But if I could see the future...

"Wei, the future head of the family, what brought you here today?"

Haruta Shigemen quickly placed the sharp blade he was preparing to use for a sneak attack behind his back, with a stiff smile on his face.

"No wonder I heard the chirping of magpies coming from the cave before I came out. It turns out it was you who arrived."

The direct person couldn't hold it back and laughed directly.

The master of the Chanyuan family did not dare to go underground without orders, so how could the people inside dare to come out?

Could it be that magpies dug holes and flew out of the ground?

I also heard the cry of magpies. This guy's flattery is quite blunt.

Haruta lowered his head, glanced at the annoying old man with his secret evil eyes, and then looked at the future cautiously, waiting for instructions.

After being imprisoned for several years, Haruta really didn't want to experience the consequences of offending the future.

Mirai's scarlet eyes glanced at Haruta briefly, and then stepped forward.


"Ah ho~ho~ho~"


Passing through a dim tunnel, the 'hole' in Haruta's mouth came into view.

The oval cave shape is half-hidden by the dim light from two huge wooden doors.

The Dhibi frowned as they listened to the strange noises coming from inside.

Follow the future into the cave, and the sight that pierces your eyes will make people's hair stand on end!

Hundreds of thousands of remains of cursed spirits ranging from level one to level four were hung upside down from the top of the cave by iron chains.

In addition to the head, heart and other core magic parts.

The densely packed bodies of the cursed spirits are all locked up by iron chains with magical power.

The body was covered with dense knife marks, varying in depth and criss-crossing.

The thick purple blood ‘tick-tick’ fell into the bath below the cursed spirit, which was extremely shocking!

The direct person frowned and looked at the hell-like scene, feeling uncomfortable for the curse spirit for the first time.

"Haruta, just continue and finish your work."

Future practiced showing a sincere smile and ordered softly.


"I'll go right away!!"

Seeing the raised corners of Mirai's mouth, Haruta Zhongmian raised the knife and charged forward with a horrified look on his face.

After almost falling down several times, Haruta patted his trembling legs and ran towards the cursed spirit with cold sweat.

Devil's smile! !

Haruta vaguely remembers when the devil smiled...

Usually they are choking his neck, crushing his leg bones, breaking his fingers, and popping his teeth...

Holding the tanned samurai sword in his hand, Haruta slashed the body of the cursed spirit without any delay.


The gushing purple blood, mixed with large pieces of minced meat, crashed into the bathhouse.

At this time, the direct people also understood the strange sound they heard at the door before.

It turned out to be the screams and cries of pain from these weak curse spirits.

The curse spirits encountered outside are violent and playful when they speak...

A roar filled with deep malice.

here it is...

Exclusively for cursed spirits, hell.

Chapter 30 Bathhouse, Ceremony


The slender branches like dead wood penetrated into the depths of the bathing place in front of them without any warning.


After a while,

The dark purple blood surface rippled, and a corpse pierced by twigs slowly rose into the air and was dragged in front of the three people.

In the future, he raised his eyes to look at the corpse in front of him, and a faint wave of spell power suddenly appeared in the void beside him.

The thin branches connected to the void instilled the magic power into the corpse, emitting a faint white light.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Under the disbelieving gazes of the direct neighbors, there were faint traces of beating in the heart of the corpse in front of them.

"Plop, plop!"

The heartbeat changed from weak to strong, and the bulging skin of the corpse was turning pale little by little.

The same white as Bai Zetsu.

"Are you awake?"

Future asked softly, a set of uniforms with red clouds and black robes floating in the shadows under his feet was placed in front of the corpse.

"I said Future Boy."

The corpse slowly stood up and showed an angry expression towards the future: "What the hell are you doing?!"

"I was getting ready to go to the theater, why did I suddenly faint?"

The naked Bai Jue picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on while saying: "Poor my No. 9527!"

"It took me a while to get used to it, but then I lost it to you."

After Bai Jue put on his clothes, he patted his head again: "By the way, what did you put on the sacred tree?"

"Why do I feel like my head is still a little dizzy now?"

After confirming that there was nothing serious about Wanbai, Mirai did not respond, and then used his Sharingan to check the surrounding wards for signs of invasion.

Bai Jue's behavior of not answering or even avoiding his gaze in the future was undoubtedly a sign of guilty conscience.

"Sure enough, it was your kid who did it!"

Bai Jue held his head and gritted his teeth.

His consciousness was still stuck in the time when he and Maki were bragging in the playground, and then saw the smoke and dust rising from the future high school residence.

Just as he was about to go watch the fun, a torrent of messy information flooded into his mind, and then his eyes went dark.

Future curled his lips and fell silent again.

The blame is on Gojo Satoru, that guy didn't give him any time to notify him.

In the realm of infinite space, he knew that Bai Jue was going to suffer when he transferred all the information to the sacred tree in the future.

After all, Bai Jue's magic power and soul depend on the Heretic Demon.

This is also the reason why Bai Jue can be so indulged in the future, because the control of the Heretic Golem is always in his hands.

This means that Bai Jue's life and death will always be a matter of a thought in the future.



Seeing that Future ignored him, Bai Jue turned his head and took stock of the environment in front of him.

"Hey, Brother Huangmao is busy!"

Haruta, who was chopping the cursed spirit with a silly smile, didn't stop. When he heard the sound, he turned around and smiled brightly.

"Boss Bai Jue, long time no see."

Haruta Shigemen was not surprised by the phenomenon happening in front of him. It was not the first time he had seen it anyway.

Turning his head to look at the stunned Naobi, Bai Jue frowned: "I mean old man!"

"Don't think I didn't notice, you started staring at me when I was naked!"

"Our land?"

"Sir, are you struck by my charming figure?"

Bai Jue stretched out his brand-new body and performed colorful bodybuilding movements towards Naobi one after another.

"Watch well and study hard."

"This is a trick I learned with great concentration from RbTV. It's enough for you, old man, to practice for several years."

The shock on Zhibiren's face disappeared, and the corners of his mouth twitched without answering.

The so-called ‘RbTV’ is Japan’s late-night premium channel.

Watching Bai Jue's fitness moves...

It seems that this strange curse is the result of watching action movies about human reproduction on TV.

"Okay, Bai Jue."

Future called out softly and asked, "How's it going over there on No. 1?"

"Have you been affected by this?"

Bai Jue retracted his funny movements, closed his eyes for a while and then shook his head.

"Don't worry, everything is fine."

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