Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 85 How to peek at the game

The Magic Snowball Contest takes place the week before Christmas.

The first-year students participating in the competition looked very excited. They rarely used magic except in class, but this could not suppress their eager hearts. They could not wait to show everyone their learning results. !


"Robert, have you forgotten? Last semester, you were prohibited from approaching the competition venue by Professor McGonagall... If you are discovered, you may be deducted points..." Mr. Honey Badger said cautiously, "So, we really can't Take you with me..."

Summers licked the cream at the corner of his mouth, looked around, moved closer to the two of them, and said awkwardly, "Actually, we can secretly..."

"Huh?" Mr. Honey Badger blinked.

Robert gaped at the giant doll in front of him.

It was a common white rabbit with two big eyes that were blinking. If you were careful, you could hide two people inside.

"Merlin, Summers, how did you get such a thing to school..." Robert admired his roommate's imagination so much that he actually got a giant celebration doll!

He even brought it into school!

Summers gnawed on the chocolate frog and giggled, "Because I don't know what to put in the bag you gave me, and I finally thought of Christmas..."

Robert looked confused. Shouldn't there be a Santa Claus or reindeer for Christmas?

What the hell is a rabbit?

"Okay, although something feels wrong, should we squeeze in together?" Robert asked doubtfully.

Summers' eyes widened and he said matter-of-factly, "Of course you got in by yourself?!"

Robert was shocked, "Hey, in that case, wouldn't Professor McGonagall be able to tell at a glance that this rabbit is me?"

Summers' eyes widened, "But, you have a hood?"

"..." Robert had MMP in his chest and had nowhere to vent it.

"Summers..." Robert patted his shoulder and said earnestly, "You must not participate in a promising career like robbing Gringotts."

Summers didn't understand.

After pinching his chin, Robert thought about it. In fact, it should be okay to go and watch the game by himself. After all, it was not written into the rules, and...

Who says you have to watch the game live?

"I didn't expect you, President, to be interested in the Ravenclaw common room." Penello stood in front of a door. It was called a door, but it was actually just an old wooden board with an eagle on it. shaped bronze door knocker.

The door was open at this time, and Penello led the person in with some complaints, "You came at the right time, Robert. Today's topic made me almost unable to enter the dormitory."

She paused and then said, "Actually, before you came, I helped a bunch of poor freshmen get in."

"...As expected of a college that always has bedding and pillows. Do you need sleeping bags? I can sell some." Robert asked helplessly.

"Um..." Penello twitched the corner of his mouth before saying awkwardly, "They should like it..."

The Ravenclaw common room is a large round room with two floors. In fact, many important rooms in Hogwarts are round, including the Headmaster's Office.

The first impression of the room is ethereal, with elegant arched windows on the wall open, blue and bronze silk curtains hanging from the windows, and the mountains covered by clouds outside the windows.

Looking up, the dome filled with stars makes people feel insignificant. The carpet was dark blue with a silver star map.

Blue and bronze tables and chairs were scattered around the room, bookshelves lined the walls, and a tall white marble statue stood in an alcove opposite the door.

"This is the statue of Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw, the founder of Ravenclaw." Penello explained in a low voice.

"Hey, Penello, who is he? Is he your little boyfriend?" A slightly teasing voice sounded.

Robert turned around and looked. It was an older girl. She was wearing a deep V gradient blue silk skirt. She had an amazing figure. She was standing on the stairs with a smile and greeted the two of them.

"My dear, don't say that." Penello winked at her, and then he smiled, "This is Robert. By the way, my dear, aren't you going to go back and put on a coat?"

The witch gave Penello a charming eye roll, "So, this is another Robert? Haha, I really should introduce Hilliard to you, you will definitely get along well."

After saying that, she twisted her waist and went upstairs.

Robert's eyes twitched when he saw it. Fortunately, my uncle had been well-informed in his previous life, otherwise he would have been really embarrassed.

Why? Why is my nose itchy?

Quickly covering his nose with his hands, Robert tried hard not to think about that beautiful senior sister.


"You and her..." Robert's eyes were strange, always feeling that Percy's first love might end like this?

Penello laughed, "That's Holly! We all call her honey!"

Robert stared at Penello helplessly, "Senior, don't be scary!"

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Penello smiled and pointed to the door next to the statue, "That's the entrance to the dormitory. Don't enter the women's dormitory! Otherwise, you will definitely be thrown out."

Robert shrugged, "Ah, I understand this. Girls can enter the men's dormitory, but boys cannot enter the women's dormitory."

"Yes." Penello nodded, "As for the place with a wide view you mentioned."

She raised the palm of her right hand upward, "You can look for it near the bookshelf above."

Robert thanked him and climbed up the spiral staircase next to him.

It was said that Ravenclaw had a library. Robert thought it was just a rumor at first, but when he climbed the stairs, he realized that it was true!

Like a small library, dozens of three-meter-high bookshelves stand on the entire second floor. Some Ravenclaws sit among the bookshelves, looking for information and writing homework.

Seeing Robert coming up and wearing the yellow and black scarf that symbolized Hufflepuff, several people couldn't help but frown.

"Hey, Badger Yard!" A Ravenclaw wearing glasses and with a serious face spoke up, "This is not the place you should be."

Robert looked at him in surprise and said hello, "Good afternoon, seniors."

The Ravenclaw pursed his lips and said in a bad tone, "Students from other colleges are not welcome in the Ravenclaw library!"

Robert blinked and did not answer his words. Instead, he looked at his blue badge with interest and asked a seemingly irrelevant question, "You are the one who thinks that Ms. Bridget Wenlock is a senior Ravenclaw." Prefect?"

The other party's expression changed greatly, and he immediately took out his wand and said fiercely, "I think you need a lesson to understand how to speak to your seniors!"

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