Journey To the World of Film and Television

Chapter 165 Obviously We Met Me First

Lightning flickered and flames churned.

Roof beams struck by lightning snapped and broken tiles flew.

When the guards around reacted, the house was already on fire, and the fat eunuch and the young eunuch had been smashed into charcoal by lightning, and the cause of death was completely unknown.

Because he promised Zhou Ji, Gao Yao never told others about the Lei Wen in his palm, not even Yi Xiaochuan.

And Yi Xiaochuan himself never imagined that there are still people in the world who would do such an 'unscientific' thing.

The bloody piece of blood constantly irritating his eyes, and eating only egg yolk for seven consecutive days, Yi Xiaochuan has already fallen into a state of dehydration, coupled with the heavy injuries suffered below.

When the imperial army poured into the room, Yi Xiaochuan couldn't hold on any longer, and fell into a coma.

Dream, this is just a dream. After waking up from the dream, I have already returned to modern times.

You can club and pick up girls like before.

Lily, Annie, and Jessica are still waiting for me~~

By the way, there is also that tigress Gao Lan.

Gao Lan

Since returning to the Qin Dynasty, this is the first time Yi Xiaochuan thinks of Gao Lan. In his dream, he returns to the nightclub to sing and dance, and Gao Lan walks towards him holding the hydraulic shears from the auto repair shop, which not only scares him away. The girl who came over cut him under him with a smirk on her face.

"Don't~! Don't!! Gao Lan, don't!!!"

The severe pain came from far to near, Yi Xiaochuan woke up suddenly, the extremely real severe pain came from below, Yi Xiaochuan had no time to pay attention to where he was, when he woke up, his first reaction was to open his pants, check below myself.

However, every time the cloth that had been stuck to the skin by blood stains was removed, the wound would be pulled, and there was an extremely painful feedback, until it was completely pulled away, and a naked gun was seen underneath, and then it collapsed on the ground with a face ashen ashes. land.

"Are you awake? If you are awake, don't lie down and pretend to be dead! Put on your clothes quickly and follow me to see the Master Manager."

Noticing the movement in the room, a person walked in and said in a sharp voice, "My lord still wants to ask you a question."

Yi Xiaochuan looked at the beam above his head expressionlessly, and when he heard someone talking, his head remained motionless, only his eyes swayed slightly to the side, and he saw that the other party's attire was similar to the fat eunuch he saw a few days ago, and the resentment that had been extinguished Tenten rose again, his eyes were dim, and his tone was hoarse and cold.

"Asked me what?"

"Hey~ Look at what you said, of course I was asking you about the fire in the cleansing room the day before yesterday!" The little eunuch pinched his waist and pointed to Yi Xiaochuan and said, "There was a sudden thunderstorm the day before yesterday, and the prince and the accompanying eunuchs were struck by lightning. Die, you are the only one alive in the house, don’t ask who you ask.”

Yi Xiaochuan said coldly, "Don't you know everything? Ask if you know?"

"You dog slave, you have already entered the palace, and you still treat yourself as a master? Let me teach you what the rules are today!" The little eunuch stepped forward and was about to slap Yi Xiaochuan. Being grabbed by Yi Xiaochuan's wrist, his veins bulged, and the pain made the little eunuch cry for his father and mother.

That little eunuch is not a light-hearted lamp, the palace talks about a bully who is afraid of the tough, he is an old man anyway, if he is bullied by a newcomer, then he will definitely have a hard time in the future.

As the saying goes, if the old master was beaten to death with random punches, the little eunuch couldn't pull back the wrist that was held by Yi Xiaochuan, so he took advantage of his inconvenient movement on the bed, punched and kicked him, and even greeted below from time to time.

After a while, the door opened, and the little eunuch walked out of the room arrogantly, leaving only Yi Xiaochuan curled up on the bed feeling the pain that he had never felt before.

This is the Qin Dynasty, not an outing, nor an innocuous game, but a real world more than two thousand years ago. In addition to the brotherly loyalty, happy grievances and enmity he experienced before, there is also the sunshine. To the darkness, and now, he is in this darkness.

This time, Yi Xiaochuan faced up to this era, and the price he paid for this face-up was something he was unwilling to bear.

A few days later, the little eunuch came to bully Yi Xiaochuan almost every day, but as Yi Xiaochuan gradually recovered, the little eunuch slipped away quietly and found someone to take over his errand.

And Yi Xiaochuan had already met the manager he was talking about.

That night suddenly cloudy, seven or eight thunderbolts struck near the cleansing room, several houses burned down, only Yi Xiaochuan was left alive.

The ancients never dared to judge celestial phenomena arbitrarily, and the general manager's inquiry was just a routine, and he didn't ask anything from Yi Xiaochuan's mouth, instead he told what he knew.

The broken rope and the sudden thunder that night felt weird no matter how you looked at it.

But in any case, it can be regarded as covering up the traces of murder for him.

Yi Xiaochuan did not report the anomalies he discovered to the manager, and he could not explain some things clearly, and he could not say them out.

In the past few days, every time he recalled the feeling of the short knife being inserted into the fat eunuch's throat, Yi Xiaochuan couldn't help showing a painful and bewildered expression.

He didn't actually want to kill someone. Really didn't want to.

If the person who encountered this kind of thing today was Gao Yao, he would definitely persuade Gao Yao to be more generous.

As long as Gao wants to take revenge on these people, he will definitely stop them with all his strength, and even help them escape.

The reason is: there is no so-called empathy in the world at all. In the original drama, how could Yi Xiaochuan, who had a smooth journey, see Gao Yao's inner pain?

It's like the person who sees someone stab you and tells you to be generous.

You should stay away from this kind of person, because when you are struck by lightning, it is easy to implicate you.

Ka~ You were stabbed, and the blood hasn't been wiped off yet, so he came over to persuade you to be more generous.

Ka~ You were stabbed again, the blood has not been wiped clean yet, and he came here again to persuade you to be magnanimous.

(Are you dead or not!)

But now the person being purified is Yi Xiaochuan himself. If others are killed, he can of course persuade others to be magnanimous without pain; the pain in his body from time to time reminds him, "You are no longer a complete man, you are a man." Eunuch, a crippled waste', who has the qualifications to persuade him to be magnanimous?

Overwhelmed, at a loss.

Yi Xiaochuan felt that layers of haze were gradually covering his heart.

After recovering from his injuries, Yi Xiaochuan managed to sneak into the kitchen. Since he was quite skilled, although no one dared to bully him, there was a faint tendency to isolate him.

Yi Xiaochuan himself didn't take it seriously, he didn't know how to cook, and at first he lied that he was a cook just to escape the official slavery, but now in the kitchen, no one asked him to cook, so he was free Many, in short, can be regarded as fulfilled.

On Zhou Ji's side, as the foundation was solidified, a three-story building rose on the ground beside the Xianyang market, attracting countless children to watch and play every day.

At first, Gao Yao wanted to drive them away, but Zhou Ji brought some candies and preserves to Gao Yao, asking him to use these children to make up some nursery rhymes to help their restaurant publicize.

Gao Yao scratched his head and thought for a long time, but he did not know where to get a rescuer to help him figure out a solution. He was said to be an old man who was drunk all day long.

Zhou Ji's eyes lit up, and then he hesitated a bit. If his guess was right, the drunk should be Cui Wenzi from the original drama.

There were so many doubts about this person, Zhou Ji even guessed that he was related to the one on Tangwu Mountain.

The elixir of life in this world is not very attractive to Zhou Ji, what he is more interested in is actually the extraterrestrial meteorite.

The whole body spar has a strange magnetic field and contains some kind of strange energy.

The play did not explain the origin of the sky star and when it fell, but Zhou Jiyin felt that this thing was somewhat familiar, as if he had seen a similar existence in some work.

Zhou Ji didn't intend to see Cui Wenzi, and Cui Wenzi seemed to avoid him on purpose.

One day, he left the Liuli shop organized by Lu Zhi and Su Su, and was about to go to the restaurant to see the progress of the construction, when he saw a familiar figure walking towards the restaurant following the guidance of the child from a distance.

Walking from the west of the city to the east of the city, Yi Xiaochuan looked at the construction site in full swing, grabbed a small worker and asked, "Excuse me, is this the number one building in the world?"

Being questioned suddenly, Xiaogong was a little nervous, wiped the dust off his face, and said in a panic, "Master, who are you looking for?"

"Elder-in-law." Yi Xiaochuan's eyes suddenly turned cold, even though he knew that the other party was stuttering because of panic, but when he heard these two words, his heart still couldn't stop throbbing, and he forced a smile and said, "Gao Yao is here not here?"

"Treasurer Gao? Shopkeeper Gao should be training the cooks in the kitchen right now?" Xiao Gong pointed to a row of temporary huts not far away, swallowing his saliva as if he had already smelled something.

"Treasurer Gao" Yi Xiaochuan murmured, glanced at Xiaogong's fingers, nodded slightly to thank him, and then walked all the way to the temporary kitchen. The high self-confidence must come out of it.

Yi Xiaochuan has never seen such a high-ranking person before. In the past, he had a flattering smile on his face all the year round, timid and fearful, and greedy for cheap things. But now, although his clothes are not luxurious, he has the kind of inner-outer The calmness revealed is a transformation for the better.

The joy and expectation that came from hearing the nursery rhymes at the market and asking all the way disappeared, replaced by a kind of inexplicable fear.

Suddenly, Yi Xiaochuan regretted his impulsiveness, so he turned around abruptly, and walked away quickly with his head down as if he was afraid of being discovered by Gao Yao.

As a result, before he took two steps, he heard another familiar voice coming from the front.

"Xiao Chuan? It's really you~ Xiao Chuan!"

Gao Yao didn't notice Yi Xiaochuan's figure at first, until he heard Zhou Ji's voice, he looked at Yi Xiaochuan not far away with a surprised expression, a little unbelievable, but also a little inexplicably distressed.

I haven't seen Yi Xiaochuan for more than a month, and I don't know where Yi Xiaochuan went with Han Gaozu. He is wearing a gray-brown close-fitting robe and looks a little thin. It was an indescribable haze, as if the whole person was shrouded in a layer of haze.


"Old Gao, Old Zhou"

There was Zhou Ji and Gao Yao later, Yi Xiaochuan had nowhere to hide, so he had no choice but to turn around with a smile and wave his hand, "Long time no see."

"Xiaochuan~! Where have you been running these days!" Gao Yao stepped forward to hug Yi Xiaochuan, pushed him away, and lightly punched Yi Xiaochuan on the shoulder, "No, I will definitely punish you later Two cups no, three cups."

The kitchen is next to it, Gao Yao instructed the cook under him to make some side dishes, the three of them sat at the long table, Gao Yao squeezed beside Yi Xiaochuan, and complained a little: "That day we drank in the room, when I woke up At that time, I found myself running on the street, and when I got back to the small courtyard, I realized that you had already run away behind my back. Do you know how angry I am? When I went to Han Gaozu, he didn't take me to play?"

Zhou Ji was sipping fruit wine, and did not follow Gao Yao to scold Yi Xiaochuan, nor did he intend to comment on it. After all, he was also an accomplice in sending Yi Xiaochuan to be an official slave.

Feeling bitter in his heart, Yi Xiaochuan took the wine cup handed over by Gao Yao, drank a full glass, then lifted the jug and poured another glass, and drank it all.

"Hey~ Don't drink so hard, eat some food first to fill your stomach." Seeing Yi Xiaochuan wanted to drink more, Gao Yao hurriedly stopped him, picked up a few dishes for Yi Xiaochuan with his chopsticks, and introduced, " Come and taste our cook's skills, and tell you, this fish-flavored shredded pork has 70% of my strength, so try it quickly."

Yi Xiaochuan reluctantly ate a little, and said with a forced smile, "Treasurer Gao is a famous teacher, and the taste is almost the same as cooking by yourself."

"Oh, what shopkeeper, it's just a chef, a chef." Gao Yao glanced at Zhou Ji with some embarrassment, and quickly explained, "I can play with my two big spoons, where is the material for a shopkeeper? Lao Zhou invited me twice, but I was afraid of delaying Lao Zhou's business, so I refused."

Speaking of it, Gao Yao himself regretted it a little. The reason why he rejected Zhou Ji at the beginning was indeed because of his lack of ability, and he was a little apprehensive about unknown things like the 'big treasurer'.

When he put all his energy into the restaurant and witnessed it being built day by day, the desire in Gao Yao's heart began to grow gradually, but he had already rejected Zhou Ji twice, and he was really ashamed to ask to be the shopkeeper.

As if seeing Gao Yao's thoughts, Zhou Ji glanced over Yi Xiaochuan and landed on Gao Yao, "Old Gao, you are too modest, you have worked so hard these days and I, Susu Susu, have seen it all." , The restaurant can be built, and half of the credit is due to you."

An embarrassed smile appeared on Gao Yao's face. Yi Xiaochuan glanced at Zhou Ji and then at Gao Yao. Obviously, he and Gao Yao knew each other first, and they had a relationship like Gao Lan. Why did they suddenly feel that there was a relationship between them? chasm.

He is obviously sitting beside him, but it seems like he is separated by the Milky Way.

Zhou Ji didn't care about Yi Xiaochuan's worries about gains and losses, or he was just waiting for this opportunity.

"Old Gao, have you heard the allusion of Liu Xuande's three visits to the thatched cottage to ask Zhuge Liang? Now that I've reached this point, I'll invite you again. I hope you can be the shopkeeper of the No. 1 Building in the World. In front of Xiao Chuan, can you I can't refuse anymore~"

Thanks for the reward of 100 coins from 'Yao You Photogenic'

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