"Huh huh huh." Summers said with a malicious voice, "Why, why else? It must be related to some people again."

Stebbins also nodded, "It must be because this matter is related to the pure-blood nobles."

"Don't be ridiculous..." Robert looked at the two of them speechlessly, "That's a whole Diagon Alley..."

"Well, it's definitely not that exaggerated." Stebbins waved his hand, taking advantage of his mother's absence, and happily complained about the kitchen controller, "Mom's words are always very exaggerated. She said that the whole conversation The corner alleys are gone, maybe it’s just one street.”

"That's very exaggerated." Robert shook his head, "You have to know that most stores are equipped with strong protective magic, and it is difficult for the fire dragon's full blow to break the protection."

With that said, he went to the bedside to pick up the note and started writing notes to the house elves.

Soon, the house elves sent their replies in panic.

"Um, what the hell, your hometown has been raided, so you are looking for a new headquarters these days?" Robert couldn't help complaining, "What kind of trouble is this that seems to be about to go to war?"

Stebbins tilted his head to see what was written on the paper, but Summers stopped him.

"Well, in short, the fire dragon from Gringotts escaped, which caused unimaginable chaos." Robert concluded, and then asked, "Why did the fire dragon escape."

Summers looked shocked, "Wait a minute! Why is there a fire dragon under Gringotts? Is that the main problem?!"

Stebbins and Cedric also had expressions that said, "It's the first time I know of such a thing."

"No, forget it Summers, you two don't even know?" Robert couldn't help complaining and then paused, then turned his head in embarrassment, "Well, maybe you really don't know."

In any case, the only ones that can be guarded by fire dragons are those at the lowest level, the treasury belonging to pure-blood families with a long history.

The premise is that you are very rich.

Although both families have pure-blood wizards, no matter how you consider it, their family background is a bit weak, and the treasury cannot exist at the bottom of the goblin treasure house.

Besides, they are all people with healthy parents, so they don’t need to go to the treasury at all...

Robert sighed, as if telling his miserable life, and quickly changed the subject, "Anyway, there must be a dozen vaults in the lowest space, and they are guarded by fire dragons."

"Didn't it say that private individuals are prohibited from raising fire dragons?" Cedric had not yet recovered from the fact that there were fire dragons in Gringotts. "Aren't they afraid of being troubled by the Ministry of Magic?"

Robert waved his hand and explained nonchalantly, "Isn't this kind of thing easy to fool? For example... we don't know that there are such things as fire dragon eggs underground. Maybe some fire dragon is trying to escape pursuit. We are also sorry for the ones that were left behind and suddenly hatched or something.”

"Sounds like really reasonable nonsense!" Summers couldn't help complaining, "Shouldn't the first thing you do when a fire dragon egg appears underground is to quickly notify the fire dragon sanctuary to collect the dragon?"

"No, no, no, you're overthinking. As long as the Ministry of Magic pays you, they can do anything to you." Robert said with a look of unbearable regret on his face, "It's really scary, those guys .”

"...I really want to know what you have been through, but why did the fire dragon suddenly run out?" Cedric interrupted the two people's treasure hunting and asked a very important question.

Robert scratched his head, with a look of distress on his face, "Well, it's difficult to enter the goblin's residence. Even the house elves can't sneak in secretly, so... they didn't get the exact information."

"Ha! Look what our Hogwarts hero and his assistant are doing?!" The twins shouted loudly as they appeared outside the dormitory and pushed open the wooden door effortlessly.

The two of them also held a letter in their hands, and their expressions were indescribably happy.

Wait, Changxin?

At this moment, Mr. Cole's letter arrived, and Robert opened it and glanced at it. Does it mean that Holly Garden has not been affected in any way, so this is good news?

"Oh ho, have the twins received the news too?" Cedric called them in, "Are you here to share information?"

The twins walked into the dormitory unceremoniously and closed the door with great skill.

"Since you asked sincerely." Fred raised his chin, "As shareholders who own 10% of the shares, we naturally want to tell you some good news!"

"Aha..." Summers couldn't hold his forehead. "Please don't tell other people about our share. It sounds really stupid."

Stebbins was also very unhappy, "You all have 20% of the shares, but we only have 10%, and the three of us own 10% of the shares in total... This value is ridiculous no matter how you think about it!"

"Hahahaha..." The twins scratched their heads in embarrassment. How could they explain that half of the shares were actually in the school and the other half was given to the Ministry of Magic?

While there is the risk of being backstabbed by the Ministry of Magic, another benefit is that no one else will take away their joke shop.

This is the most important.

The twins, who had already experienced it once, didn't want to experience it again.

So no matter what, the biggest stake will only belong to Weasley!

At this point, the twins and Percy were on the same page.

"Anyway, in short, as the major shareholder, you have the right to know a little bit of news." Fred said proudly, "This is news we got from special channels. No one else knows."

George nodded, "It's very rare."

The twins are surprisingly talented at gathering information...

Wait a moment!

Robert couldn't help but glance at the two of them, looked at them with very suspicious eyes, and asked in a low voice, "You... raise magpies?"

Fred's expression remained unchanged, but his words stopped. George's eyes widened and he covered his mouth, like a fool whose little secret had been discovered.

"Hey, hey, you're just asking for it!" Robert couldn't help complaining and quickly changed the subject, "Speaking of which, you guys did a good job, why don't you try raising sparrows, mice or something next time..."

"We can try the raven." Fred said with a wink, "How about you? It's much smarter than an owl, but there is a problem with the load."

The three of them were so confused that no one else noticed that they were hiding something very important——

The twins used Animagus to be able to hear all kinds of unknown news from other people.

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