"So you started a fight?" The Goblin King looked at his guard with a constipated look on his face, "Throw me alone in the living room, facing a wizard who doesn't know whether he has malicious intentions or not?"

The goblin captain's expression showed indescribable embarrassment and regret.

It's so unlike him to actually ignore such a trivial matter as the destruction of Gringotts...

The squad leader could simply imagine how his companions would glare at him after he walked out of this door.

"It's so rude to speak like this, my friend." The pure-blood wizard shouted dissatisfied, "Aren't we discussing a very large cooperation?"

"Okay, cooperate." The Goblin King said angrily, "I don't know if cooperation can be achieved, but my treasury has been destroyed! Moreover, you want to provide shelter to the person who destroyed my treasury!"

The wizard, who had been hacked to pieces by the goblins, jumped up and said, "Hey, don't talk to yourself! I'm just here to check the accounts! Our family is going to buy some herbs, and I'm here to see what's in the vault. Mortgage!”

"Mortgage? What is that?" the pure-blood wizard asked doubtfully, "Sounds like something um... like something new?"

The wizard said proudly, "This thing seems to be a gadget created by the Ministry of Magic and the major shareholders of Holly Garden. It can provide some small help to those who have no money in the short term. Of course, you have to pay it back."

He briefly explained this operation to the Goblin King and the pure-blood wizard.

The pure-blood wizard said disdainfully, "Then it would be better to sell it directly. Why should you give it to others for a period of time or something... It's what you said... mortgage."

"Because I need to protect the glory of the family!" the wizard said confidently, "Are you like those Weasleys who sold the heirlooms engraved with the family crest? Besides, they can't take it back after selling it, but Our family is different, I am confident that I can make a fortune from this event."

The Goblin King interrupted him and asked with a dark face, "Anything like that is fine, but can you explain the disappearance of Bogrod?"

"You don't think I did anything to it, do you? No way?" the wizard asked with a mocking tone, "Why would I hurt a goblin! Besides, he is my guide Hey, what good will it do if I hurt him? I still want to attend the Gringotts auction!"

The Goblin King was a little irritated. Why is this damn wizard talking so much!

"I'm not interested in your big acquisition business, and I have no idea what you want to do." The Goblin King said displeasedly, "But can you explain why he disappeared after going down with you? !”

The wizard looked at him as if he were a fool, as did the pure-blood wizard, but he still stopped the wizard who wanted to spit out the fragrance, "Okay, Holdwell, just tell the Goblin King, when you go down With everything that’s going on, it’s best to think of something out of the ordinary.”

"Okay, Aldrich, I don't think I have anything in common with the goblins. Why did he disappear when he went down with me? Couldn't he have gone to other vaults for other things?" the wizard muttered. He looked up, obviously showing his contempt for the Goblin King's intelligence.

The Goblin King was furious and wanted to fight with him, but was suppressed by the pure-blood wizard.

The two stared at each other for a long time, and then with the help of the pure-blood wizard Aldrich, they temporarily came to a truce.

"Hmm... Is it just a normal thing to go down in a cart? How can it be different? Besides, this poor place is so well protected by these goblins, there is no possibility of it being destroyed." Male Wu Hodwell frowned and thought carefully, "Well, wait, I seem to have an impression."

The Goblin King quickly asked eagerly, "What's wrong? Tell me quickly!"

Holdwell scratched his head and said with some confusion and uncertainty, "Speaking of which, I seemed to hear strange noises in the Lestrange family's vault."

"Strange sound?" Aldrich and the Goblin King both showed puzzled expressions, "What is the sound?"

"Probably some people or animals were imprisoned, right?" Hodwell shrugged indifferently, "After all, some people just like this. Besides, don't the Lestrange family just like to do this kind of thing? ?"

"Even if they like to do this kind of thing, someone has to do it!" Aldrich said angrily, "There don't seem to be many people in their family who can open the vault, right? Everyone is a Death Eater. Since they were more than ten years old, After they were found to have murdered the Longbottom family years ago, everyone was imprisoned in Azkaban."

The Goblin King hummed, "Hasn't Azkaban been closed down? I heard that all the prisoners are now underground in the Ministry of Magic?"

"How barbaric." Aldrich said disdainfully, "This is what the new Minister of Magic did. Scrimgeour is a reckless man!"

Hodwell didn't have much idea, he just said, "Well, if you put aside the family factors, I personally think he is a good guy. At least the security is pretty good now..."

"Don't be ridiculous, Gringotts was attacked." Aldrich pointed at him and reminded, "Don't forget, you are suspected for this."

"...I take back what I just said." Holdwell said, "He is indeed a bad guy."

As he was talking, he saw a goblin running over in a hurry and said loudly, "King! We found the place where the intruder appeared and Bogrod's body! It's in the Lestrange vault! In the vault Something came out and used the fire spell and the copying spell to kill Bogrod!"

The three of them were silent for a while.

The Goblin King said somewhat depressedly, "So, is there something wrong with the treasury?"

Hodwell burst out laughing, "Let me just say that this matter has nothing to do with me. It's all your own problem. Why can something escape from the vault? This matter itself belongs to you fairies. There is something wrong with the management, I said, why don't you check to see if anyone has stuffed dangerous items inside?"

"Okay, this is a very good idea. We will adopt it in the future." The Goblin King sighed, "But why did the fire dragon escape from the trap? Was it made of that thing?"

Aldrich nodded in agreement, "I think it's possible, but what exactly is it? It's amazing to be able to blow open the vault."

"Bogrod opened the vault!" The goblin who came to report said in tears, "He actually betrayed the goblins' oath."

The Goblin King glared at his men fiercely, while the two wizards smiled maliciously.

Oh ho, it turns out it's the goblins who are guarding themselves.

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