Recalling Tuan's "village girl" who was teased a few days ago, Yi Xiaochuan shook his head suddenly.

There are obviously only fairies here, so what kind of village girl is there.

A flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, Yi Xiaochuan stabilized his mind, pretending not to know, "Don't be afraid, I am a guard who was ordered to come to change the guard, not a bad person."

As he spoke, he showed a curious expression, and said kindly: "Little maid, why are you alone here? Where are the others?"

Little maid? Guard?

Yu Shu frowned slightly, she had just transferred the guards from the side hall, how could someone change the guard.

"Changing guards? Then why have I never seen you?"

Yi Xiaochuan was wearing armor, and most of his cheeks were covered by the helmet. Yu Shu looked him up and down. Although he couldn't see the whole face of the other party, he didn't detect any malice in the deep and dark eyes of the other party.

"There are as many as ten thousand guards in the palace. It's normal if you haven't seen them before." Yi Xiaochuan heard that the other party's tone was still suspicious, but not too hostile, so he smiled, "It seems that you just arrived in Xianyang with Yumei, and I I haven't seen you before~"

The words are light, and the words are empty.

Yu Shu glanced left and right, the side hall was empty, and he couldn't help feeling a bit of regret in his heart, if he had just left three or two guards, he would definitely not let such a man of unknown origin get in this kind of place.

Seeing Yushu's sudden silence, Yi Xiaochuan thought that the other party believed his words, so he walked along the corridor towards the floating platform in the pool, and Yushu subconsciously took a few steps back when he saw Yi Xiaochuan walking towards her. He shouted, but because he didn't check his feet, he tripped over the railing of the pool and leaned back with a cry.

If Yi Xiaochuan possessed lightness kung fu, he could cross the pool and grab Yushu's waist, or jump ten feet into the air, directly across the floating platform, and pull Yushu up before she fell into the pool. Rotate 720 degrees in slow motion.

It's a pity he can't do anything.

He had no choice but to jump into the pool and rush towards the direction where Yu Shu fell into the water.

The promenade is more than ten meters away from the floating platform, and Yushu is only a few feet away from the floating platform.

Before he was halfway through the jump, he saw Yu Shu rubbing his arms, standing up from the waist-deep pool, and climbing back to the floating platform.

Yi Xiaochuan looked at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, his body sank naturally, and he stepped on the bottom of the pool with both feet and stood up.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the microwave is rippling.

The cold moonlight fell on the side hall in a corner of the palace. Yushu turned slightly sideways and stood on the floating platform in the pool, with one hand covering his chest and the other hand leaning on the stone pillar, looking down at Yi Xiaochuan in the water.

Yi Xiaochuan stood there stupidly, raised his eyes to look at Yushu whose clothes were all wet, his heart seemed to be stabbed by something, and stared at Yushu in a daze, as if even time stood still at this moment.

"Who? What's the matter?"

"Jade beauty, are you alright?"

After all, Yumei had just entered the palace not long ago, and the guards and maids did not dare to leave for too long. Hearing the movement from the front of the side hall, a group of guards rushed over from nearby, and saw the scene in front of the hall at a glance.

"It's nothing, I dropped something in the pool, so please help me find it." Yu Shu looked at Yi Xiaochuan and said seriously, "Forget it, it's not something important, if you can't find it, you won't find it. Trouble this big brother guard, you can go back first."

Just like a husky that sneaked into a pack of wolves, Yi Xiaochuan, a fake guard, was besieged by a group of real guards in a pool. He thought he would be hacked to death on the spot, but he didn't want the other party to deliberately conceal his identity for him.

Yi Xiaochuan glanced at Yushu in surprise, his eyes met, and there was a hint of threat in those eyes that were as cold as the bright moon tonight.

Yi Xiaochuan could see that Yushu must have discovered his identity, and also saw through his previous pretending to be stupid. If Yushu had fallen into the water just now, and he hadn't jumped into the water without hesitation to save him, the other party would have come in after the guards. At the moment, he directly called out his identity.

The sentence of covering for him is actually an acknowledgment of his favor, even if he didn't really save the other party.

Wearing a helmet, Yi Xiaochuan walked between the high walls of the deep palace, shaking his head and chuckling, "She is really a kind and intelligent woman."

Returning to the Household Registration Hall, Yi Xiaochuan suddenly remembered about Ye Mingzhu, and couldn't help showing annoyance, seeing Yushu's face today, if he wants to sneak into the Yumeiren Hall in the future, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult.

The candle was flickering, Yi Xiaochuan looked at the flames swinging back and forth, and was also hesitating in his heart whether to let Zhou Ji help. With Zhou Ji's mysterious lightness skills, coupled with his ingenuity, he stole it from Yushu. Ye Mingzhu should be fine.

After extinguishing the candle, Yi Xiaochuan lay down on his back, dispelling this unrealistic idea.

He and Zhou Ji are not on the same side, and he really doesn't want to cooperate with this person unless it is absolutely necessary.

‘There are less than ten days left before the fifteen-day deadline. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I will find a way to go to the Jade Beauty Hall to see if I can find a chance to steal the Ye Mingzhu before it goes into storage. '

In the evening of the next day, Yi Xiaochuan changed into the guard costume again and walked towards the Hall of Jade Beauty.

Since Princess Yushu personally endorsed him yesterday, all the guards present had seen his appearance, so they went all the way without encountering any obstacles.

The side hall is not that big in the entire palace, but in the eyes of Yushu who came from a remote tribe, it is empty and somewhat uncomfortable.

Looking at the full moon outside the window that was similar to yesterday, Yu Shu sighed softly, but did not drive away all the guards and maids like yesterday, and let the guards beside him wander around in the courtyard.

When I looked up, I suddenly saw a familiar figure walking through the corridor swaggeringly.

Although he was stopped several times by the guards in the long corridor, they seemed to explain a few words each time, and the guards immediately let him go, allowing him to come to the floating platform in front of the hall.

"Why are you here?" Yu Shu frowned slightly, with a displeased look on his face, as if saying, let you go yesterday, don't push yourself further.

"Reporting to Yumeiren, my subordinates failed to help Yumeiren find the lost thing yesterday, and felt extremely ashamed. After returning home, I found a similar object in Yumeiren's words and wanted to present it to Yumeiren." Yi Xiaochuan looked up. Xiang Yushu looked a little pleadingly in his eyes.

Human nature has always been like this.

The essence of bullying the good and fearing the evil is to know that kindness can only be kind, and he cannot be angry or angry, let alone refuse, because he is kind, so some people will take an inch of kindness, take the kindness of others for granted, and bully and bully with peace of mind .

In modern times, Yi Xiaochuan used this trick to kill people everywhere in nightclubs, and found more than 20 girlfriends. Even Gao Lan couldn't stop him from asking for kindness.

It's a pity that Yushu is different from all the women he has met. Yushu has her own bottom line. At least at this stage, she only cares about the safety of the tribe.

Looking coldly at Yi Xiaochuan's eyes, Yushu could see the pleading in the other's eyes, and frowned: "There is no need for Jinxian, I have already retrieved that thing, please make another trip, please go back .”

"This..." Yi Xiaochuan showed hesitation, looked around at the maid next to him, and begged: "It's hard to leave the homeland, is Yumei really unwilling to take a look at it?"

Yu Shu's eyes were fixed, and he took a deep look at Yi Xiaochuan, then turned to look at the maid next to him, and said in a deep voice, "You guys go down first."

The maid looked at each other, although she felt that it was inappropriate for Yumei to be alone with the outsider as a beauty, but there were so many guards nearby staring at her, so it was not a big problem after all.

So he leaned over and said a sentence, and exited the floating platform.

The maid retreated, and Yu Shu said, "I don't know where you came from, but this is the Xianyang Palace. As long as I yell, the guards around will take you down in an instant."

"Don't worry, Yumei. Although my subordinates have requested something, they will not do anything rebellious." Yi Xiaochuan took out a long piece of bamboo from his sleeve, folded it in his palm and said, "Yumei The beauty came from Tu'an and traveled thousands of miles, but I don't know when I will return to my homeland. I don't know if you have missed your homeland and your relatives and friends along the way?"

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Yu Shu stepped in without knowing, with a slight frown on her eyebrows.

"I want to make a deal with Princess Yushu." Yi Xiaochuan said in a deep voice, "I have a treasure that I can take pictures of. In front of the princess, in order to comfort the princess' homesickness."

Ever since she was named Yumeiren by the Emperor of Qin, no one in the palace has ever called her Princess Yushu. Now hearing Yi Xiaochuan mention it again, Yushu couldn’t help feeling a little bit emotional, and didn’t even notice that Yi Xiaochuan’s self-proclaimed name was changed to “I ', not 'subordinate'.

"What is taking a picture and leaving a sound? What is an image?"

Yushu originally thought that Yi Xiaochuan was just talking nonsense, but after listening to him explain the meaning of the video, he demonstrated the specific effect for himself.

Yu Shu couldn't help but feel a little tempted.

Of course, she was not tempted by this guard who only had a relationship between two sides, but by what he said.

Yushu's love for Tu'an is unquestionable, otherwise he would not have given up his own happiness for the sake of the tribe.

The more you love, the more you can't let go.

Taking a deep look at Yi Xiaochuan's pretendingly calm expression, Yushu said in a deep voice, "Why don't you present such a treasure to His Majesty? Tell me so easily, are you not afraid that I will send someone to seize the treasure?"

"I'm the only one who can make this thing, and it's just a useless black brick in the hands of others." Yi Xiaochuan said with a complicated expression: "If I didn't really have something to ask for, I wouldn't expose this thing .”

Yu Shu frowned and said, "What do you want to exchange for this thing?"

Yi Xiaochuan shook his head and said seriously: "I have no intention of giving this item to the princess, what I trade is only the recorded content."

After a pause, Yi Xiaochuan explained: "It can be understood as a letter."

The letter Yu Shu nodded slightly, she had never heard of such a treasure before, presumably even His Majesty had never seen such a magical object, right?

"Then what do you want to exchange these letters for?" Yu Shu thought that there was nothing around him that could be exchanged for this thing, if it was just letters, there would be no problem.

Yi Xiaochuan said in a deep voice: "I want to exchange for the night pearl that the princess brought from Tu'an."

"Ye Mingzhu?" Yu Shu frowned slightly, and looked at Yi Xiaochuan suspiciously, "What do you want this thing for?"

Although the night pearl that accompanied her into the palace was somewhat rare, it was not unique in the world. If her father hadn't mobilized the whole family to claim that it was Tu'an's handed down treasure, and insisted on letting her bring it into Xianyang and hand it over to His Majesty, she would Not interested at all.

Yi Xiaochuan pursed his lips tightly and remained silent for a long time before saying two words: "Save people."

save people.

Yushu didn't ask the specific reason, but she could feel the weight of these two words from Yi Xiaochuan's annoyed and remorseful eyes.

"If this item is offered to His Majesty, it will belong to His Majesty. Although it is still in my possession, no matter what my position is, I cannot give it to you." Yu Shu hesitated for a moment, and said helplessly.

Seeing Yushu's intention to refuse, Yi Xiaochuan anxiously gestured: "You don't need all of it, just scrape off a layer of fine powder."

One should be cautious when living under the hedge of others, and Yu Shu would never do such a risky thing for Tuan's safety.

But seeing that Yi Xiaochuan asked her for Ye Mingzhu to save people, Yu Shu thought for a moment, shook his head, and said: "Well, when His Majesty returns, I will ask Your Majesty for Ye Mingzhu on the grounds of homesickness, even if Your Majesty does not Give this thing back, and I will try to keep it in the side hall as much as possible, and then I will help you smash the fine powder, how about it?"

Since the day when Yu Shu entered the palace, His Majesty followed Li Xiang out of the palace and went for a private visit.

This is considered an open secret in the palace, and it has been three days since he left, so he should come back after some time.

Yi Xiaochuan calculated the time in his mind, nodded slightly, and made an appointment with Yu Shu, planning to visit after His Majesty returned to the palace.

Just when Yi Xiaochuan was thinking about when Yingzheng would return, a slightly simple carriage entered the city gate on Chengdong Street, the shaft was stained with blood, and with a bloody smell that had not yet dissipated, it walked along the avenue toward the palace. door away.

Ying Zheng sat upright in the carriage, holding his sword in one hand, and there was still a bit of murderous intent in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that in the country of Great Qin, there would be bandits rampant under my nose! It's just too rampant!!"

"Your Majesty, calm down. Bandits and bandits come and go because the law is not clear, and the people have not been in awe. You only need to refine the law, restrain the world, make people know the law and fear the law, and then dare not break the law. something." Li Si smelled the blood in the carriage, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and felt a little relieved when he saw that Ying Zheng's anger had subsided a little.

Lifting the curtain of the car, looked ahead, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, it's really hard work to eat and sleep in the open air. I know that there is a restaurant in front of you. Not only the food is novel, but the drinks are also excellent. Your Majesty, why don't you have something to eat outside first?" Back to the palace?"

The anger on Ying Zheng's face faded, and he glanced out of the window lightly, making it impossible to see the emotional fluctuations: "The first floor in the world. What a big tone!"

After speaking, he looked at Li Si and said with a light smile, "I heard that Prime Minister Li would go to a restaurant in the east of the city every three days, so it should be this one, right?"

Li Si smiled sarcastically, and said embarrassedly: "You made His Majesty laugh at you."

"Only when people are good can they appear real."

You have personal interests, but I feel much more at ease.

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