Bogrod stared angrily...

Well, I'm sorry, the fairies all have squinty eyes, and at most they can only have triangular eyes. It's really difficult for fairies to make them "wide-eyed".

However, Bogrod had tried his best. On the premise that he could not throw the guest off the cart, expressing his dissatisfaction and anger with facial expressions and words was Bogrod's limit.

If it were the Goblin King, he would definitely, definitely want this damn wizard to look good!

Whether it's crushing him to death with goblin gold coins, or some other method.

Bogrod thought viciously.


The roar of the dragon came, and the customer opened his eyes in surprise, and asked with some confusion, "Didn't the dragon fall asleep today?"

Bogrod didn't want to talk, but recently the Ministry of Magic asked them that Gringotts must improve their service quality, and the first thing they have to do is-

Answer every question from the guests carefully.

The fairies are so angry! You actually let them chat with those stupid wizards?

Cut off their heads!

The goblins think they can still chat with a group of skeletons, at least the skeletons don't have to think.


This is the first decree issued by the Minister of Magic after he came to power. Even if it means giving the Ministry of Magic face, it must be implemented.

Thinking of this, Bogrod was dissatisfied with the Minister of Magic who was said to be very powerful.

Get off the stage early! You idiot!

He could only curse in his heart.

With a lot of reluctance, Bogrod replied dully, "How do I know why it didn't sleep? Anyway, it has been like this since yesterday. It has been irritable and irritable."

As he said that, he paused and said, "Oh, I really envy it. Even if you are irritable, your salary will not be deducted."

At this moment, the cart turned a corner, and the creature they were talking about appeared in front of them——

Ukrainian Iron Belly is the largest fire dragon in the world. Normally, their scales are silver-gray and their eyes are beautiful crimson, but the fire dragon that appears here now is full of decay.

It was a huge fire dragon, its body was gray-white, its eyes were turbid pink, its two hind legs were wearing heavy shackles, and the thick chains on them were connected to huge stakes driven deeply into the stone ground.

The huge, spiked wings were folded at the sides of the body, flapping feebly at the ground.

Confined underground for a long time, this fire dragon's eyesight became worse and worse. Until last year, it could no longer see.

For any living creature, suddenly losing eyesight is a very scary thing. Even a rabbit will become grumpy when encountering such a thing, let alone an inherently brutal fire dragon.

It roars, it goes crazy, it vents its anger and sorrow wantonly, but none of this can change a thing. It can only continue to stay in the dark underground as the "guardian of the goblin treasure house".

Maybe it wanted to understand this, maybe it was completely unwilling to admit this, the fire dragon's temper became more and more irritable. Only when the sound of the jingle sounded, it would temporarily suppress its anger out of fear of pain.

Bogrod yawned boredly, "It's like this every time, why can't it be better behaved?"

Saying this, the goblin took out the jingle piece he kept in his bag.

It was a small metal instrument that made a strange noise when it was shaken. The sound made the fire dragon tremble all over. It whimpered like a canine and subconsciously retreated slowly.

If it weren't for the thick shackles on the ground, it might want to hide itself in the dirt behind it.

"Well, that's what I said." Bogrod shrugged, "Maybe the fire dragon is such a completely unapologetic creature. It clearly knows that as long as someone comes over, they will be hurt, so why can't they be obedient? At least it should Do you recognize the smell of our staff?"

The customer looked at the fire dragon with great interest and said with a smile, "Oh, if you want to see a fire dragon so close, this is the only place."

Bogrod shouted dissatisfied, "This is the art palace of goblins! But you actually praised a watchdog?! Do you think this is a zoo? Or are wizards all idiots without artistic abilities?" "

"Okay, you said it, art." The customer shrugged, showing no interest at all, "But art is not as interesting as dangerous magical creatures! After all, we are all wizards who like dangerous and exciting adventures!"

Bogrod shook his head, turned around and walked towards the customer's vault, muttering in a low voice, "That's why I hate Gryffindor the most. Everyone in your college is like that thief, who takes our things and doesn't know how to return them. "

Bogrod pressed his hand on the strange wooden door, as if there was some kind of scanning device. The wooden door disappeared directly. Just as the customer was about to walk in, he heard a man coming from the vault next door. roars and some sounds that were probably metal collisions.

"What is that? Did you hear any strange noises?" The customer asked doubtfully, "I seems to be the Lestrange family's treasure house over there? What's going on in there?"

Bogrord said gruffly, "That has nothing to do with you. We at Gringotts are committed to protecting the information security of our customers..."

As he spoke, the voice in the vault became even angrier.

That sound has a special magic that attracts people to want to explore and know, and there is also a faint impulse to destroy something.

Bogrod's already somewhat dissatisfied mood was aggravated by the sound. He frowned and looked at the customer, "Do you still want to get something?"

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. I have a lot to check, so I don't need much time." The customer tilted his head with a smile, "Why don't we go and take a look together? Are you curious too? I think I still have it. It’s just a little bit of self-protection…”

Bogrod pushed the person in directly and glared at him, "Don't mind your own business!"

With that said, he closed the door of the vault.

Although this may seem dangerous, in fact, if they have a medicine key, these guests can leave at any time, and Bogrod will leave him a cart and jingle tablets.

Because some customers don't want anyone to know what they took out of the vault, let alone what they put into the vault.

As for these people, goblins generally can't afford to offend them, they just need to do a good job of guiding them.

After dismissing this unlucky customer, Bogrod couldn't help but spat on the smear.

If possible, he would not want to bring these wizards to this underground world at all, because every time they come, they will take away the goblins' treasures.

Just like a group of shameless thieves.

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