"Um, okay, Mr. Bathory." Harry asked without any intention of opening the fence. "My aunt and uncle are not at home today. As a temporary resident, I don't think I can open it directly." Welcome someone you’ve just known for less than three minutes at your door.”

Mr. Bathory was very surprised, "Isn't this very simple? Just use the unlocking spell to open the door. Don't worry, if they come back suddenly, I will use the forgetting spell to erase their memory of me."

Harry's vigilance against him has been raised to an unimaginable height, with such a casual attitude towards Muggles! There is indeed something wrong with him!

Seeing Harry's eyes become distant and wary, Mr. Bathory was a little confused. He said with some humor, "Okay Mr. Potter, I heard that your relatives are not kind to you, right? Occasionally. What’s the point of causing them some trouble?”

"This has nothing to do with you." Harry shook his head, "Besides, I think that since you are staying in someone else's house, you should abide by their rules."

Mr. Bathory had a strange expression, "Mr. Potter, I have to remind you that you are a wizard, how can you care about the opinions of Muggles? This is a very incorrect idea. In terms of wizards' methods, you should enslave Let them know how powerful wizards are, so that they have to treat you with caution."

Harry looked at this guy with a strange expression, wondering if he was a little out of his mind.

How I treat the Weasley family seems to be my own business. Although I am very dissatisfied with them, no matter what, they are my relatives and my last relatives.

Besides, they seem to have had the idea of ​​​​improving their relationship with me in the past two years. Why should I give up the opportunity to reconcile with my relatives for a pure bloodist?

"In short, it just won't work." Harry said, "If you have nothing to do, you can leave, otherwise I will use the wand."

Mr. Bathory waved his hand quickly, "No, no, no, you are an underage wizard. If you use a wand outside of school, you will definitely be sent a warning letter by the Ministry of Magic!"

"That shouldn't be a problem." Harry shrugged, "I heard that many people will receive this, and someone told me that students from pure-blood families have a competition based on how many warning letters they get in one summer vacation."

Mr. Bathory opened his mouth and said, "Um, well, even if there are no accidents, you will be fined..."

"Oh, that doesn't matter anymore." Harry explained, "I am the runner-up in the Four Wizard Tournament. I have a contract with Madam Malkin's Fashion Store. I am not short of money recently."

Mr. Bathory closed his mouth, not knowing what to say next.

He suddenly realized that although the savior in front of him was young, he was not that easy to fool.

Who taught him to be so vigilant?

Bathory cursed in his heart, wouldn't it be good to just let him grow up into a stupid Baitian who doesn't know anything?

It's just adding to my workload.

Harry watched in confusion as the guy in front of him kept changing his expression. His hand had already touched the wand on the back of his jeans. If the other person made any move, he would use the spell without hesitation.

After all, in front of such a person with problematic outlook on life, he is very likely to cast a Soul Imperius Curse on you and control you to do some bad things.

"What's the matter with you? If there's nothing else, I'm going back. My aunt and the others will be back soon."

Fortunately, Mr. Bathory regained his senses and smiled reluctantly, "This...well, although I think we should sit down, drink a cup of black tea, and talk about this slowly. By the way, there is a kind of peach now." Oolong tea is also great, you can try it, my daughter likes this tea very much.”

Harry nodded expressionlessly, "Really, thank you very much, I will try it."

But I was thinking in my heart, that is the tea that girls like, why did you ask me to try it.

His favorability towards this wizard has almost fallen below freezing point.

"Okay." Mr. Bathory sighed regretfully, "Then next time, I hope you will invite me into this beautiful courtyard next time to enjoy a pot of fine black tea."

Harry rolled his eyes, I don't want to see you again!

Mr. Bathory muttered a few more words before getting to the point, "That's it. My friends and I all hope that you can participate in overseas exchange and study activities after returning to school, and set the exchange partner in Neon .”

Harry looked at him with confusion, not quite understanding what the other person was talking about.

"What are you talking about?" Harry was confused, "Abroad exchange and study, what neon? Although all the magicians went to school with us last year, haven't they gone back this year?"

"Ah, yes, they have gone back. Not only them, we are very well prepared for this exchange and learning activity. 28 countries have signed exchange agreements with us." Mr. Bathory continued to talk, Harry's eyes were filled with stars, and he had no idea what he was talking about.

"...In short, this opportunity is very rare, you must not miss it." Mr. Bathory concluded.

Harry finally came back to his senses from the fly-like narration, and he subconsciously asked, "Why do we need to go on exchanges and studies! Besides, shouldn't senior students be asked to do this kind of thing? I'm just a fifth grader. Ah, I’m going to participate again this year.”

"Oh, that exam doesn't matter." Mr. Bathory shrugged, "As long as you are willing to go abroad, we can help you pass the exam with all O's, and the minimum will be all E's."

Harry's heart was moved for a moment. It was all O's. Even if it was all E's, there were not many in the school, let alone all O's.

But then, he stopped thinking about it.

"What you said is very tempting." Harry nodded, then shook his head, "But please forgive me for refusing."

"Why?" Mr. Bathory asked doubtfully, "Isn't it bad to get all O's?"

Harry shook his head, "All O's are indeed very good, and many people will envy me, but if I got it through unfair means, wouldn't I be very sorry for those who got all O's through their own efforts?"

Mr. Bathory laughed out loud, "With your own efforts? Don't be ridiculous, that kind of thing can't find you a job. The world still values ​​blood. Only pure blood can have a job, and only pure blood can become a magician." For employees of the ministry, this kind of thing is open to the public, but few people come forward to talk about it."

Harry didn't want to talk to him any more. Their views were at odds with each other. Harry felt that if he continued to listen to him, he would probably start a fight with him!

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