It’s strange that there is no problem!

Robert complained in his heart that the nurse lady, or the therapist lady, really thought highly of him. She was always in contact with these strange creatures. Even he would collapse!

After all, those are swarms of insects! Trypophobia can really be cultivated!


Robert was stunned and looked down. Oops, he had used too much force just now and seemed to have accidentally crushed an insect into wet and dry parts.

So here comes the question, is the insect corpse dripping with liquid dry garbage or wet garbage...

Holding the sticky bug, Robert fell into thinking.

"Hmm." Harry opened his eyes drowsily, looking at the familiar ceiling, a little confused.

Pomfrey's powerful shout came to his ears, "Everyone, please be quiet! This is the school hospital! Anyone else who is not involved should leave immediately!"

So, I wanted to say it a long time ago.

Harry thought, if you want to be quiet, why are you shouting so loudly, Madam Pomfrey? Isn't this giving people an excuse to speak louder?

"Why!" Look, isn't this coming?

It was Pansy Parkinson who protested. The little girl jumped up and down very angrily, "Draco has been injured six times this week! We must know who has been causing trouble for him!"

Six...six times?

Harry said that if he hadn't just gotten up and felt a little weak, he would have died laughing on this bed.

There are only seven days in a week, is Mr. Malfoy being beaten and sent to the hospital once a day?

"Ah ha? It's only six times! The most unlucky guy I've ever come into contact with comes to my place thirty times a week! It's that buck-tooth guy from your college!" Madam Pomfrey scolded unhappily, "What's the matter? If you want to ask anything, wait until he recovers from his injuries! Otherwise, all of you, get out of here!"

Pansy left with a face full of anger. Before she left, she was still muttering things like "I want to go to my dad" and "I want my dad to go to the Ministry of Magic to ask about this matter."

Harry felt extremely happy, as expected of Madam Pomfrey!

Pansy was usually very arrogant and arrogant, and her way of looking at people through her nostrils made Harry nauseous.

Harry was very happy to see her deflated again.

Moreover, Pansy and Hermione also had a lot of friction. As the Malfoy family advocates the idea of ​​pure blood, it is natural for his friends, or followers, to advocate pure blood.

Unfortunately, Miss Hermione Granger is a Muggle, and she is the kind of Muggle who is very good at studying. This makes the superior pure-blood wizards very dissatisfied, and naturally they cause trouble for her from time to time.

If it were in the past, Hermione might have been too stupid to argue, or could only deal with it alone, but now she has many friends. Although she has few friends in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Many witches in Hufflepuff were very willing to make friends with her.

Pansy was not stupid enough to bring her three or five best friends to face the stares of three colleges, and now she rarely appeared in front of Hermione.

Probably cowardly.

But Harry, who was still in the stage of holding grudges, didn't think so much. He was just happy to see his friend's enemy being scolded for something and being unable to defend himself.

Ah, today is such a good day.

He thought so.

"Mr. Potter, what good things are you thinking about?" Madam Pomfrey's expressionless face filled all eyes, and Harry was a little horrified to realize that he seemed to be proud a little too early?

"Um, Madam Pomfrey..." Harry laughed awkwardly, "Good morning, good morning."

"No, it's not early at all." Madam Pomfrey continued expressionlessly, "You have been asleep for half a month."

Harry's whole body felt bad, "Half a month?" Actually, what he wanted to say more was, wouldn't I be starving to death in half a month?

Immediately, he saw Madam Pomfrey smile, "Get up quickly, your coma for half a month scared your friends, especially Miss Weasley, who has to come to your bedside every day She’s crying, are you sure you don’t want to get up quickly to comfort her?”

"Ginny!" Harry finally remembered that he and Ginny were looking for those lone shikigami in school before he fell into coma. However, for some reason, he suddenly felt confused, as if something was rising from his soul. It seemed as if someone was laughing wildly, swallowing up all his consciousness in an instant.

Just when his brain was groggy and he wanted to obey the laughter, the jewelry around his neck and wrists burned so hard that he almost screamed out.

Thinking about it now, if the pain hadn't restored his clarity a little, he would have been killed by that strange feeling. It was chaotic, evil, and completely unacceptable to him.

It was as if some evil creature wanted to use his body to do something detrimental to his friends and Hogwarts.

Thinking of this, Harry quickly touched his neck and then his wrist.

"Ah, are you looking for the ornaments that were originally hung around your neck?" Madam Pomfrey said suddenly, "They seem to have been burned by something. In order to prevent you from being scratched while sleeping, we removed them from Take it off your neck.”

As she said that, she took out a delicate small box and handed it to Harry. Harry took it gratefully and opened it to see that the locket and the bracelet with the wolf fang were lying inside.

It's just that their current appearance is a bit miserable. The originally shiny golden locket has turned dark, and the white wolf tooth seems to have been corroded by something. Harry picked it up and hadn't used it much. With a little force, he saw the wolf's teeth shattered into a puddle of tooth powder.

Is this, is this his extremely tough wolf fang?

Harry doubted life.

"We feel that there must have been a more dangerous shikigami attacking you at that time." Madam Pomfrey explained, "If these two things hadn't blocked it for you, you would have been directly soul-damaged. In that case, It won't be able to recover with simple treatment, you will have to be sent to St. Mungo's with the principal..."

"Headmaster?" Harry suddenly came back to his senses, "Yes, yes, how is Principal Dumbledore? I remember, I remember it seems that Voldemort is back. Did the principal, did he have a battle with Voldemort? ?”

Madam Pomfrey rubbed her temples with a headache, "Don't mention that name, forget it. Anyway, he is not in the country now, so it shouldn't be a big problem. In short, I shouldn't tell you about the principal. Okay, get up and go." Look at your little girlfriend, it’s up to you to tell her the good news that you’ve woken up!”

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