"Ah... Speaking of which, this summer has been really busy." A wizard wiped the sweat from his forehead. "It's so hot. By the way, why do I think the tea room is hotter than when I was in the office?"

"It's probably not your imagination. Let's go back to the office quickly." Another wizard took off his hat and kept fanning it in front of him. "It's so hot. Why can't you use a cooling spell..."

"Shh, be careful, don't always mention the curse." A wizard with strange glasses frames suddenly appeared and interrupted the two of them, "Have you forgotten the Statute of Secrecy? If the Muggles find out, Trouble!"

The two immediately shut up and stopped talking, and walked forward in silence.

In fact, what they didn't know was that they had already been noticed from the first day they entered this place.

After all, no matter what, the aesthetic differences between wizards and Muggles are huge!

As for what the difference is...

For example, the first gentleman wears a dark brown leather jacket on his upper body. It is said that this is the style recommended by Sirius, but his lower body is indeed matched with a pair of green woolen pants.

No, even if you ignore the sweaters, wearing a leather jacket in summer is a very strange thing anyway! Isn't he afraid of heat?

The second gentleman came with a top hat that was half a meter high, so that this guy almost failed to successfully enter the door of the newspaper office.

The editors still don't know where he got such a tall hat, but Mr. Wizard always thought that the strange looks from other people were... envy.

As for the third gentleman, he looks quite like a Muggle, but unfortunately, he has a perm of wavy brown hair, a very exaggerated pink glasses on his face, a somewhat tight leather jacket, and arms. There were a lot of jingling metal ornaments on it, and the exaggerated rivets hurt people's eyes.

It's probably...a punk style?

"Ah hahaha." Mr. Hat laughed, "I mean, Muggles, uh, no, I mean, that air conditioner, yes, the air conditioner is really great, as long as you are indoors, you can feel it The temperature is very comfortable, even drinking a large glass of iced whiskey can’t compare!”

Mr. Mao Pants nodded and praised, "The air conditioner is truly the greatest invention of mankind, as well as the ice machine."

Mr. Pink Glasses lowered his voice and said, "How about we take the ice machine away tonight? Just use the confusion spell..."

The other two people's eyes lit up and they thought this idea was great.

At this moment, a certain witch who was also thrust into the newspaper office passed by. She was wearing a very Muggle shirt and short skirt. She heard their discussion and looked at them with a kind of pity. The witch whispered, "Don't Think about it, you don’t have electricity at home.”

With that said, she hurriedly left holding a pile of documents.

The wizards stopped communicating and looked at each other in confusion.

"What she said seems to make sense." Mr. Hat said helplessly, "Although the ice machine is very good, we don't have electricity."

"Without electricity, there is no way to use the air conditioner." Mr. Mao Pants nodded in agreement, but he made a suggestion, "How about we try to create magic that can make ice cubes?"

Mr. Pink Glasses' eyes widened, "What? Making ice cubes? I mean, we can completely chill the drink directly, why do we need to make ice cubes?"

The three of them looked at each other.

"Even though you said so." Mr. Hat scratched his head, "But I still like to add ice to my whiskey."

Mr. Mao Pants nodded in agreement, "It tastes great when chewed."

"Aha, so what you want is edible ice cubes." Mr. Pink Glasses nodded, "This is a good idea, but do you have time to study magic?"

The three of them looked at each other in disbelief and lowered their heads.

Aha, being able to go home and eat at normal times is already the greatest mercy for everyone who has suffered critical attacks from Muggles.

God knows how many times they have used confusion spells because of this, and they almost spent all the subsidies for studying here.

Yes, come to a Muggle newspaper to study.

At first, the wizards refused, but this was the order of the Minister of Magic. When they found out that they could earn a large subsidy by coming here, and they might become excellent civil servants after returning, all the wizards became excited. .

Please leave this matter to us!

Suddenly, many male and female witches who were still unemployed even in middle age, and who could not satisfy their spiritual needs except to feed their children, were ready to take action.

However, when they actually joined in, they discovered that the money from the Ministry of Magic was not so easy to get.

At least, there are very strict controls on the use of magic spells, which is no longer at the level of Zongsi, but the "wand tracking technique" that is even more stringent than Zongsi.

As long as your wand has been used, a record will be left in the Ministry of Magic. It is basically prohibited to use magic during working hours, unless there is a danger to life. If you use the Confusion or Oblivion Curse more than seven times a week, a small amount of money will be deducted.

For wizards who have integrated magic spells into their lives, this is no less than tying their hands and feet, preventing them from doing many things without restraint.

Some wizards directly stated that they would never accept this agreement and left, while the wizards who stayed said that life without magic was quite interesting!

"Actually, it's not impossible..." Mr. Hat's eyes suddenly lit up, "Have you forgotten "Weird Weekly"?"

The friends threw out a bunch of questions very sincerely.

"Okay." Mr. Hat lowered his head in frustration, "So you don't know."

"No, I still know about Weird Weekly." Mr. Mao Pants explained, "What I don't know is why you mentioned that journal."

Mr. Pink Glasses said with emotion, "Mr. Lovegood and Mr. Weasley are indeed excellent magic item makers. They can actually assemble a color printing printer by themselves. I see those Muggle printers." , plastic paper, ordinary paper, even the ink needs various preparations, which is very troublesome."

Mr. Mao Pants also agreed with his face, "Yes, yes, for them, they only need a printer to do a lot of things. This research spirit is worth learning."

Mr. Hat looked innocent, "But I'm not talking about their magazine. No, I'm talking about their magazine. Well, it seems a bit confusing. Anyway, I heard that "Weird Weekly" is going to publish a supplement."

As expected, after Mr. Hat finished speaking, his two friends made disbelief.

"Huh? Supplement?"

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