Professor McGonagall was not an easily convinced professor.

But she is also the one who is most easily persuaded.

Neither of them could convince the other, but she finally approved the society.

"I hope your club members truly understand the magic spells, rather than forcing them to use them." Professor McGonagall said seriously, as if she still had doubts about this club.

Robert understood her concerns, but didn't entirely share them.

If everyone really understood every spell they learned, would the Ministry of Magic still have a team for reversing accidental magical incidents?

St. Mungo's would not have a Curse Injury Department, or even receive so many strange patients every day.

It is said that except for a small number of people who were cursed and required long-term hospitalization for observation, a large number of them were created by themselves.

Of course, if this doesn't explain anything, when Voldemort was on the rampage, many Ministry of Magic staff couldn't even recite a decent Iron Armor Curse!

To this end, the Ministry of Magic had to order various curse-proof props from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Although the establishment of the club may cause the twins' magic waffle shop to lose some orders in the future, Robert is more concerned about the safety of his companions.

He can only try his best to let his club members know what kind of evil spells come out of his wand, and whether those spells can protect himself or hinder others.

As for the rest, I beg your pardon that he is powerless.

Even if they knew that Voldemort would definitely be defeated, who could say with certainty how many people would fall on this path of resistance before he was defeated?

Putting these unpleasant things aside, Robert happily informed Cedric that they could proceed to the next step.

Once a society is established, it must be publicized. Robert took Cedric to find the twins, and the four of them discussed it all afternoon and finally came up with a promotional poster.

"Why are you worried about the exam?

Because you don’t understand its heart!

Examination Research Association——

Like a girl,

Discover the secrets of exams! "

Such a shameful slogan, paired with a pink heart that made people imagine, Robert had the illusion that the future of his association would be to become the first fraternity of Hogwarts, rather than the cradle of cultivating powerful wizards.

As for who wrote this advertisement...

Robert could only say that this slogan was naturally born after everyone said one word and added the name of the association.

When posters were plastered in every classroom and corridor in Hogwarts Castle, Robert fell into suspicion.

Can this thing really attract members?

With a thick skin, he withstood Professor McGonagall's 360° glare for a week. On Saturday morning, Robert welcomed the first batch of members.

Many wizards came, but...

More witches!

"I...I just want to see how you explore girls' secrets..." a shy witch said, "If there is any disrespectful behavior, I will definitely tell Professor McGonagall."

In fact, you were sent by Professor McGonagall to spy on us!

Robert's hunch was correct. The weird promotional slogans indeed attracted a lot of weird wizards. Most of them were adolescent wizards who had feelings for a certain wizard but couldn't express it, so the exam research meeting immediately became a legend. The Church of Love in.

This kind of name that makes people feel toothache seems to indicate that they will take jujube pills when studying for exams.

After all, the conflict between the church and the wizards could create an epic masterpiece.

In this situation, Robert could only ask the members to do their homework with an expressionless face.

Let’s do the questions, boys!

Answer it, girls!

After you fall into the endless sea of ​​questions...

Who still remembers what that exciting thing was before?

Learning makes me happy!

After calming these little wizards with all kinds of strange questions, there were far fewer people coming to the second and third gatherings. These are the guys who really want to get high scores in the exam, Robert There was no need to use the sea of ​​questions to deal with them.

It wasn't until Christmas approached that the association started to get on track.

Surprisingly, Percy also appeared in the association and shared his learning experience.

"Well, it's because I've been reviewing what I've learned recently to prepare for what's to come." Percy explained, "If there's anything wrong, you can share it with me."

A Ravenclaw witch looked through Percy's notes, smiled, took out her own notebook and handed it to Percy, "Just right, we can learn from each other."

The witch had long brown curly hair and fair skin. When she spoke, she gently touched the broken hair beside her ear with her right hand, revealing a pink neck.

Percy's face suddenly turned red.

"Hello, I'm Percy, Percy Weasley." Percy felt his tongue tangled.

The witch seemed to find his performance amusing and chuckled, "Penello, Penelope Crevat, nice to meet you, Mr. Weasley."

Robert glanced at the witch in confusion. It turned out that this was Penello. She was really beautiful. No wonder Percy couldn't forget her.


"Ahem, you two, pay attention, we are a serious association!" Robert looked serious, "By the way, where did I say just now?"

"Counter-curse?" Fred looked at the parchment in his hand, "Is there anything we need to pay attention to with this spell? Stopping the effect of the curse sounds pretty good! Well, by the way...why can't it be broken? The Unforgivable Curse?"

Robert waved his hand, "It's a universal counter-spell. Do you know what a universal counter-spell is? It doesn't allow you to unlock the effects of complex spells, and the effects of many black magic are not single, especially like the Unforgivable Curse. "

Fred was dejected, "Then what's the use of learning it? Dark wizards can't cast simple spells, waiting for us to unravel them easily."

Robert pinched his chin, "Well, for example, if you are hit by a dance spell, a weak leg spell, a whole body binding spell, etc., you can use a counter-curse to remove it, instead of going to the school hospital to drink a very unpleasant potion. You are Do you want to drink medicine, or do you want to be liberated instantly?"

Fred recalled the potion that Madam Pomfrey handed over, which was said to be able to restore energy, repair physical damage, and relieve the damage caused by curses. The smell...

He shuddered, "The counter-spell is the best!"

"Speaking of which..." Robert snapped his fingers, "Do you think putting a spell on a hat would be a big hit?"

"What spell?" The twins became interested. Since they lost the qualification to sell quick-acting candies, they have not been interested in developing new products for a long time.

Robert clicked on his notebook and said calmly, "Didn't you just say a counter-spell?"

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