"Fire dragons are afraid of the cold." Hermione said. "I have read Professor Graplan's book, "What to Pay Attention to in the Fire Dragon Sanctuary", which mentioned that when taking care of fire dragons, you must not let them feel the cold."

Harry's eyes twitched. Then, what kind of book was that? Do you have that kind of book in the library?

Although he didn't know clearly, he still chose to trust Hermione's judgment, "Okay, too many plants will make the surroundings a little colder, but I always feel that this is a bit unreliable."

Hermione continued to explain, "Moreover, the fire of fire dragons is very powerful. If they are attacked head-on, trees, which are inherently flammable, will be easily ignited."

"No matter how much fire dragons like hot environments, they definitely don't want to become the target of being grilled."

"Hermione, it's not that I don't believe you." Harry raised his hands in surrender, "I just want to ask, what should we do now?"

Hermione took a deep breath, "I'll sprinkle dispersing potions around, and you go in and figure out how to steal the eggs?"

Harry touched the potion in his arms and nodded heavily, "Don't worry, I will definitely stun the dragon inside!"

Hermione kindly reminded, "Harry, you brought a coma potion. No, I want to ask, do you have an antidote for powerful hallucinogens?"

Harry's expression was stiff, the antidote?

This is the first time I have even heard of powerful hallucinogens. You ask me...the antidote?

Looking at Hermione innocently, Harry made no secret of the fact that he didn't.

Hermione couldn't help but feel a headache, so she could only pull Harry, set up the cauldron, and start brewing the antidote.

"There are a lot of spiders." Cedric waved his wand with one hand and sprayed repellent to the front and right with the other hand.

The spiders that wanted to pounce on them all held their ground and quickly retreated after encountering the repellent, for fear that they would be contaminated by the liquid.

But their retreat did not stop the other spiders, and they still surrounded Robert and Cedric firmly.

It seems that they must be dealt with here.

"These spiders are so reckless." Cedric couldn't help complaining, "Aren't they afraid of death?"

Robert shrugged, "Who knows, maybe they just want to die."

As he spoke, he sprayed a lot of liquid to the left and back.

Spiders don't scream, but the rustling sound they make when they move makes people's heads tingle, and they can't help but think about how many spiders there are in the forest.

Fortunately, both of them have strong hearts, and they finally escaped from the spiders' lair after overcoming obstacles along the way.

"Next..." Robert looked at the small stone in his hand, "Go left."

He pointed to a place where the trees were obviously sparse, "My magic tells me that the fire dragon is not squatting on the top of the mountain, but is hiding halfway up the mountain?"

This is really not a fire dragon.

"Can you guess what kind of fire dragon it is?" Cedric swallowed, after all, he would face the fire dragon soon.

"It's hard to say. If there is a grassland on the top of a mountain or in front of it, it is the Welsh Green Dragon." Robert shook his head. "If the cave is not big, it might be the Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon."

Robert thought for a moment before continuing, "But Swedish Brachyrhinosaurus is also possible. They like to build their nests in lower places."

Cedric was speechless, "I feel like these three are not easy to deal with."

"That's true." Robert agreed, "If it's a green dragon, we might not be able to find it even if we get close."

"With the Venomtooth Dragon, we might die without even knowing where the attack came from." Cedric couldn't help complaining, "The Fire Dragon is really unfriendly to wizards."

"For blue dragons, we might have to start using shields." Robert couldn't help complaining, "I really don't want to face their dragon breath."

The breath of the Swedish Brachysaurus may not be the hottest, but it must be the most terrifying and intuitively destructive.

While the two were talking nonsense, they had already taken out their magic wands and started applying various magic spells to themselves. After turning invisible, they quietly approached the land ahead.

Not far away, they saw a green grassland.

"Well, luck seems pretty good." Robert said, "The green dragon may be less aggressive. Anyway, let's look for it first."

Following the guidance of the pebbles, the two of them came to the center of the grassland.

The two of them opened their eyes so wide that they almost popped out of their sockets. They still didn't see what the land in front of them had to do with the "Fire Dragon". After all, the land in front of them looked like grass. The green grass even moved lightly with the breeze. Sway gently.

Cedric had something to say, but he didn't dare, for fear that they would be standing right next to the green dragon's mouth.

After walking around the central grassland, they finally saw some unusual clods of soil.

It was brown with flecks of green dirt on it.

"Is it...a dragon egg?" Robert's eyes lit up, "But where is the golden egg?"

After searching for a long time, he finally saw a faint hint of gold in the middle of the dragon egg.

"He was buried by this dragon." Robert was a little helpless. Did he regard the other party as his most important egg?

This is a bit troublesome. If the golden egg is placed on the top of the dragon egg, they can run away holding the dragon egg, but if it is placed in the center of the dragon egg, this matter must be considered in the long run.

Robert pulled Cedric next to him, and the two quietly stepped aside, lay on the ground, and hid in the grass.

"We need to lure the dragon away." Robert explained. "I saw the golden egg. In the middle of the dragon egg, you may need to break all the eggs to get to it."

Cedric swallowed, "I'm going to lure the dragon away?"

"No, I think we can use other things, such as... sheep?" Robert thought for a moment, and quickly remembered that green dragons like to hunt sheep. If this is the case, then use the transformation spell to conjure some sheep in the distance... …

Thinking of this, Robert motioned to Cedric to cast a disguise spell on a large bag and quietly lurked near the dragon egg, while he himself walked out of the grassland and began to catch some small animals in the forest.

Rabbits, spiders, birds, that kind of thing.

Probably because there were dragons here, Robert ended up counting the spiders in the Spider Forest, which made them even more manic.

It's a pity that Robert didn't mean to pity them. He quickly cast a transformation spell, and snow-white sheep appeared on the ground one after another. Some sheep had big spiral horns on their heads, and some had no horns at all.

The sheep bleated and seemed a little panicked.

Ignoring the panic of the sheep, Robert conjured a sheep whip and whipped it at the sheep.

"BAA Baa baa--"

"BAA Baa baa--"

"BAA Baa baa--"

The sheep ran towards the woods in panic. Fortunately, although they were in a mess, they did not run in the wrong direction. Robert nodded happily.

The bait to hook the green dragon is ready. Now it's time to see when the green dragon will come out to catch the sheep.

It would have been nice if there was a love potion. Robert was a little bit pityful about it. Sprinkling the love potion on these sheep would definitely make them more attractive.

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