Wow – Wow –

The sound of metal dragging on the ground.

"Aha, isn't this Gustave?" Lying on the ground in a very inelegant posture was a gray-haired Death Eater. "Do you also come to a place like this with your status?"

Principal Gustav raised his eyelids and ignored him.

"He is the headmaster of Durmstrang, why would he pay attention to little people like us?" Another Death Eater raised his head from the ground and said in a sinister tone.

The Death Eaters laughed, and the sound echoed in the dark underground cell, like a group of demons dancing wildly.

However, the guarding Aurors quickly drew out various weapons and beat the group of Death Eaters, causing them to scream.

"Hey! Wait for me to get out!" A Death Eater with a bruised face and a bruised face, and all his teeth knocked out, still insisted on roaring, "I'm going to torture you! Twist your limbs! Cut open your stomach! Ahhhhh!!! You bastard! Don’t let me get out!”

Gustav's eyes twitched, and he wanted to ask the Auror behind him.

As the former principal of Durmstrang, can I apply for a different cell?

But I guess I won't get permission. After all, in the eyes of the Aurors, I am a Death Eater!

Death Eaters need to be held separately from all other prisoners.

The wooden fence door was opened, and the Auror kicked the former headmaster into the cell with an unceremonious kick. The chains fell, and Gustav sighed deeply. Countless grievances came to his heart and merged into one sentence. ——

Lord Dark Lord, why did you fail?

"Aha." A pair of dry, pale hands rested on the fence next to Gustav, startling him. He turned around and saw a skull that seemed to have a layer of skin hanging on it appeared in front of him. Gustav's heart was strongly impacted, he jumped back suddenly and fell on the wooden railing on the other side.

The Death Eaters' malicious laughter kept ringing out, and it made Gustav feel embarrassed because it was so evil.

"Why are you laughing!" He shouted angrily, "Can your situation be any better than mine?"

The Death Eaters' laughter became even more unbridled.

"Hahaha, Xiao Gu is angry, he is angry!"

"Oh Mom, I'm so angry, really angry!"

"Ah ha, yes, they are all bad people, all bad people."

"Hee hee hee."


"Come and hit me, come on! La la la la, you can't hit me!"

Gustav looked on with cold eyes. These Death Eaters were all true pure-blood wizards. Even if their ancestors had mixed-bloods or Muggles, they must still be pure-bloods now.

From the point of view of wizards, pure-bloods are nobles, but the postures of these nobles at this time are too crazy and do not have the elegance and calmness of wizards at all.

They've gone crazy.

This is something Gustav is deeply aware of, and the reason for their madness is probably the study of black magic.

Just imagine, a book of black magic can drive a dozen adult wizards into madness at the same time. A large group of wizards gather together every day to study black magic, or use black magic. Their personalities will be changed no matter what, right?

What's more, many of them here are people who once followed Voldemort, the source of darkness.

Go crazy! Go crazy!

Gustav thought in his heart, when you all go crazy, I will be the only principal of Durmstrang!

At this time, he is still dreaming of becoming a principal.

Mr. Prime Minister is very disturbed tonight.

He has been a little anxious recently. His people told him that many citizens heard the roar of a dragon three days ago, and the sound lasted all afternoon, but it was nothing. Maybe they heard it wrong.

However, just after that, some residents even discovered a dragon skeleton in the suburbs.

It's a real dragon bone, even if they have never seen a dragon, no, maybe they have seen it, like the dinosaur fossils in the museum.

But everyone who called the police said that they were definitely not dinosaur fossils stolen from the museum, because the bones were very fresh, and you could even see the flesh hanging on them that had not been eaten clean by predators in the wild.

It is said that when the bones were discovered, a dozen residents were frightened and fainted.

God! A dragon! Just outside London!

Mr. Prime Minister was so scared that he almost peed.

After Scotland Yard hurriedly disposed of the skeleton, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then faced cross-examination by countless reporters and archeology professors.

Why are there dragons in the Corrupt Kingdom?

I also want to know why there are dragons!

Mr. Prime Minister couldn't help but curse, shouldn't he ask the wizard about that kind of thing? What makes him even more angry is that one of his political opponents has recently attended various occasions and constantly claimed to the citizens that this was all his fault as the prime minister, otherwise the dragon would not have died.

Good luck!

I'm a prime minister! He's not some old man in white robe! Why am I responsible for the death of a dragon? Besides, why did you accept the existence of dragons in the world so quickly?

Could it be that you, too, have contact with those weirdos?

Thinking of this, Mr. Prime Minister looked at the sky outside the window. It was already very dark at this time, which meant that from now on, he could do some more hidden things.

He stood up and walked towards a somewhat dirty small oil painting in the corner. What was painted on it was a man wearing a silver wig who looked somewhat similar to Gutai.

"Listen, wizard, I know you can hear me." Mr. Prime Minister glared at the man in the painting dissatisfied, "I have something to talk to your minister about now. I remember his name is Scrimgeour, right?"

However, the oil painting did not respond at all, just like it had been there for countless years, it was completely silent.

It's like it's really just an ordinary oil painting.

The corners of Mr. Prime Minister's eyes couldn't help but twitch. He was a little angry. He glared angrily and sneered, "Are you pretending to be dead? I know you are alive. There is no need to lie to me anymore. Besides, I heard Skrein Jay said he would respond to my requests, and I hope that's more than just a lie."

The little man in the oil painting seemed to have finally heard what he said. He turned his eyes and looked at Mr. Prime Minister.

To be honest, when this scene happened at night, it was really scary. Anyway, the Prime Minister was very frightened. Now his legs are shaking a little and he wants to go back to his seat.

"Okay." The little man seemed very reluctant, "Why should I deliver a message to a Muggle? If my portrait hadn't been placed with you, maybe I could have seen those beautiful girls drinking. After the charming style."

As he spoke, he sighed, "Ah, how cruel this is. I can't look at a live, beautiful girl, but have to talk to an old and ugly guy like you."

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