads from their greed for wealth and reluctantly pursued the escaping fire dragon.

But the arrogant and cold-blooded fire dragons don't care about these dragon trainers. They use practical actions to tell these undisciplined guys that ferocious beasts, even if they are locked in a cage and can only make a living by being cute, are still ferocious beasts!

The wizards were immediately stunned, and many even cried to go home and stop doing this job until the savior came.

Her name was Wilmina Grapeland, a woman with a strange chin, but very strong. Many people had laughed at her appearance in private. However, at this moment, she stood up and kicked her. He kicked the most vicious hornet until he almost lost half his life!

Fire Dragon:! ! !

The wizards trembled and told themselves in their hearts not to mess with this woman.

After they left the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, they began to use exaggerated expressions and tones to spread Wilmina Graplan's reputation on various occasions in the Corrupt Kingdom.

People saved you, but you told others with a horrified expression that that woman was definitely not a human, but a hybrid giant or something else!

This is very disrespectful.

But no one came out to stop her, so that when Ms. Grapeland returned to the rotten country, she was shocked to find that she... probably wouldn't be able to get married in this life?

Almost everyone stared at her like she was a freak, as if this witch would turn people into meatloaf if she disagreed.

Even when she passed by a wizard in a bar, the wizard stood up with a look of horror on his face, knelt on the ground with tears in his eyes, and shouted, "I shouldn't be sitting in your seat! Please!" Don’t beat me to death!”

In fact, it was Professor Graplan's first time going to that pub, and she didn't have any such thing as an exclusive seat.

One can imagine Professor Graplan's mood at that time.

These gossips were all told to Robert by the house elves. When he knew about this, in addition to being angry at the wizards, he also admired Professor Grapeland.

Although she may not be the most famous magical biologist, she has extensive experience in caring for magical creatures. Whether it is a fire dragon or a magical rune horse, she can make them obedient and put down their hostility.

It is said that the dragon training manual carried by every dragon trainer in the fire dragon sanctuary is a treasure left by her. It describes in detail 42 common diseases of fire dragons and 22 difficult diseases of fire dragons.

Common diseases give a total of 176 treatment methods, including how to use the resources at hand to remove those white spots for a dragon with white spots in the wild, and 16 ways to return a broken dragon to the oven, no, to the dragon sanatorium. method.

As for the 22 difficult diseases of fire dragons, Professor Graplan was not a pharmacist and did not have any particularly good ideas, but he did provide some ideas.

Professor Graplan is now a special editor of the magazine "Magical Creatures Around Us". In addition to earning some royalties for submitting articles to the magazine, he also needs to review some manuscripts. He can be regarded as a magical biologist with a fixed income.

As for the teaching at Hogwarts, it was because she received an invitation from Dumbledore, and she was curious about Hagrid and wanted to make acquaintance.

Actually speaking from the bottom of my heart...

Her method of teaching students is more reliable than Hagrid's, and Hagrid may be more suitable to be a magical biology scholar rather than a magical biology professor.

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