Ron's sudden outburst was just a minor episode.

The party did not end because of Harry's departure, but continued under the pressure of Principal Dumbledore.

Robert was surprised to see Professor McGonagall also appearing at the teacher's desk. At this time, her expression was as cold as the ice columns hanging on the outer wall of the castle.

Ron was finished this time.

This was Robert's first thought.

If his guess was correct, Professor McGonagall would definitely let him receive the shocking education passed down from generation to generation at Hogwarts, the kind that would be remembered for a lifetime.

"I want to announce some exciting news." Principal Dumbledore stood up and showed a big smile. Robert always felt that the principal had the talent to play Santa Claus. Put on a hat and change into a robe. He is the most standard. Santa Claus!

The whispers of the little wizards disappeared and they looked at the principal curiously.

"Your dearest Professor of Transfiguration and Vice-Principal of Hogwarts, Ms. Minerva McGonagall is back!" Principal Dumbledore said, taking the lead in applauding.

When some young wizards heard this, their whole faces became distorted. They were the ones who were afraid of the power of the vice-principal.

But more people are happy, cheering and looking forward to it.

They screamed, clapped their palms vigorously, their faces flushed, and looked at Professor McGonagall excitedly.

Professor McGonagall's face looked much better. She smiled slightly, stood up, and twitched her lips before saying, "I'm back."

The little wizards are even more excited!

Several little lions rushed over excitedly and gave Professor McGonagall a strong hug, which shocked Professor McGonagall.

Then, she showed a happy smile, patted their heads, and asked them to go back and sit down.

Seeing this scene, Principal Dumbledore couldn't help but wipe the corners of his eyes, "Oh, this is such an exciting moment. Our Professor McGonagall ended her vacation and returned smoothly on Christmas Eve. This is really disappointing. People are happy.”

Many young wizards stared at the figure on the teacher's desk with red eyes. Although he was old, he was still elegant and majestic.

Professor McGonagall has always been a role model and spiritual support for the witches. Seeing her return, even Hermione couldn't help but stand up, applauding and wiping tears at the same time.

"That's great!" She choked and said, "That's great!"

Robert was also very happy. Although the little badgers rarely had some rest time when Professor Sprout was the acting vice-principal, they would feel very at ease when they could see Professor McGonagall standing there in high spirits again. .

Principal Dumbledore must have felt the same way about this. After all, only Professor McGonagall can manage Hogwarts in an orderly and obedient manner.

The atmosphere of the banquet suddenly became lively, and the tense atmosphere that had become tense due to Mr. Weasley's reckless behavior seemed to be dissolved.

Although Hermione wanted to comfort her two friends, but thinking about their relationship at this time, she felt that staying at the banquet would be the greatest comfort to them.

"What is this?" Hermione picked up the menu on the table and looked at the words on it curiously, "Can I order something?"

Looking at the long menu in his hand, Robert wondered if the house elves at Hogwarts were going crazy today.

No matter how you look at it, there are nearly a hundred dishes on it, from different countries and with different tastes. How on earth are they made?

Principal Dumbledore picked up the menu and announced the name of the dish accurately and clearly. In an instant, a roast pork chop appeared on the golden plate in front of him.

The little wizards followed suit.

There shouldn't be any weird food, right?

Just as he was thinking about it, a strange smell surrounded the tip of his nose. Robert couldn't help but sniff it, and then his expression changed.

Turning his head suddenly, he saw the source of all evil, the ancestor of chaos, items that were absolutely not allowed to appear in closed public places...

The little wizard who ordered that dish showed an intoxicated expression, opened the can, and set up a bonfire underneath. While roasting the can, he ordered another baguette, a mouthful of fish and a bite of bread, and occasionally took the baguette in his hand. Put the stick into the can, dip it in some fish soup, take a sip, and look very happy.

The whole auditorium exploded.

The little wizards grabbed the hateful guy and threw him and his plate out of the auditorium.

The house elves quickly dealt with the scene. As various strange explosions continued to sound, the strange smell in the auditorium finally dissipated.

Looking at the menu in his hand with lingering fear, Robert realized that some of the names of the dishes on it were disappearing at the speed of light. Apparently the house elves realized that it was better not to have some weird dishes at the banquet in order to keep the banquet going.

After struggling for a long time, the banquet was successfully held, but Professor McGonagall's face looked a little ugly, and Principal Dumbledore seemed a little restless.

Of course, so do the principals of other schools...

The warriors enjoyed their familiar delicacies with great interest. Fleur was talking about something enthusiastically. Roger was in a daze. No matter what Furong said, he nodded in agreement, acting like a little follower. appearance.

After everyone had finished eating the food, the first half of the dinner came to an end. Principal Dumbledore waved his wand, and the strange group of sisters who were kindly invited to accompany them slowly rose from the ground. They were dressed very strangely, but the wizards just ate it. This is their set.

There were drums, guitars, lutes, cellos, organs and other musical instruments around them. When they rose from the stage, they waved to everyone, causing the little wizards to scream loudly.

Professor Flitwick stood on the high platform, holding a silver-white baton in his hand - he was the conductor tonight. As the baton danced, the weird sisters picked up their instruments and started playing. a soothing piece of music

The warriors took their female partners and spun around on the dance floor to the music. The girls' skirts were like flowers, blooming everywhere in the glittering silver venue.

Principal Dumbledore was originally going to invite Ms. Maxim, but before standing up, he hesitated and reached out to Professor McGonagall with a very desperate hand.

The two of them were quickly lost in the crowd.

Ms. Maxim seemed a little sad. She looked at the excited little wizards on the dance floor and fell into memories.

At this moment, someone stood behind her, coughed twice on purpose, and asked with a little uneasiness, caution, and hope, "Excuse me, beautiful lady, can I, can I invite you to dance first?" A dance?”

Ms. Maxim opened her eyes wide, turned her head, and saw the figure behind her in disbelief.


The author's water pipes in the entire community were frozen and exploded. There has been no water for three days, so he had to pack his bags and move out. It was miserable.

Book lovers in winter should remember to take precautions against freezing.

Thank you guys for your votes.

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