No matter when, summer is not a suitable season for outdoor sports.

You'll sweat profusely if you move even a little bit, and it's normal to change two sets of clothes a day. Even in the rainy country, you still don't feel much cool, not to mention that this summer's rain seems to have been concentrated in the second half of last year.

Anyway, there has been very little precipitation in the past two months. If it were not for the advanced irrigation technology, the entire country might not be able to eat fresh vegetables...

No, those wilted vegetables can no longer be called fresh.

The umbrellas have been replaced by sun umbrellas, and even though there is a thick layer of clouds, people can still feel the warm embrace from the stellar mother.

In short, it's hot, wet, sticky, and all sorts of uncomfortable.

Maybe it would be better if there was air conditioning and a fan, but unfortunately, the Burrow didn't have those things.

This summer, Robert still came to the Burrow to play. After all, it was crowded and lively. Of course, he had already paid a living allowance. Although Mrs. Weasley refused in various ways, she finally accepted it.

Just think of it as... rent.

The shirtless twins fished for frogs in the pond together for less than two hours. The sun followed them like a ghost behind their heads. Even the twins, who were full of energy, had to declare the failure of the Summer War.

After being mocked by the stars in the sky, the three of them had to face the fact that it was still cooler under the shade of the trees!

"Sun... you are so unfriendly." Fred complained, "Why is it so hot this year! It's been a long time since I saw cool wind and rain."

George lay weakly on the grass. The shadow of the big tree covered his face, but it made his stomach hurt. Unfortunately, there was only so much shade, and he was helpless because he couldn't completely hide in the shadow!

Ah, by the way, he can use transformation... Speaking of which, how do those guys manage to tan themselves without burning their skin?

Robert put his hands behind his head and muttered things like "This is unscientific" and "Global Warming" while enjoying the shade under the tree.

It's summer vacation at this time, which is the favorite season for little wizards. After all, they have a long time to do the things they like, but it is also the season that little wizards don't like.

Because magic cannot be used.


After happily conjuring up a glass of ice-cold soda, the three of them toasted, and then all burped.

"Drinking ice-cold Coke in the summer is so wonderful." Fred said with emotion, "Especially when you are so sunburned that you feel like you are about to faint."

George also showed a satisfied expression, "It's just that I tend to hiccup after drinking."

"Oh, this isn't great, come to think of it." Fred looked at Robert, "Didn't you develop any soda that doesn't require burping?"

Robert rolled his eyes, "No, that kind of soda has no soul!"

Can I still call Fat House Happy Water if I can't burp?

After the sixth grade, the little wizards who were originally controlled by Zongsi and their parents were finally liberated. As adults, they no longer needed to suppress their desire to use magic, but applied magic to their lives.

In Fred's words, if something can't be solved with a magic spell, it's definitely because their brains are not big enough.

It sounds a bit like the Night Summoning Organization. It is a very interesting organization. Maybe no one in the world understands how to use the Summoning Spell.

But their path went astray. Although most wizards from the Rotten Kingdom were against getting close to Muggles, at least they would not do such a thing as directly summoning gold coins from Gringotts. In any case, this kind of thing is undoubtedly the same as stealing. .

In order to appease the goblins, the Ministry of Magic has long ago given these guys the right to mint gold coins and store wizard treasures. They don't think it is weird at all to give their economic lifeline to other intelligent races without supervision. They even felt that nothing would happen if they handed the treasure to the goblins for safekeeping.

It’s simply unimaginable what would happen if one day these goblins were caught stealing. After all, the Goblin King had long ago shouted that “things made by goblins belong to goblins.” And isn’t this thing like Jin Gallon? Did the goblins do it themselves?

But that kind of thing needs to be a headache for the officials of the Ministry of Magic. Robert and the others are still enjoying their rare vacation.

"I heard that the school is going to make big news next semester." Fred whispered, "But I didn't ask anything from dad. Are you interested in giving it a try?"

Robert said "Ah" and then said, "I really know this. After all, I still have some information channels."

George was very interested, "A house elf again?"

"No, it's really not a house elf this time." Robert shook his head, "It's the school director."

"School director?" The twins looked at each other in surprise.

"How should I put it? Because Principal Dumbledore fell into a coma, Professor McGonagall is now the acting principal of Hogwarts, and the school director is assisting in handling things." Robert explained, "But I don't know which official from the Ministry of Magic suddenly As soon as my brain twitched, I ran to Hogwarts and told them that everyone is responsible for defeating Voldemort."

The twins' expressions were a bit subtle.

"This is nonsense, isn't it?" Robert couldn't help complaining, "Anyway, I didn't see those Ministry of Magic employees doing something that everyone was responsible for. You have to know that during the Four-wizard Tournament, those arrogant people Luo is totally taking advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune."

The twins looked at each other.

"Well... although I think it's really strange for the Ministry of Magic to say something like this, but..." Fred said with a very pained expression, "What he said seems to be right, right?"

George also echoed with a very bad expression, "If the Ministry of Magic really said that, then there is no way Hogwarts can disobey them, right?"

"Yeah, who could let someone say something so conclusive, righteous, and upright?" Robert couldn't help rolling his eyes, "It's like saying, 'If Hogwarts doesn't agree to our request, It's like openly supporting Voldemort."

"Aha." Fred sneered, "Then what exactly did they ask for?"

Robert uttered the request that had vexed the directors for countless days.

The twins both opened their eyes wide, completely unable to believe what their ears were hearing.

"Oh ho." Fred could only sigh with emotion, "They are really, should I say they are thick-skinned or... afraid of death?"

George shook his head, "Sure enough, you are still timid and afraid of death. You always want to reap the benefits for yourself and let others bear the consequences, right?"

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